I am Really an Insider

Chapter 630 627: Brother Wei did it too, it’s always fun to win (5.3K votes requested)

Drummond finished the game and still hadn't figured out how stupid the referee was.

Why is there such a big difference in size between the front and rear?

Wayne just smiled and said nothing. You are still young and lack social experience.

Which woman doesn't like to be praised?

You, Brother Wei, have a mouth full of honey. Isn’t this a matter of female referees?

Kobe Bryant: Yeah, Wayne is good at everything, but he has a big mouth.

For female referees, Wayne has a sweet mouth.

But to Wayne's opponents, Wayne's mouth is a disaster!

The joke is that the Trail Blazers are about to win 15 consecutive games, and I feel very embarrassed.

How could Wayne be so fierce without a superstar whistle? He scored 33 points in just over three quarters.

Is it okay to play the whole four quarters?

No way, not all stars need the blessing of a superstar whistle.

Of course Wayne knows that fouling is one of the most efficient offensive methods.

How did Ha Jishi average 36 points per game that year? If you're not shooting three-pointers, you're hitting the wall.

In a single season, he made 858 free throws, 1,028 three-pointers, and only made more than 800 field goals or layups.

In other words, every time Harden attacks, he is choosing the most efficient way to attack.

For players, this is understandable.

But for the fans, playing like this is really boring.

Wayne himself was a fan before, so he would not choose to play in this way.

You can ban the whistle as you like, but I will still win if I should win!

Forty minutes after Wayne came back to win against the Pistons, there was news that made Wayne even more happy than winning.

After Bodog came back, he fell to the ground due to his unstable center of gravity during a dunk and broke his hand!

At the time, I didn’t know whether Bodog was too excited to be back on the court or something else, but this time he dunked very hard.

So much so that he couldn't catch it when it was hanging on the basket, and he fell flat on his back.

Due to a conditioned reflex, Bodog subconsciously pushed his hand on the ground.

The result was that the hand hit the ground first, and then the entire arm was broken directly.

I must say, this scene is quite shocking.

Because Goute's arm was completely broken at the joint.

Just like the scene when George broke his leg, Wayne watched it once and never wanted to watch it again. It was really scary.

Moreover, it is difficult for Wayne to take pleasure in athletes being injured.

Even if his biggest rival, Lao Zhan, is injured, Wayne will feel uncomfortable.

But Wayne watched the scene of Dog's injury over and over again three or four times, and the more he watched it, the more he enjoyed it!

This is probably the difference between humans and dogs. No matter how human the dog is, it is still a dog.

After the last fight, Wayne originally regretted not giving Bodog the due punishment.

Now it’s better, you’re going to die if you do it yourself.

I can't beat you to death!

Wayne then forwarded the video of Bodog's injury on social media, and then wrote: "Sorry, I hope he is okay."

Isn't that a pity? This time my hand is broken and I will have to recover for a long time.

Wayne can't even do it himself on the court.

Seeing the news about Bodog's injury, Wayne felt a lot more relieved, and the unpleasantness of having his whistle controlled by a joke was diluted.

What else can be said?

May Bodog recover soon?


May all injuries in this league be borne by Bodog alone~

The next day, the whole world was talking about the Trail Blazers' 14-game winning streak.

One game away, just one game away, the Trail Blazers can tie Mosaic's record of 15 consecutive wins.

In the next game, the Trail Blazers' opponent, the Wizards, had basically given up resistance.

Because of Wall's injury, the Wizards' strength has been greatly reduced.

As it stands now, the Wizards have absolutely no way of stopping Wayne from continuing his winning streak.

Although in basketball games, the weak defeat the strong is nothing new.

But such an absolute gap cannot be filled by gritting one's teeth and persevering.

This is also true. The game on the 29th was basically uneventful.

The Wizards' starting inside line-up is Okafor + the Brazilian outside, and even this lineup is not enough to fill Wego's teeth.

Okafor looked at Wayne and couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking back then, his popularity in college still surpassed Wayne's.

On the court, the two played equally well.

But now, it is already heaven and earth.

The Wizards themselves are not strong, and they still lack Wall, so they are basically unable to play.


