I am Really an Insider

Chapter 647 644: Someone always wants to win, why is it always you who wins! (6.6K votes requested)

In 47 seconds, one person has another chance to attack.

Why can't it be 58 seconds? Wayne feels like he can win every time when there are 58 seconds left in the game.

58 is simply Wayne's lucky number.

Forget it, 47 seconds is just 47 seconds.

Wayne didn't intend to play the next 24 seconds. As a human being, you still have to leave yourself a way out and give yourself some time.

You can't imitate some unscrupulous authors who have to stay up late at night before they even think of updating.

The same goes for playing basketball. If you play for 24 seconds and don't score in the end, all time will be on the Lakers' side.

At that time, the Blazers will be forced to use foul tactics.

And if there is a quick attack next, even if it fails, the Lakers cannot wait until the end of the game.

As long as you can guard against another one seriously, you still have a chance to change your fate.

"Bah, bah, bah! Bad luck!" Thinking of this, Wayne turned around and spat.

How can you think about failure before you even fight? I, Gao Dewei, have key goals that are as stable as Lao Ge!

The various badges are added together, and the probability of hitting the key ball is not only 100%, but also 70% or 80%.

After so many years in the industry, I have missed only a handful of key shots, and there are absolutely eight chances that I will miss today.

Tom, who was sitting next to Wayne, wiped his face covered in saliva. He felt so uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

Sure enough, even Brother Wei dislikes me.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Tom. I didn't mean to pee at you."

Seeing Buddha being sprayed on his face, Wayne helped him wipe it with a towel.

Sin, sin, Buddha has mercy.

"Don't say anything, Brother Wei. I know I was very defensive today, but I really tried my best! Kobe is not a human being!"

Tom is really autistic. Kobe has scored 43 points on him today.

Being scored 43 points by a 35-year-old man, how will Tom survive in the Neptune world in the future?

What would the girls think of him?

They would say: "You are a young man who is not as capable as a 35-year-old man, and you want to imitate others and become the King of the Sea? Just leave it alone!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you've done a good job. Really, I don't blame you."

Wayne comforted and wiped the spittle from Thompson's face.

"Brother Wei, stop wiping it. I feel like this towel smells wrong."

"How is that possible? This is the clean towel the staff just handed me." At this point, Wayne's voice stopped abruptly.

Because he suddenly found that the clean towel was covering his legs.

So this towel

"Brother Wei, where did the towel I wiped off my sweat with just now go? Didn't I just put it here?"

The elementary school student came up to Wayne and Thompson and looked around.

Thompson's hands were shaking. He was abused by Kobe on the court and by Wayne off the court.

What about this mixed doubles?

Tom probably never wants to play an away game at Staples Center again in his life.

Seeing Thompson already reviewing his miserable life, Wayne could only pat him on the shoulder hard and then touch his head.

"Work hard and no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face life with a smile."

Thompson didn't know why, but his blood suddenly boiled. He glanced at the data on the big screen, looked at the number "43" behind Kobe's name, and gritted his teeth.

"Well, I'll go up and compete with Kobe!"

Seeing Tom regain his fighting spirit, Wayne let out a big sigh.

Old Dengtou's skills are really useful.

It's just a bit taxing on your hair.

At this time, the buzzer sounded, and the final 47 seconds of the showdown was about to begin.

Nao Nai has become a god today and is just short of winning the game from a perfect ending.

Although the Lakers have failed this season, if they can defeat the Trail Blazers in two consecutive games, they will still be able to boast a lot.

"This offense is crucial for the Trail Blazers. If the ball is not scored, the Lakers will completely take the initiative.

There is no doubt that in today's game, Kobe blew the horn for the Lakers' charge into the playoffs.

In the first game after the All-Star Game, he showed his attitude.

He told the league how far he would go to win.

In the next month and a half, the Black Mamba will become very dangerous! "

The commentators were all chattering. Although the Lakers had not officially won the game, everyone wanted to believe that Kobe had won.

According to the movie script, what other twist could there be at this time?

