I am so Accurate

Chapter 32 The Italian Woman

Rome is the capital of Italy and the former capital of the Roman Empire.

The origin of this city can be traced back to more than 700 BC. Because it is located on seven hills, it is also called "Seven Hills City" or "Eternal City". It is a veritable historical city.

The development of science and technology and economy have given the city a modern atmosphere, but the well-preserved historical buildings in the city make him full of sacred atmosphere.

The Pantheon, the Colosseum, St. Peter's Basilica, and Trajan's Bazaar are all world-famous tourist attractions.

In addition, Rome also has a world-famous state, the Vatican.

The Vatican is the center of the Catholic Church and the smallest and least populated country in the world.

If I have to make an analogy, it is equivalent to the existence of the Forbidden City and China.

On the plane, Fernandez gave Sun Hao a popular science guide with a travel brochure.

The advantage of going out with Fernandez is that he takes care of all the preparations, and Sun Hao only needs to play.

"Of course, compared to these, the real attraction is the people there, the Italian women."

Fernandez closed the travel letter and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Sun Hao suddenly knew why Fernandez chose Italy.

Help him forget that feelings are fake, and seeing Italian women is real!

The ghost knows how many women will suffer when this guy becomes an adult.

Women in every country are different.

Chinese women are like silk and water, French women are lazy and casual, and Italian women... make people want to kiss, sleep and hug.

This is a very vivid description. Italian women are like goddesses and mothers, with a mother-like care in their arms, which is naturally generous.

Sun Hao looked at Fernandez with contempt.

This guy said it as if he had really experienced it.

But it also reminded him of a movie.

It was the enlightenment movie he had seen in his previous life, and it was also the childhood enlightenment movie for many boys.

"The Beautiful Tale of Sicily".

Reinaldo Amoruso met Marlena for the first time. With her wavy black hair, she wore a fashionable short skirt and stockings, and stepped on high heels full of erotic temptation, she came to the quiet sunshine of Sicily small town.

Her every move attracts people's attention and attracts people's daydream, and her every frown and smile makes men fascinated and women envious.

Monica Bellucci plays Marlena.

That woman with a classically beautiful face, seductive eyes, and a slightly tired expression should be only 31 years old now, and she must be mature.

The plane landed at Fiumicino Airport.

After Sun Hao and Fernandez put down their luggage at the hotel, they did not rush to the tourist attractions, but went to the nearby mobile phone store first.

The matter of Sun Hao not having a mobile phone has been complained by Fernandez for almost two years, because when he went to Italy to buy a local phone card, he happened to buy one.

And in the past two years, the mobile phone industry has developed rapidly.

Especially with the advent of Bluetooth technology last year, mobile phones ushered in a revolution.

A mobile phone that Sun Hao could barely accept finally appeared.

NOKIA.5110, this is Nokia's latest mobile phone.

Although it is not as good as the NOKIA.1100, which will hit the world in the future, it is the first mobile phone with built-in games in history.

Be greedy for snakes, never get tired of playing.

But the new machine is not cheap, one 150,000 lire.

Sun Hao and Fernandez each bought one.

Fernandez was very excited with his new phone, but Sun Hao didn't seem to care.

Just like some people who are still thinking about the ending of "Celebrating More Than Years" after time travel, he will probably have to wait more than ten years to use the mobile phone that he was comfortable with in his previous life.

When Sun Hao was holding the phone, the female clerk handed him a small note, smiled sweetly at him, and made a "call.me" gesture.

Sun Hao came out and found a phone number written on it.

"It seems that you have something to do tonight."

Fernandez grinned when he saw it.

"Italian women are so direct?"

Sun Hao was a little unexpected.

Although I heard what Fernandez said all the way, it came soon.

"Yes, and no, but if I'm willing to give you your phone number, it means there's something going on."

Fernandez nodded. According to his understanding, Italian women are very direct and enthusiastic.

Sun Hao smiled, walked for a while and saw a trash can, and threw the note into it.

After buying a mobile phone, they then started to wander around Rome.

From the ruins of ancient Rome all the way up, to the Pantheon, and then to St. Peter's Basilica.

Street performers, corner coffee houses, roadside handicrafts.

The two sat drinking a cup of slightly bitter espresso, playing with the world-famous Roman handicrafts in their hands.

After walking a few more steps, I ate a piece of Italian ice cream, and passed by a fruit stand to buy a few watery tomatoes and yellow lemons.