Now Bill is only in the first grade, and he can be killed without the turtles having to do anything.

Because the game was played very easily, Wayne pushed all the way up and took a big lead early, so the substitute players also got a lot of playing time today.

Among them, Finsen is the most active.

In the few games when Wei Ge was absent, his performance was very, very average due to strained muscles due to split dribbling.

Today was a good day. With the victory or defeat decided, Fensen no longer had any pain in his waist or legs, and he was able to do it again.

You really have the courage to fight in your spare time.

In the fourth quarter, the Wizards were already trailing by more than 20 points.

According to the unwritten rules of the NBA, when the game reaches this point, the winning side can basically stop.

If you continue to fight seriously, it will be a humiliation to others.

Therefore, when the Wizards players saw Finson being so active, they were very angry and got angry at that time.

So when Finsen made a breakthrough layup, Waiwai went straight up and pressed down like a mountain, directly suppressing Finsen.

But as luck would have it, Waiwai's shot was so unintentional that he covered the ball first and then hit Finsen.

Therefore, although Finson was hit badly and flew directly out of the baseline, the referee remained unmoved.

Finson also felt very innocent at the time, sitting on the ground and spreading his arms.

At this moment, Fensen suddenly remembered Wei Ge's last act.

So, he stood up and walked to the female referee.

"It's a foul. The ball just now should have been a foul. When I stepped on the horse, my lumbar disc was herniated!"

"Where's the foul? You hurry up and play!" the referee replied impatiently.

Seeing the referee's tough attitude, Finson laughed at that time.

Hey, woman, I still can’t subdue you?

"What's the foul? You're so cute~" Finson learned and applied it now. In order to achieve the best effect, he even learned the way Wayne blinked his eyes.

Woman, be impressed by my charm!

The referee looked at Finson and was stunned for a few seconds. But she didn't smile, her expression became even angrier.

"You bastard! Toot toot!"

The referee blew the whistle and gave Stephenson a technical foul!

"Huh? What's going on?" Wayne craned his neck to look at Finson in the other half. Why did he get a technical foul inexplicably?

Fensen was also stupid, it was wrong! This shouldn't be the result!

"Hey, didn't you hear clearly? I'm talking about how cute you are!" Stephenson also hurriedly caught up to defend him. Didn't he say that women love to be praised?

"You win! I'm warning you, if you harass me again, I'll slap you!"

The referee almost cried because of his anger. Who would have thought that such a bad thing would happen while calling a game in the NBA.

Stephenson froze in place, messy in the wind.

The same trick can be achieved by Brother Wei, but if I use it, I can just take the T?

Something is wrong!

Seeing Stephenson start to go crazy again, Carlisle also replaced him.

Finson sat back on the bench in distress, and everyone looked confused: "Why are you arguing with a woman? Besides, we have won, so there is no need to quarrel with the referee."

Finson was very innocent: "With all conscience, I really didn't quarrel with the referee."

"Then why did he give you a technical foul?"

"I didn't learn this from Brother Wei. I flirted with her. I thought I could be nicer to me next time. Who knew this would be the result."


Everyone couldn't hold back their laughter after hearing this. Junior brother, junior brother, please be more careful!

This is probably the first time in NBA history that someone got slapped for flirting with a referee.

"Then why are you laughing? Am I not awesome enough?"

"No, no, no, you are too stupid, hahahaha!" The Wolf King laughed like a husky. There really are such weak minds in this world, hahahaha!

Why are you so confused? You should at least look like me.

Old Wolf feels that sooner or later he will be laughed to death in the Trail Blazers.

After Finson came off the court, there was really no ball handler on the field.

Jiba is not very mature in holding the ball now. In order to prevent being overturned, Carlisle replaced Finsen a few minutes later.

At this time, the Wizards are still 2 points away from narrowing the point difference to less than 20.

Although they know that it is already difficult to win, they still hope that the score will be decent.

Therefore, this ball was intended to attack the basket and bully the Birdman with a broken wing.

Although Birdman's athletic ability has been reduced by half, he is still very active in playing basketball.

Seeing that the Brazilian wanted to eat him, he jumped up very roughly to complete the block.