The atmosphere on the court was very tense. As soon as Wayne stepped onto the court, he was tightly pestered by Master Huo.

Hard stood on the sideline and prepared to serve. The referee blew a whistle and handed the ball to Gane.

Wayne immediately pushed Howard away and then set an off-ball screen for the junior.

Kobe turned sideways and quickly passed through Wayne's screen and continued to chase Curry.

Although he reacted quickly, the pupil managed to catch the basketball.

Curry knew he had to make a quick decision, so as soon as he got the ball, he was ready to find Wei Ge.

Again, I am not afraid of Kobe as a primary school student, just because I am a qualified point guard!

As a result, as soon as Curry raised his hand to pass the ball, Kobe reacted quickly and swatted the ball hard.

As Kobe Bryant said in an interview, this season he can often predict what will happen five or six steps ahead.

The basketball in Curry's hand was knocked down by Kobe, and then the 35-year-old man pushed forward hard and grabbed the basketball on the ground.

"Kobe stole Curry. It was a fatal steal. Kobe didn't stop. He wanted to fight back!"

The most terrifying killer in Los Angeles is out!

Kobe's goal made all the Portland fans in front of the TV feel cold.

Forget about hitting key goals in a row just now, now he is also contributing key steals.

Tonight's chat seems truly destined to be a winner.

The elementary school students tried their best to stick to Kobe, but even in his old age, he did not suffer in the confrontation.

Curry has been chasing Kobe, but he has not found a chance to counterattack.

Now Curry doesn't dare to attack easily, or even give too rough a confrontation.

Because if Kobe is sent to the free throw line at this time, it is no different from committing suicide.

Nachi just held the ball and drove into the penalty area. If the counterattack is successful this time, it can at least guarantee that the Lakers will not lose.

Before the layup, Kobe also took the initiative to give Curry a confrontation and knocked Curry away.

Then he took two big steps, jumped slightly, and made a backhand layup!

Curry covered his head with his hands in frustration, knowing that he had made a fatal mistake.

Watching Kobe fly into the air and lift the basketball with his backhand, the elementary school students were in despair.

But at this moment, a figure wearing a red jersey swooped over.

Judging from the height and wingspan, this person is not Wei Ge.



The moment Curry was intercepted, Thompson turned around and chased Kobe.

Although Curry's pursuit just now failed to stop Kobe, it did effectively slow down Kobe's counterattack and gave Thompson time to pursue.

Thompson, who was touched by Wayne, was chasing after him desperately. Today, he was scored 43 points by Kobe. Today, he became Kobe's background. He was severely educated.

But he still hopes to be able to guard Kobe once, even just this once!

Finally, Thompson caught up with him and jumped up hard.

Kobe was stunned for a moment when he saw a person suddenly coming out from beside him.

At this time, Tom waved his arms and slapped the basketball hard.


Nagging's backhand layup was ruthlessly blocked by Thompson, and Kobe missed the counterattack!

"Klay Thompson chased Kobe, my God, he succeeded!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the Staples Center. Who would have thought that a kid who was pinned to the ground by Kobe and rubbed the whole game would actually complete a key defense at such a fatal moment.

Of course, blocking shots is not the end, nor does it mean that the defense is truly successful.

The basketball was about to fly out of bounds. If it went out of bounds, the ball would still belong to the Lakers.

Curry couldn't care less. He jumped in the direction of the basketball and fell directly into the crowd.

But before that, he really got the ball back!

Wayne caught the basketball saved by Curry one second before Howard and held it tightly in his arms.

The moment Wayne got the basketball, seeing that Howard still wanted to hit Wayne, the experienced Carlisle immediately used up the last timeout.


The game is suspended and the ball belongs to the Trail Blazers.

The Splash Brothers worked together to regain the ball!

"Beautiful, beautiful defense. Stephen and Klay managed to fend off Kobe's counterattack without any danger! Oh my god, it was so wonderful, it was such a close call!" After Mike Breen finished speaking, he realized that his forehead was covered in sweat.


The attack and defense just now were simply fatal.

