To the Forest of the Sage (1)

“Let’s do this.”

Saying that, he handed the paper, and Otar’s face contorted as he handed it over.

“Are you crazy?”

“Like the first time we met, I’m always normal.”

“… It did. You’ve been as crazy as you are now from the first time we met.”

As in any fantasy novel, in the Royal Academy’s Sword Castle, dragons are portrayed as one of the strongest creatures in the world.

Even if it was a non-adult body, a swordsman less than a swordsman was so strong that he could not even raise his head.

Of course, even if you were a swordsman, if you weren’t the strongest swordsman, fighting the dragon’s body was like suicide.

It was not a problem that a single individual, such as an adventurer, could deal with an existence on the same level as such a body.

At the very least, a state power with both quantity and quality had to come forward with a command like the Knights Templar.

‘So if I defeat this guy… .’

That being said, it proves that I am stronger than all the Knights, including Peter.

Having set a goal, I told Otar to head to the Sage’s Forest right away.

“Anyway, I have already decided, so please lend me two suitable katanas.”

The reverse-edged sword that Otar made was a great sword that could not be compared to the swords made by most potters, but in the end it was a reverse-edged sword.

With my current skills, it was difficult to deal with a reverse bladed sword against a mighty beast compared to a young dragon.

“… There are two suitable ones. The level of perfection is comparable to that of Youngta on your waist.”

“Then lend it to me. I can’t promise to give it back sincerely, though.”

“… Anyway, I made it in my spare time, so it doesn’t matter if I break everything. But do you really need to go there?”


As he tilted his head not knowing what he meant, Otar continued.

“The purpose of your coming here today is to get a katana to fight against a powerful enemy like Peter, right?”

“… … Yes?”

“Then, there is already a sword with a level of perfection similar to that of Yeongta, so what are you going to do with it?”

Othar said so, adding how many times an academy student would have to fight an enemy more than a royal knight commander.

Certainly, there is no reason to risk your life to create such a powerful katana right now.

Of course, on the surface anyway.

I was well aware of the level of this academy, so I knew that within a few months a demon or demon worshiper would attack.

There is no way to explain it. In order to survive in this academy, and to make a more satisfying move, I had to get stronger as soon as possible.

and… This is a bit of a personal reason, but since I didn’t have much experience fighting the beast, I also wanted to throw a shot at that beast.

“What I do may seem strange, but I do it for a reasonable reason.”

“I don’t think the day will come when your actions will feel reasonable, but… What do you know?”

Otar sighed as if exhaled, but granted my request.

“I’ll keep the stuff I moved to the new forge until night, so go and get ready to go to the wise man’s forest.”

There is no such thing as an inn where there is a magical beast that is comparable to a dragon’s body, so you will be homeless for at least a few days.

‘First of all, food is important… .’

The first thing you need to prepare is a preservation meal for a few weeks, extra clothes, and a potion just in case.

I was relieved because they were all easily available with money.

“Then I will come back at night.”

After leaving the smithy, I immediately went to the general store where I bought the stationery when I sent Jessica a letter.

There were many commoners and poor aristocrats like me who ventured out in their spare time to earn a living in this city.

So, even at these general stores, they sold food that could last for several days.

The general store owner seemed strange that students were out at such an early hour.

But, just wondering, he gave away the food without saying anything.

‘Then the rest… .’

Food was found and clothes were in the dormitory, so now all I had to do was get a potion to use in case of emergency.

‘Should I ask Hori how many?’

It wasn’t a waste of money, but I was curious about what potion my father had studied, and I had to say hello because I was away for a few weeks.

Once I returned to the dormitory with a large amount of food, I packed my clothes and food.

When I saw the backpack that was as swollen as the one that Hori was wearing yesterday, I realized that I was leaving the academy for a while.

‘By the way, is it the sage’s forest… .’

The location of the wise man’s forest was roughly known as a simple map was drawn in the information, but he didn’t know any more.

Since it was never mentioned in the original, there was a high possibility that something that was not in the original was added or something was changed, like the next swordsman.

‘… You’ll know once you go.’

It’s a bit strange that there is a beast that is comparable to a young dragon, but it doesn’t make a fuss, but once you go, you’ll understand.

Looking at the name of the sage’s forest, is it a forest with a history related to wizards?

I want to go to the library and check it out, but now I’m on probation, so I couldn’t use the academy facilities except for the dormitory.

