I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 97: Cheng Yaojin Gets Out Halfway

The Great Elder put on a wooden black panther mask for T'Challa. T'Challa held a knife in his left hand and a shield in his right, ready to fight.

M'Baku put on a wooden white ape mask, and he used a long-handled hammer to face T'Challa without showing weakness.

"Jabari in position!" M'Baku yelled, seven Jabari standing apart on the right hand with spears in hand.

"Doramiraj's escort march!" T'Challa roared, and the seven royal women's escort stood in a row with spears in hand.

The Jabari Guards and the Royal Women's Guard surrounded the challengers, pointing spears at them. Their encirclement will shrink with time, and the challenged duo will eventually be driven to the brink. (It's a bit like the shrinking circle of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds)

"The challenge to the throne has officially begun!" the Great Elder announced.

M'Baku raised his hammer and attacked T'Challa. T'Challa raised his shield to block M'Baku's hammer, and slashed at M'Baku's foot with a backhand, but M'Baku avoided it.

M'Baku hit T'Challa one after another, and T'Challa could only use a shield to block. M'Baku saw a flaw in T'Challa, and knocked him to the ground with one hammer.


The surrounding Wakanda people exclaimed after seeing T'Challa being knocked down, and the queen and Su Li were even more worried about T'Challa.

"Stand up!" M'Baku yelled looking at T'Challa who fell to the ground, and the circle of their battle was getting smaller and smaller.

T'Challa climbed up and slashed at M'Baku with a raised knife, but was dodged by M'Baku.

T'Challa saw the timing and kicked M'Baku in the chest, kicking him to the ground.

"Come on!" T'Challa also roared loudly, M'Baku got up and hit T'Challa heavily with a long hammer, T'Challa dodged flexibly.

M'Baku hammered one hammer after another, T'Challa had no choice but to dodge, but was still knocked down by M'Baku's hammer, and all the weapons were blown out.

T'Challa could only deal with M'Baku empty-handed. He seized the handle of M'Baku's hammer at the right time and kicked M'Baku on the head.

The circle shrank very small by itself, and the effect of M'Baku's long hammer became less and less effective. T'Challa escaped the attack of the long hammer and hit M'Baku's ribs continuously with his fist, and M'Baku was beaten blind.

T'Challa took the opportunity to punch M'Baku on the head several times in a row, knocking him to the ground.

yeah! ! yeah……

Those around cheered when T'Challa knocked M'Baku down.

M'Baku suddenly got up and hugged T'Challa, and hit T'Challa's head with his head, T'Challa suddenly had a nosebleed.

M'Baku continued to headbutt T'Challa's head again, and T'Challa had no chance to dodge.

T'Challa was dizzy from the continuous impact of M'Baku, and his consciousness was a little blurred. He suddenly heard his mother's shout, "T'Challa strikes back! Show him who you are!"

"Ah!!" T'Challa hit M'Baku on the head with his elbow with all his strength, and directly smashed M'Baku's mask. M'Baku was also beaten with nosebleeds. The tail pierced T'Challa's body.

Everyone was terrified. T'Challa grabbed the hammer handle and pulled it out. He kicked Mbaku down. hand.

"Surrender! Don't force me to kill you!" T'Challa yelled at M'Baku. The two of them were already on the edge of the waterfall, and there was a cliff as high as ten feet below.

"T'Challa... T'Challa... T'Challa..." all Wakanda yelled.

M'Baku couldn't breathe when T'Challa's legs locked his neck, but he was still resisting!

"You come for honor, surrender, your people need you! Surrender! Brother!" T'Challa yelled at M'Baku.

M'Baku turned to Jabari's people around him, yes, what if he dies his people?

M'Baku finally raised his hand and surrendered, T'Challa won the challenge!

All Wakanda cheer and celebrate T'Challa's victory! Jabari's guard helped M'Baku up and asked him to go aside to rest.

T'Challa looked at the cheering people around him, and he smiled happily, he did it! He has won the throne!

"I declare now! T'Challa succeeded in inheriting the throne! Black Panther!" The elder took out a necklace made of black panther teeth and announced to everyone.

Just when he was about to put on the black panther necklace for T'Challa, a man appeared by the pool and shouted loudly, "Wait! I want to challenge T'Challa!"

Everyone's cheers stopped, and this sudden appearance caught everyone off guard.

Everyone looking at this person wondering? who is this Which tribe would dare to come out to make trouble? Do you think anyone can participate in the King's Challenge?

This person is also a black man, with a beard, long hair, and clothes that are not Wakanda.

"Who are you? I've never met you before, so you can challenge for the throne? You must be the leader of several major tribes or of royal blood to participate in the challenge!" said the great elder Zuri, and T'Challa also looked at this sudden The one who jumped out.

"I am Njadaka, the son of King Njob!" the man shouted loudly.

Everyone was shocked. King Enjob is the younger brother of the old king, and his son is still alive in the world, and now he appears in front of everyone!

"My father died with the seal of a black panther on his chest! You are not the son of a king, you are the son of a murderer!" The man was Eric, and he pointed at T'Challa and said loudly.

Everyone started talking, King Enjob was killed by the old king? impossible.


Send nonsense! "The queen couldn't sit still, and stood up and accused Eric loudly.

"Look what this is!" Eric took out a string of gold necklaces with a black vibrating gold ring on it, which belonged to King Enjob.

All the tribal leaders knew this necklace. A guard took the necklace from him and brought it in front of the queen. Several tribal elders gathered around to watch.

"I am now exercising my rights as a descendant of the royal family and challenging Prince T'Challa! Challenge the Black Panther!" Eric said loudly in front of everyone.

The chiefs and queens of several major tribes are silent, and now it is hard to get off the tiger. During the king's succession ceremony, T'Challa wants to become the king's black panther! The challenge must be accepted by all who are qualified, even if they cannot stop it.

The elder looked at Eric with complicated eyes. Eric's father was killed by the old king because he wanted to shoot himself, and Eric was thrown in the United States by them and was not brought back to Wakanda.

"I accept your challenge!" Techara said, looking at Eric.

"No! T'Challa, you don't have the energy to fight any more!" the queen shouted.

"Brother, don't! You can't beat him now." Princess Su Li said, and everyone looked at T'Challa very worried.

"I can give him two hours to rest, and we will start the challenge when he regains his strength, lest you say that I am taking advantage of others!" Eric said loudly.

"I only need half an hour!" T'Challa replied, looking at Eric.

"The challenge will be suspended for two hours, and the challenge will continue in two hours!" the Great Elder stood up and announced.

The royal guards took T'Challa to treat the wound, and the Great Elder followed T'Challa away, while Eric walked aside and found a place to sit and rest, waiting for the challenge to begin.

The Wakanda people around were talking and watching the sudden appearance of the son of King Enjob.

Su Li brought T'Challa to the spaceship and treated T'Challa's injuries with vibration gold technology. They can use vibration finance to penetrate human body molecules to quickly heal a person's wounds.

The great elder told the queen and T'Challa the secrets of the year. Eric's father left Wakanda and sold Zhenjin to Ulysses. The old king killed his younger brother himself but did not have his son. Brought back to Wakanda, T'Challa lamented that his father did something wrong.

Since he killed his uncle, he should bring his son back to Wakanda. He is innocent and should not leave a child under ten years old outside.

Since doing something wrong will get corresponding retribution, T'Challa just wants to be able to use all his strength to defeat Eric!


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