But because the movement was too big, the Brazilian was knocked down completely.

The Brazilians got angry at that time. You are deliberately looking for trouble!

Because Birdman and Waiwai have never been teammates in the Nuggets in this history, and both of them have bad tempers, they started to push each other.

Waiwai is actually a very fiery person and has had many conflicts with others in the league.

It's just that there are no famous battles, so few people know about it.

Can Stephenson not join in the fun?

The moment the conflict occurred, he rushed over and tried to push the two away.

"Oh, Brother Bird, forget it, win even if you win, let them do it."

Well, some people use the excuse of starting a fight, but they actually want to make some weird remarks.

As he spoke, Finson opened his arms to separate the two.

He first pushed the birdman away, and then reached out to push Waiwai away.

But as soon as his hand touched it, Fensen found that it felt wrong.

Good guy, Wai Wai’s belly is so soft?

"Ah! What are you doing!?" At this time, Stephenson heard the referee scream.

Fensen turned around and realized that what he was pushing away with his other hand was not Wai Wai, but accidentally stretched out on the female referee's head!

Finson really didn't mean it, because he was looking at Birdman's side just now.

I didn’t expect the referee to come so quickly!

"This is really not intentional. Please listen to my explanation!"

Fensen quickly took his hand down and prepared to defend.

But now it’s hard to say anything, because Finson had a “criminal record” before, so the referee blew the whistle without hesitation and gave Finson another T!

To be honest, if Finson had not flirted with the referee before, the referee would have believed that he was innocent.

After all, it is a competitive sport, and physical contact between referees and players is inevitable.

Not to mention the referees, even the courtside photographers are in danger. I remember back then, when Rodman had a disagreement, he kicked out the dragon ball of the cameraman on the sidelines.

But because Finson has already acted with evil intentions before, it is no wonder that the referee became sensitive.

"Huh? That's not true, is it? Anderson just pushed and was given a technical foul?" Wayne was stunned again. The referee's decisions today have always been confusing.

As a result, after the referee made the penalty, both Birdman and Waiwai who had a head-on conflict were fine, but Stephenson, who had nothing to do with the incident, was sent off!

"Ah? What's going on?" Wayne really didn't understand, what is this!

At this time, the big screen at the scene also began to play what happened just now.

The criminal facts are clear and the evidence is indeed sufficient.

Junior brother was crying, do you believe me when I say I didn’t do it on purpose?

In this way, Stephenson became the first player in NBA history to be ejected for indecency with a referee.

Setting two records in one game is worthy of being the sixth leader of the Trail Blazers!

After Finson sat back on the bench, he covered his head with a towel.

I will never learn from Brother Wei again!

It's all a lie!

In the end, the Trail Blazers naturally won the game easily, tying the longest winning streak in NBA history!

However, people's attention was diverted by Finson eating two T's in a row.

Not long after the game, people also discovered a close-up shot of Finsen teasing the referee, and read the conversation between Finsen and the referee through lip reading.

Suddenly, the fans laughed dumbly.

So during a routine interview in the locker room after the game, a reporter asked Finsen: "Why did you think of teasing the referee? Do you think this will really bias the referee's decision in your favor?"

Fensen is so angry, can you please stop exposing my scars?

So, he answered to the camera: "What's impossible? Brother Wei has also done this kind of thing! It's just that he solved the problem with his handsomeness."

A good brother Wei also did it, and Nao Nai said that you should be careful what you say when you are young!

Later, when Wayne went to attend a press conference, Wayne realized something was wrong.

The reporters didn't seem to care about the 15-game winning streak at the beginning, but they all asked Wayne: "Wei, when did you start flirting with female referees?"

"Have you ever received a technical foul for teasing a female referee?"

Wayne:? ? ?

What kind of nonsense is this?

We have won 15 consecutive games at the beginning, and you only care about whether I flirted with the referee or not?


How did you know! ?

After the press conference that night, according to anonymous court staff, there were screams from the Trail Blazers locker room.

Wei Ge also did it and became a basketball meme that young fans loved to see after Shaq also did it.

Despite the laughter, it is a fact that the Trail Blazers tied the best starting winning streak in history.