The rhythm of tourism here highlights a slow word, the slow food life in Italy.

Wait until the evening to eat a bowl of butterfly pasta that I have never experienced before, which can be regarded as an end to the slow-paced travel of the day.

In the evening, Sun Hao entered the system training, took a shower after training, and lay down on the bed.

Normally, he should be asleep at this point, but he doesn't know if it's because he's away from home, and the sleepiness doesn't come for a long time.

He took out his mobile phone and found that he couldn't watch movies, he could only play Snake for a while.

After playing a game, he put his phone aside, and unconsciously flashed some pictures in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" in his mind.

Those pictures were indescribable, making it even more difficult for him to fall asleep.

He struggled until midnight before he barely fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Sun Hao made a proposal to Fernandez that instead of going to Venice, they would change their itinerary and go to Sicily.

"If you don't go to Sicily, it's like you haven't been to Italy, because only in Sicily can you find the beauty of Italy."

This is the answer Sun Hao gave when Fernandez asked Sun Hao why he suddenly changed his itinerary.

This sentence, when he was communicating with Gasol, a cultural person, he heard it occasionally, and it just came in handy.

Fernandez didn't think much about it. Originally, their plan was to go to Venice, but Sicily is also one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy.

Sicily, to be precise, should be called Sicily, located in the south of Italy, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

It's summer, and it's the hottest season here.

However, because it is close to the sea, the sea breeze here is gentle. When you go by boat, looking at the blue water and emerald seabed is already fascinating.

When you land on the island, you will see the olive trees and lemon trees, which makes you feel like you are in nature.

There are still many small islands in Sicily that have not been developed. Although they have been inhabited for a long time, they still maintain a very primitive natural and cultural scenery.

There are two well-known places in Sicily, one is Palermo, and the Massimo Theater in Palermo is the filming location of "The Godfather 3".

Those who have watched the movie should remember the last scene in it. The old "Godfather" Mike lost his most beloved daughter and cried bitterly.

That scene was filmed here.

As an epic movie, The Godfather is also one of the must-see classics for many tourists.

And the other one is where Sun Hao and Fernandez are going.

Syracuse, the hometown of the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes.

This coastal ancient city was written by the ancient Greeks, and it is full of ancient Greek style from the buildings to the streets.

Among them, Syracuse Cathedral is the most famous.

The gorgeous Baroque exterior conceals the Athena Temple below, and the huge Doric columns built in the 5th century BC are still clearly visible.

This sacred church symbolizing history is a landmark building in Sicily.

The reason why Sun Hao came here is that this is also the location where the most classic scene of "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" was filmed.

Sun Hao went straight to the stone embankment by the side of the road, and sat down there.

He turned his head to look at the Syracuse Cathedral, and there seemed to be a classic scene in the movie in front of him.

Irina, who is cold, sexy, charming and lonely and melancholy, walks by alone.

The boy's laughter and whistle seemed to echo in his ears.

"Sun, what are you doing here?"

But Fernandez's voice quickly brought him back to reality.

When he looked again, the figure had disappeared.

"Come on, let's go look inside the church."

Before Sun Hao complained about Fernandez's disappointment, the latter had already dragged him to the church.

There is a stone sculpture right in front of the church, and the figure of the sculpture is Archimedes.

The "give me a fulcrum and I'll lift the earth" scientist.

Above his head is the iconic totem of Rome, the Eagle of the Legion.

When Sun Hao and the others entered, there were wandering artists playing the accordion at the door.

The music is soothing and relaxing.

Entering the church, the atmosphere suddenly became simple and dignified.

The surface of the stone pillars on both sides is primitive and rough, and the centuries-old iron chandeliers show the vicissitudes of time.

In the middle of the church are rows of chairs. Although it is a tourist attraction, it is still regularly open to Catholics for their prayers.

It's just that today is not an open day, and there are no people inside.

Sun Hao was walking forward alone.

When he got to the front row, he found a woman leaning there.

Her long curly hair hangs from the chair, her head is thrown back and her body is arched.

Silver blouse, floral skirt, skirt hanging with hands, slender legs in slippers.

Hearing footsteps, the woman turned her head, looked at Sun Hao and laughed.

At that moment, Sun Hao suddenly knew why Fernandez yearned for Italian women so much.

Because they really have an indescribable style.

Thanks to the King of Time Hill and the deer as a white horse for the reward

Today's earthy love story

Are you a cone? why i want to lick all over you

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