It's so exciting that it's like a car turning a corner at high speed, on the verge of losing control, and you'll get hurt if you're not careful.

Just a little bit away, Kobe's knife can be inserted into the heart of the Trail Blazers.

If Thompson takes another step slower, the Blazers are now 3 points behind!

Seeing that the ball was regained, Thompson frowned and pouted, and looked back at Kobe domineeringly.


If I don’t show off my power, you really think I’m Curry!

Just fierce and fierce.

Wayne had the ball in his hands, but his heartbeat hadn't quite calmed down yet.

To be honest, when he just saw Curry being intercepted, Wayne thought that he was really screwed up now.

Who would have thought that Thompson would catch up and block the shot.

Wayne touched Thompson's head just now, just to let him stop being so frustrated and play well in the next few dozen seconds.

I really didn't expect him to catch up with Kobe.

What else can be said? My Buddha is compassionate!

Oh, by the way, Curry is still lying in the crowd.

Wayne quickly put down the basketball and prepared to go to the crowd to find Curry.

Therefore, it is not a good thing if this body type is too thin.

Falling into the crowd like Curry is like throwing a stone into the sea. You can't see it at all and you have to fish it out.

If you were like Shaq, you wouldn't have this worry. Before you fall in, the seats in the three rows will be cleared in a second.

Finally, Wayne found the elementary school student huddled on the ground in the second row of the auditorium.

Because the auditorium was too crowded, it was difficult for Curry to turn over.

So, Wayne simply picked up the elementary school student in a princess hug.

"Stephen." Wayne looked down at the elementary school student in his arms.

"Wei, me, me."

"What are you doing? You feel like you are about to die. Why don't you come down quickly? Believe it or not, I will throw you to the ground."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Brother Wei, I'm in a drama."

Kobe looked at Thompson and Curry, lips pursed.

If only he could be faster or jump higher.

"Wipe it!" Thinking of this, Naochi punched the back of the chair next to him unwillingly, and then threw the towel angrily.

Because Jamison happened to be sitting next to Kobe at this time, so if you don't look carefully, it seems that Kobe punched Jamison.

Tomorrow's news headlines from some of the countless media outlets, Wayne has already thought about it: "Kobe got blocked and beat his teammates angrily!"

There is no way, there are no ifs in the basketball world.

He can no longer run fast or jump high. This is the bloody reality.

As the saying goes, never give a killer a second chance, unless he is Danny Green.

Green:? ? ?

Kobe vaguely felt that his failure to kill the game just now might lead to a big mistake.

After returning from the timeout, the intense game continued.

This time, in order to reduce mistakes, Carlisle directly arranged for Wayne to receive the ball from the sideline.

Although Howard pulled and pulled Wayne, under the strong off-ball screen, Wayne still managed to come out and receive Green's pass.

"Drop it, you damn old man!" Howard rubbed his chest. The hard off-ball screen just now was not clean.

Can that be clean? This is called treating others with their own medicine.

Today, Master Huo used his whistle to challenge Song and fouled Wayne in various ways. My old wolf is not a stingy person, so I must reciprocate politely.

Seeing Wayne successfully catch the basketball, Kobe's heart already trembled.

Let that guy catch the ball, and the defense is already halfway to failure!

Wayne motioned for everyone to pull away. He still had time to slowly confront Howard.

Howard has a psychological shadow. After all, this is not the first time that Wayne has scored a key goal.

Last season, he once said the classic line: "If I'm here, Wayne can't win."

Then the next time the two met, he was killed by Wayne.

It can be called a self-slapping textbook-level case.

Therefore, Master Huo had some psychological shadow when facing Wayne at the critical moment.

But at this time, no matter how panicked you are, you must not show it. You must pretend to be nonchalant.

"Hey, you must be very nervous, Dwight. Although you tried your best to hide it, I could still tell it at a glance."

However, Wayne mercilessly pierced Beast's mask.

Howard didn't respond. He didn't have the energy to talk trash to Wayne right now.