And they only need to win one more game to break the record!

The joke became tense, and he realized that what he did was so powerless.

On December 1, the Trail Blazers beat the Celtics 96-78 at North Shore Garden.

The current Celtics, although Pierce is still in charge, are basically useless.

Because after Bynum was injured last season, not only did he not take good care of his health, he also went to Macau to bungee jump.

Then, as the season was about to start and the injury was almost healed, Bynum's injury worsened due to bowling.

Then, this season was canceled.

The level of stupidity is simply incredible.

Danny Ainge was both scheming and scheming against Wayne back then. One moment he was pushing for the bat clause to demolish Wei Pao, and the other moment he was too old to trade him for Shaq.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the clown turned out to be myself.

Now, Wayne is still the favorite to win the championship, and it seems that he has to wait and see.

Harde has also joined a team that is capable of competing for the championship and has the opportunity to continue to compete for the championship.

And what about Green Kai himself? Let alone the championship, we haven't won the Eastern Conference championship in these years.

At this time, with only the old Pierce left, whether he can play in the playoffs this season is a question.

In today's game, Lu Kai was beaten very badly.

PP tried their best, but only scored 12 points under the Trail Blazers' terrible defense.

Terry, who transferred to Green Kai, shouldered the offensive burden, but only scored 17 points.

As for others, such as Buss and Jeff Green, they do not have the ability to score stably.

This is the second decade of the 21st century, and Lu Kai cannot even score 80 points in a game. This shows that Lu Kai's offense is very stretched.

Simply pitiful.

After the game, Wayne and Hardy put their arms around each other and waved to the luxury box in the North Shore Garden.

They believed Angie was in one of the boxes, watching the two of them with their blood pressure soaring.

The Trail Blazers won the longest opening 16-game winning streak in NBA history in the Green Devil's territory!

Angie worked hard for a long time, but still couldn't stop Wayne from becoming great.

All Trail Blazers fans were excited. In Portland, people poured into the streets to celebrate that the record, which had been sealed for nearly 20 years, was broken by the Trail Blazers.

An Ji never imagined that one day, Hard and Wayne would actually collude and join forces to make him angry!

At that time, Anji felt a little dizzy, probably because her blood pressure was high.

So, don’t seek death, do your work appropriately.

Those who do these little things will be punished.

It’s not that I won’t report it, I’ll wait for Brother Wei to take care of it slowly!

Amid the curses from Boston fans, Wayne deliberately celebrated with his teammates.

You scold me, but you scold me.

Scold or not, you have to watch us celebrate.

I'm so mad at you!

In the league's lowest-quality away game, Wayne and his teammates completed a counterattack.

After the celebration, a reporter asked Wayne: "You have broken the longest winning streak in NBA history. Will you stop next?"

"Stop? We're just going to keep the pedal to the metal, man!"

An experienced driver is never afraid of tipping over!

Wayne kept his word, and in the next few games, the Trail Blazers also won consecutive games.

Facing the Cavaliers, who were missing Irving due to injury, the Blazers scored 20 points with four players, torturing Cleveland.

Facing the Bobcats, who scored 29 points after Ben Gordon exploded, Wayne responded strongly with 37 points in a single game!

Today, Gordon's efficiency was really abnormal, making 8 of 12 shots from beyond the three-point line!

If it had been any other opponent, Bobcat would have eaten the dumplings today.

But unfortunately, it was Wayne they met.

He is not afraid to compete with any player, even a player with an explosive three-point shooting percentage.

At this point, the Trail Blazers have won 18 consecutive victories, and they are still setting a new record for the longest winning streak in the league at the beginning of the game.

Wayne really lived up to Curry's ultra-long-distance buzzer-beater. Since his comeback, he has been winning and enjoying the game.

People are even saying that Wayne will break his own record of 22 consecutive wins!

If you can win 20+ consecutive victories at the beginning, it will definitely be an achievement that will never be matched again!

Mousse looked at Wayne's unstoppable winning streak, but very much hoped that Wayne could continue to win.

Come on, Wayne.

Before meeting the Heat, don't lose!

Your winning streak must be ended by us!

Today’s update is here, please vote!

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