I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 81: Dr. Pym

On this day, Arthur received a call from Hill. Hill noticed that Pym Company was researching biological atom reduction technology and wanted to sell it to some American military politicians. She hoped that Arthur could stop them.

The person who developed this technology is Hank Pym, a true scientific genius, and he was also a former S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist. contribution.

He can use Pym particles to change the atomic size of objects, making objects smaller than ants, and making people bigger than mountains.

But since his wife Janet died in a mission, he discovered that SHIELD was stealing his research materials, and Dr. Pym, who was very angry, took all the research materials and quit SHIELD in a fit of anger.

After Dr. Pym left S.H.I.E.L.D., he established Pym Technologies, which is in the field of intelligent robots. And now Dr. Pym has already handed over the company to a man named Darren Claus, and he is living a retirement life at home.

And it is this Darren Claus who is actually researching the shrinking of biological atoms recently. He wants to get Dr. Pym's research results to make weapons and sell them for money.

He's even built a wasp suit the size of a thumb, and wants to sell the weapon to some shady politician in the US military, which Dr. Pym doesn't seem to support.

Hill asked Arthur to contact Dr. Pim and find a way to help him deal with Darren Krauss. It would be best if Dr. Pim could rejoin the Avengers. Dr. Pim is a very powerful scientist, the Avengers Talent the league needs.

Arthur asked Hill why he asked me to do this kind of thing again?

Hill said that among all the people, only Arthur is the most free, who else will you go to?

Arthur was speechless.


Los Angeles, USA

Arthur drove to Dr. Pim's villa, a two-story red retro building. In fact, Arthur was very envious of Dr. Pim. He could take the house wherever he wanted, which was really convenient.

Arthur rang the doorbell, ding dong~ After waiting for a while, the door opened, and there was a tall, black-haired beauty in business attire.

Arthur recognized her as Dr. Pym's daughter, Hope Van Dyne. That is, the future Wasp.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Hope asked looking at the handsome blond guy in a suit who looked familiar outside the door.

"I'm looking for Dr. Hank Pym, does he live here?" Arthur asked.

"He's my father, wait a moment." Hope asked Arthur to go into the room and call Dr. Pym.

Dr. Pym, who was sixty years old with white hair, came out of the living room, looked at the strange man in front of him and asked, "I am Hank Pym, who are you? What can I do for you?"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Jon Arthur, and my code name is Neptune. I work in the Avengers Alliance. It's a pleasure to meet you." Arthur stretched out his hand and said to Dr. Pim.

"I'm not happy to see you at all! I don't have any interest in you Avengers, you go!" Dr. Pym didn't want to listen to Arthur anymore and told Arthur to leave.

"Wait a minute, doctor, please listen to me..."

"You don't need to say any more, let's go, I don't want to see you Avengers again!" Dr. Pym interrupted Arthur, wanting to expel Arthur.

"Dr. Pym, I came here sincerely. Do you think I will just leave?" Arthur asked with a slight smile.

"I advise you to leave before I'm not angry!" Dr. Pym said, and Arthur saw the dense bullet-sized ants on the ground crawling over and surrounding Arthur.

Next to Dr. Pim, there was a big ant more than one meter long, watching Arthur bark his teeth.

"Oh, is this your way of hospitality?" Arthur asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't think you're a guest!" Dr. Pym said, and Hope was watching how the handsome blonde would react.

"I'm here to help your doctor. Darren Claus wants to get your research results and sell them to the military. This is something our Avengers cannot allow." Arthur said as he walked into the living room.

The ants surrounding him all automatically made a way to let Arthur pass. When Arthur walked to Dr. Pym, he reached out and touched the giant ant's head.

Arthur came to the dining table in the living room, found a chair and sat down, and said to Dr. Pym, "Can we sit down and talk slowly? I'm a little thirsty, can the beauty give me a cup of tea?"

Dr. Pym nodded, Hope turned to make tea, Dr. Pym went to sit on the main seat, looked at Arthur and asked, "How did you do it?"

"You use electromagnetic waves to control them, and I use mental power to control them. If I want, I can directly control you and let you hand over the research results of Pym particles! But I don't like doing this, I prefer Impress others with sincerity!" Arthur said.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Dr. Pym asked helplessly.

"Doctor, you are also one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. You have made a lot of contributions and sacrifices to the country. I respect you very much. This time, our Avengers knew Klaus' conspiracy and sent me to Here to help you." Arthur said sincerely.

"I don't believe you will come to help me for no reason, tell me what you want!" Dr. Pym said.

"Tea, please!" Hope served both Arthur and Dr. Pym brewed black tea.

"Thank you!" Arthur thanked Hope.

"Our Avengers are no longer the original S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. has been completely infiltrated by Hydra, so

That's what they did to covet your research. "Arthur picked up the tea and took a sip, um, it tastes good.

"SHIELD has been completely destroyed by us, and the current Avengers is actually led by Captain America, so we would like to invite you to join the Avengers, in order to protect the peace of the earth!" Arthur said.

"Hehe, I'm old! I'm no longer the Hank Pym I was back then. What's the use of me joining the Avengers now?" Dr. Pym laughed at himself.

"You are a great scientist. We need talents like you. As for your research, I know that you already have a successor, and your daughter will inherit your research results, right?" Arthur said. .

"You know a lot. I do have a new candidate to inherit my battle uniform. You also want to get my Pym particles?" Dr. Pym asked back.

"No, no! I just sincerely invite you, whether you join or not, I will help you, Dr. Pym!" Arthur looked at Dr. Pym and said.

Pim stared at Arthur for a minute, and said, "Okay, I believe you, but you have to help me solve the troubles of Pym's company first, and I have to think about whether to join or not."

Arthur knew that he wanted to see the performance of our Avengers first, and Arthur held out his hand, "Thank you very much, Dr. Pym!"

"Thank you for your help too!" Pym and Arthur shook hands, and the two finally reached an agreement temporarily.

"What do you want to do next?" Arthur asked, looking at Dr. Pym and Hope.

"I have a candidate to do this. His name is Scott Lang. Although he has just been released from prison, I have observed him for a long time. Scott is still a good person who loves his family, so I choose him. Help me!" Dr. Pym explained to Hope and Arthur.

Hope is actually a little unconvinced. She believes in her own ability very much, but her father just doesn't let her take risks. Can this Scott Lang be better than herself?

"Okay, so how do you recruit him?" Arthur asked.

"I have a plan. Scott Lang just got out of prison and failed to find a few jobs. He needs money very much now. As long as I give him a little information, I believe he will take the risk." Dr. Pimm said.

"Okay! Nice plan, can you let me watch it too?" Arthur asked.

"All right……"


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