"I know you are nervous, but it doesn't matter, I won't embarrass you too much. I can't break through or dunk, and I won't beat you with a perverted layup like last season.

I'm going to shoot a three-pointer here, yes, I'm going to shoot it right here. Soon enough, before you even feel it, the game is over. "

Wayne was dribbling outside the three-point line while trash-talking Howard.

This scene was also captured by a close-up shot of the on-site camera. At this time, he could still talk rubbish at others as if nothing had happened, which is enough to show how arrogant Wayne is.

Of course, Wayne didn't do this just to show off. He knew very well how strong Master Huo's defensive judgment was.

But equally, Wayne is well aware of how emotional Howard is right now.

He is no longer the happy beast with a sunny smile. Now he is a dynamite, and his performance on the court is easily affected by mood swings.

Therefore, Wayne's trash talk was just to make Howard angry and make him lose his judgment.

"Shut up, Wei, I'm not afraid of you, and I won't let you win, so shut up!"

"Look, look at your panic. Get ready, I'm coming in~"

One step, two steps, Wayne slowly approached Howard, still chattering.

Howard adjusted his pace and kept a safe distance.

He vowed that he would make Wayne pay the price.

After seeing that time was almost up, Wayne accelerated his breakthrough!

Because Howard was irritated, he took a step back and tried to intercept Wayne.

But Wayne only took one step and stopped suddenly outside the three-point line. With just a false acceleration, Wayne opened up a little space for himself to shoot.

That's the power of trash talk.

If Howard hadn't been so angry, he wouldn't have reacted so violently to Wayne's acceleration just now.

So, I saw Wayne talking trash while shooting a three-pointer. When Kobe saw Howard's defensive distance, he knew at that time that he was screwed.

Howard was completely manipulated by Wayne.

The man who is most effective when defending Wayne alone has the same title as the man who defends James alone.

It's just a pseudo-concept.

At first, no one wanted to trade James for Howard. It was just a reporter jokingly asking then-Magic coach Van Gundy what bargaining chip it would take to trade for a player like Howard.

Van Gundy said casually: "At least James."

This meme just spread.

In fact, even Howard at his peak cannot replace James alone.

It's like, it's actually difficult for Howard to restrict Wayne in one-on-one situations.

It's time for this big boy to wake up from his dream of being a superstar.

Being praised too highly by others is sometimes not a good thing.

"Wei, the key shot. Bang, the ball went in! In the last 8 seconds of the game, Wayne made a three-pointer! In a strong response, Wei helped the Blazers go ahead by 2 points!

Wonderful game, extremely exciting! Key goals, key defense, alternating leads. You can find everything you want to see in this game!

We seem to be back three years ago, as if we are back to the Western Conference Finals!

Way and Kobe, they are the greatest stars of this era, the greatest! "

Mike Breen had an intracranial orgasm, and the fans inside the Staples Center experienced brain death.

Batman in the comics never kills, but Batman in reality never leaves anyone alive.

After Wayne scored, he pointed at the place where he had just shot and yelled at Howard: "I told you I would shoot a three-pointer here, I told you, I told you!"

He was trash-talking while taking key shots, and continued chattering after the shots. This scene is as arrogant as it needs to be.

Bird didn't even dare to pretend like this for fear of getting beaten.

With just one goal, Wayne's humiliation meter went directly to his head.

It's really humiliating and lethal.

Wayne was also stunned for a moment. He didn't think about doubling the growth points today.

Unexpectedly, there was such an unexpected gain.

Howard was so angry that he almost cried and was almost beaten up by Embiid.

Is it bad to be killed by someone? It just happens to be Wayne again!

From now on, the alliance will have a man with a strong presence.

When reviewing the highlights of Wayne's various key goals, Master Huo would jump out from time to time and say: "You never thought, I'm here too!"

The shots that were shot by Wayne were all specially coded to be edited into a highlight reel.

In the last 8 seconds, D'Antoni deployed a simple pick-and-roll tactic and let Kobe go.

The whole scene was magical, but it was a pity that he failed to forcefully renew his life this time.