So yesterday too, I couldn’t get into the cafeteria’s cafeteria, so I came outside to eat.

‘I can’t help it no matter what I think about.’

It wasn’t a question that could be answered by thinking alone, so I forgot about the wise man’s forest and thought about potions first.

I had to go to Hori to get the potion, but unfortunately I couldn’t go to the academy facility because of the severance I was unfairly given now.

Reluctantly, I headed towards the women’s dormitory, where Hori’s room would be.

If you wait in Hori’s room inside the dormitory, he’ll come back by the time class is over.

So decided, I headed to the women’s dormitory, killing the sound of footsteps like a thief now that there are few people.

There was a rule prohibiting entering a dormitory of a different gender, so I had no choice but to sneak in like this.

‘Because there was a room for commoners near my room… .’

If it wasn’t for the women’s dormitory, then Hori’s room would certainly be near the baron’s or semi-baron’s room.

After holding my breath and searching around, I found Hori’s nameplate in a quiet place where the sunlight didn’t come.

I immediately turned the doorknob, but of course the door was locked and could not be opened.

You can just break in and get in, but that’s how you find out that someone broke in.

Reluctantly leaving the dormitory, I circled the dormitory and stood in front of Hori’s room window.

Then, holding a small flaw in the wall, he climbed up and reached the front of the window.

If even the window is closed, there is no way to do it now.

Praying that Hori has a soft personality, I grabbed the window and the window opened smoothly as if she had read my mind.

When the window opened, I went straight into the room through the window, not knowing who could see it.

As soon as I entered the room, I closed the window and stood on a relatively clean floor, avoiding empty bottles and research materials lying on the floor.

‘Is Horido of the same class as Otar? .’

The old crumpled papers from the desk were lying on the floor like a western tumbleweed.

The trash can was already full, and the bed was rather clean, but on the other hand, everything was dirty except for the sleeping area.

‘I also raise animals.’

While examining Hori’s room, he found a white rat trapped in a cage on the desk.

Is that an experimental animal or a pet? Seeing that he even prepared a treadmill, it might be the latter.

As I watched the white rat spin the treadmill, I grabbed one of the research papers and caught my eye on one of the research papers on the desk.

I didn’t know the details because I didn’t study alchemy, but it was written about experiments such as changes in properties caused by heating certain alchemy materials with magical power.

As I was looking through each one roughly, I came across a name that caught my eye by chance.


I didn’t even learn alchemy, and the reason why I know that name is because that material appeared in the original novel.


As described in the original work, it has a red herb-like appearance and is a poisonous poison that causes extreme pain when purified.

Obviously, in the original novel, this poison was used to torture someone.

‘Why are you researching this?’

Apparently, the Hori family had been studying drugs to strengthen the body.

“Well… .”

It felt a bit suspicious, but if you think about it, it wasn’t that poisonous herbs weren’t used as medicinal herbs.

Halkas can also be used to defeat foreign enemies if used well. I’ve used it a few times too.

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Maybe there is another way to use pascotamine.

After returning the research materials and waiting for a while, the students returned to the dormitory one by one as the sun went down.

– Tub tuk tuk.

And not long after, I heard footsteps heading towards Hori’s room, and I hid behind the door so Hori wouldn’t be surprised.

After a while, Hori’s door opened, and Hori entered the room, sighing as if she was tired.

I hid behind the door with a deadly presence, and when Hori appeared, I ran right in and covered her mouth so that Hori wouldn’t scream.

“Ugh… !!”

Hori was bewildered by the sudden attack and struggled to escape, but in vain.

It was impossible for Hori to overcome the power of having learned the martial arts before.

“Hori… ! it’s me… !”

As Hori continued to struggle violently, I whispered into Hori’s ear.

Then, Hori stopped struggling and trembled and looked back.

“… Calm down, I’m going to take my hand from now on, so don’t be surprised and don’t shout. got it?”

As he slowly released his hand covering his mouth, Hori asked, breathing heavily.

“Hey, Mr. Ian? Why are you here… !!”

“I’m here with a request. Originally, I wanted to go normally, but I can’t go to the academy because I’m on probation… .”

Hori nodded her head as if she had grasped the situation.

“that… What is a request? I will do what I can.”

“Yeah, is there any potion that can be used?”


From now on, I have to go fight a young dragon and a comparable beast.

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