I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 70 My Lord, Times Have Changed

Thor's Bedchamber in Asgard

Arthur lay on the bed with his hands on his head and looked at the starry sky outside the window. The starry sky in Asgard at night was so beautiful! It's a pity that Asgard can't see the brighter.

"The more I look at Asgard, the more amazing it becomes. All life in the universe lives on planets, but you Asgardians are not. Asgard is actually a mountain floating in the universe!" Se entrusted Thor to the side and said.

Thor is sleeping on another bed next to him (don't think about it crookedly), and he also has his hands on his head in the same shape as Arthur.

"I don't know why? It may be that Asgard is blessed with divine power. It exists in the center of the Nine Realms! And there will be an astronomical phenomenon soon, and the Nine Realms will become a line. I don't know what will happen then situation," Thor said.

"I think unexpected things will happen when the Nine Realms are connected, so let me give you an opinion. Asgard's army has also changed." Arthur said.

"How?" Thor asked.

"Don't you think that Asgard has been too peaceful these years? The only rebellion is the Vanaheim incident where you led troops to counter the rebellion and the two incidents where Loki sent the Frost Giants." Arthur said.

"So what?" Thor didn't understand what Arthur meant.

"What attack methods are the soldiers of Asgard still using? Spears, knives, bows and arrows! My friend, what era is it now? Asgard is still using cold weapons, although your cold weapons are very sharp! " Arthur complained.

"We also have warships, anti-aircraft guns, and energy barriers in Asgard!" Thor retorted Arthur.

"How many warships do you have? Do you think about what weapons the Chitauri army used in the New York War? Where do the Chitauri rank in the universe? You Asgards always think that you have no opponents in the universe, but you still have Using the most primitive attack method! My lord, times have changed!" Arthur said earnestly.

Asgard was indeed behind. The blood elves were beaten so badly in the attacking battle. It was really hard to believe that this was the fighting power that the Asir clan should have.

Arthur hoped that he could persuade Thor to prepare him a bit, so that he wouldn't be beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back.

"If you think about it, people on Earth know that they are constantly developing and researching weapons. Why does a race as powerful as Asgard keep standing still?" Arthur asked.

"..." Thor couldn't answer.

"Because the Asgardians think they are invincible, they believe too much in the incomparable strength of the god king Odin, and believe that you, Thor, can defeat everything! But the god king Odin is old! And you, can you fight at the level of one thousand? ?” Arthur asked.

"I can! I can destroy an army!" Thor said proudly.

"Stop talking! Who are you fighting? Vanaheim's cold weapon army, do you know what enemy we are going to face?" Arthur asked again.

"I don't know, do you know?" Thor asked back.

"Then I'll tell you, I went to Xandar after fighting in New York, I met some friends called the Guardians of the Galaxy, and I met the Kree of Ronan the Accuser! He was looking for a man named Cosmic Spirit The thing about the ball, do you know what the universe spirit ball is? It's the power gem!" Arthur said.

"Why did you meet Ronan! And the power gem?" Thor was really surprised this time, even in Asgard, he had heard the name of the famous Cree and their leader Ronan the Accuser!

"Yes, I got the power gem one step ahead of him, and Ronan chased us to Xandar to fight with the Xandar Nova Legion. In the end, I used the power gem to kill Ronan! Destroyed the Cree battleship! said Arthur.

"Why did you kill Ronan! You also used the power gem? What about the power gem?" Thor asked.

"It was snatched by the ancient Titan Thanos, who Ronan would obey! So our enemy is Thanos!" Arthur said.

"You mean we're going to have a fight with Thanos?" Thor asked.

"This is inevitable. The person behind the Chitauri is Thanos. He gave Loki the Soul Gem and asked him to snatch the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the Space Gem. Now Thanos has got the Power Gem. The purpose of Thanos It is to collect all six infinite gems, and now except for the soul gems, the remaining four gems are all on Earth or Asgard, do you think Thanos will let us go?" Arthur asked.

The more Thor heard it, the more dignified his expression became. He knew that the people behind Loki were not simple, but he did not expect that they were the most difficult Titans in the universe, and it seems that Asgard and Thanos will go to war sooner or later.

"So, tomorrow, you will go and clarify the relationship with your father and king. We have the Nidawi dwarves, are we afraid that we don't have powerful weapons? The Asgardians should also change." Arthur said earnestly.

"So we really have to get ready, you and I will meet the father tomorrow!" Thor said.

Arthur let out a long sigh of relief, and finally explained to Thor that the Asgardians have no sense of threat, so they have been greedy for comfort, so Ragnarok is doomed.


Early the next morning, Thor took Arthur to the Asgard Hall to meet God King Odin.

Thor told Odin again what Arthur said yesterday, and Arthur also added the situation.

Odin frowned after hearing this, Titan Thanos wants to be stronger with infinite gems? Odin has also used the Infinity Stones before, and he knows how terrifying it is to have six Infinity Stones.

"Then what do you think?" Odin asked.

"I think it is necessary to strengthen the weapons of the Asgardian army, and now they are all

With energy weapons, Asgard is still using cold weapons to fight against the enemy, which is too disadvantageous. said Arthur.

Odin nodded. Asgard's army's attack methods are indeed a bit outdated. Odin, who has fought countless wars, still has this vision.

"The next step is to control the Infinity Stones in our hands! The Mind Stone is here with me, the Time Stone is kept by the Supreme Mage of the Earth, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in Asgard. The rest is only the Reality Stone Ether Particles. I guess It's coming out soon," said Arthur.

"Ether particles and dark elves were completely wiped out by my father!" Odin said.

"Impossible! Aether is a Reality Gem! It cannot be destroyed!" Arthur retorted.

"So what we have to do now is to create equipment for the Asgardian army first, and then hold it in our hands after the ether particle appears." Arthur said.

"Okay, I agree with your suggestion, leave this matter to Thor, you have to learn how to be a king slowly, I am already old, the future depends on you young people." Odin agreed Arthur's suggestion, ordered Thor to do these two things.

"Father! I will not let you down!" Thor assured Odin.

"Let's go to Nidavi again, this time I want to build the strongest Asgardian army!" Thor said confidently.

"Set off!"



"Why did you come back? Didn't you agree to come back in a week?" the dwarf king Ai Cui asked Thor and Arthur.

"We didn't come to urge you, we came at the will of the god king." Thor said.

"Oh? What will the king of gods give me?" asked the dwarf king.

"Father asked the dwarves to manufacture a batch of weapons and battleships for the Asgard army!" Thor said.

"What kind of weapon do you want? How many do you need?" asked the dwarf king.

"We want the most powerful energy weapons, guns or cannons, preferably like the Chitauri weapons, which are blades and can emit energy! Can you make them?" Arthur said.

"That's it? The weapons of the Chitauri are no difficulty for us dwarves, and the artifacts we build are all destructive artifacts." The dwarf king said proudly. When it comes to building weapons, no one in the entire universe can compare them. Our dwarves are even stronger.

"Of course we know that the weapon you made is the first in the universe, but this time the quantity is relatively large, and the time should be as fast as possible, so I only ask that it be better than the Chitauri," Arthur said.

"No problem, I will let all the dwarves start working together! Guaranteed to create a large army of equipment in the shortest possible time!" The dwarf king promised, patting his chest.

"Great, I know nothing can stop you!" Thor was also very happy.


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