With Thompson's defense, Nai Nai had already played the entire fourth quarter and shot three-pointers against the defense.

The basketball flew straight, but its range was a little short, hitting the front of the basket and knocking out.

This short range shows that Naochi has no strength. You can't ask a 35-year-old man who has played a full quarter to do more.

Even the sweat-absorbing method cannot help the 35-year-old Kobe rejuvenate.

The basketball court is not Hollywood, and heroes may not always be able to turn the tide in the end.

What's more, Wayne, a villain, is ruthless and doesn't say much.

"Didn't score, the game is over! 107 to 105, the Portland Trail Blazers narrowly escaped death in Los Angeles! Wayne's accurate buzzer beater when facing Howard ruined Kobe's otherwise wonderful night!"

The moment he missed the key ball, Najia stood there, grabbed his jersey and covered his face.

No one knows what Kobe's expression is under the jersey at this time.

Wayne was not as excited as he imagined. The moment he won, he only felt relaxed.

Finally no more worries!

43 points in a single game, trailing by 12 points at most, but only lost one goal in the end.

Wayne couldn't believe what a 35-year-old man could do with a team full of flaws.

At this age, many players have already entered court walking mode.

But Jordan, Kobe, James, Duncan, etc., these guys, no matter how old they are, can change the game as long as they play.

This is probably why they are great.

Wayne once again overshadowed Staples and was a nightmare for this wealthy team.

After a long time, Naochi finally revealed his face from the jersey.

When he found Wayne walking towards him, Naochi also took the initiative to open his arms.

Wayne was stunned for a moment when he came closer to Nacha.

Because he found out.

The man's eyes were a little red.

"You win again, I hate you, Wei. Someone has to win, why the hell is it you every time." Kobe said, and punched Wayne's chest with his small fist, thinking that he was venting his anger.

Fortunately, Kobe's hands were small, so this punch had little damage to Wayne.

"I don't win every time. Didn't I let you win two championships?"

"That was in the past, Wei, that was in the past." After finishing speaking, Nazai waved his hand and walked away from Wayne.

Then, he came up to Thompson and Curry and hugged them before they were separated.

The performance of these two young men at critical moments left a deep impression on Naojia.

After speaking, Kobe turned around and left alone. The rest of the Lakers left the game early, so Nagging's back looked a little lonely.

His eyes were indeed red, because he knew very well that this was the closest he was to defeating Wayne.

Not this time, in the future

Even more impossible!

It was over, the duel between him and Wayne was over, and there would never be another one.

Even if they meet again in the future, it cannot be called a duel.

It's such a pity that the last evenly matched battle with Wayne ended like this.

He was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. Therefore, his eyes were red.

No matter how strong a person is, he has the right to be tired.

If there is only heartbreak behind the smile,

Why do you have to be so miserable as a human being?

Wayne watched the nagging figure gradually walk away, feeling as if he had lost an important partner.

But, he and Najia have never been partners.

Wayne knew that after this season, even if Kobe was not injured, he would never be in such good shape again.

With the current development trajectory of the Lakers, if you want to see Kobe turn the tide like he is today, you may have to wait until the last game of his career.

Wayne also suddenly realized that this might be the last real battle between him and Kobe.

Sometimes, the last time comes so suddenly.

Goodbye, old rival. After we retire, we must sit down calmly and talk about helicopters.

When Kobe walked to the tunnel, fans in the nearby stands applauded and shouted MVP.

Although they lost, Lakers fans have no more demands for Kobe.

Kobe smiled at the fans and couldn't help but close his eyes amid the cheers.

At that moment, he seemed to have gone back several years.

He seemed to be standing on the technical stage, looking at the colorful confetti flying in the sky and the roaring crowd, opening his arms to embrace the world!

When I opened my eyes again, the cheers disappeared and the crowd disappeared. What came into view was the white player tunnel, which looked very cold.

Reality is always cold.

Najia sighed.

it's over.

Whether it's a sweet dream or bad news.

It's all over.

The first update is here, please vote~

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