"Me too! I'm also afraid that the cub will be late for the exam if no one accompanies it. Fortunately, I passed the college entrance examination smoothly. Speaking of which, the poor Xiaopo Station changed the homepage to the college entrance examination. Yan Da, can you give me some rewards?"

As if the vacancy in the heart was filled, the red-haired boy's eyebrows were no longer indifferent, and he said seriously to the barrage: "Thank you."

"Cubs have become gentle"

"Suddenly say thank you, woo woo woo woo, you want mom to cry!"

"My cub has grown up, if only my daughter-in-law was still there"

"Shh, don't mention it"

The lights in the dormitory went out while Shen Chi was still live streaming. He turned off the computer and went to sleep. The room in the dormitory was not big. He was used to curling up in a ball to sleep, and he fell asleep unconsciously.

Even though it has been three months since the college entrance examination, his biological clock still rings on time at six o'clock, and his two roommates also got up early, and they went to the nearest western cafeteria to eat.

The breakfast in the cafeteria is very rich. In order to take care of non-local students, traditional pasta dishes are available from all over the country, but most of them are Yancheng's sweet taste.

Shen Chi stayed in the border town for a year, and his taste gradually moved closer to the border town. He drank the sweet porridge and said, "If only there were oil-splashed noodles from the border town."

"Don't count on it." Zhao Ran responded, "I heard from the senior next door that the western cafeteria hasn't changed its dishes for nearly ten years."

Shen Chi didn't feel relieved, the food in the cafeteria was cheap enough for him, and he still had to pay back the money from the Shen family, so he could save a little.

The first day of classes were all public classes. After one day of class, he walked out of the classroom late. Because he didn't want to squeeze into the crowd, he finally left the classroom.

The empty corridor was unusually quiet. He walked silently at the end, and suddenly saw a familiar face head-on. His footsteps suddenly stopped, and he didn't know whether to continue walking or turn back.

Accompanied by the principal, Yan Xueyiao walked out of the office. Today, she changed into a dark gray suit, with a pair of thin gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

Not for him.

He passed by as if he hadn't seen it, and heaved a sigh of relief when he walked out of the teaching building. At this moment, he heard Yan Xuexiao's voice behind him: "Don't you want to see me?"

"No." The boy stopped and considered the language, "I just don't think it's necessary. I'm doing well now, and you should be doing well too."

He is no longer the child who hugs Yan Xueyiao and does not let go. Adults often need to be measured. He doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. He hopes that Yan Xueyiao will always live in the light.

When he finished speaking, the air was silent, and he could even hear the passing wind clearly, so quiet that he was uneasy for no reason.

When he was about to walk forward, his wrist was caught off guard, and the icy pine wood breath was overwhelming, the man hugged him tightly from behind, and a calm voice came from above his head: "Not good."

Chapter 78

An unfamiliar touch came from his waist, and Shen Chi didn't even think about breaking free from his arms. When he turned around to speak, he saw Yan Xuexiao's morbidly pale face and asked hesitantly, "Are you feeling well?"

"Stomach problem." Yan Xuexiao's voice was inaudible.

The young man pursed his lips. He had never heard Yan Xuexiao say that he had a stomach problem before, so he hurried forward, and behind him Yan Xuexiao stopped him again: "Shen Chi."

He stopped and heard a gentle sentence: "Eat well."

His body tensed in place. Even if he had a stomach problem, he told him to eat well, like a fine net woven with tenderness. He hid the scars hidden under his sleeves and asked, "Do you live nearby?"

"The twenty-seventh floor of Building C, Huating."

Hearing the answer, the young man continued to walk forward, his movements were not sloppy at all, as if he wanted to escape urgently.

He clearly asked if he lived nearby, but A Pei heard Yan Xuexiao reporting the address of his house in detail down to the number of floors. He thought Chinese was much more difficult than English.

For a long time, Yan Xueyiao was still standing there, her outstanding face was hidden in the shadows, and A Pei couldn't help but say, "He's gone."

Yan Xueyiao hoarsely said, "I lost it."

A Pei didn't know who the young man was, but he knew that Yan Xuexiao missed someone very much when they were still in crisis, but even in his sleep, he didn't dare to reveal that person's name.

Shen Chi hurried back to the back of the teaching building after buying the painkillers, but there was no one there. He squeezed the medicine in his hand. In fact, Yan Xuexiao didn't need his care. Everyone had their own life. He lowered his head and walked back. .


The evening class was "E-Sports and Management Overview". The class was taught by their head teacher, Mr. Ning. Five people were sparsely seated in the huge classroom, in stark contrast to the finance major next door.

"Don't look at our lack of professionals." Teacher Ning found a place for himself, "We are a Chaoyang major. With the development of the e-sports industry, the talent gap is getting bigger and bigger. Holding a large-scale e-sports competition requires more than It's the competition team."

"Before the game, someone needs to host the game, and the e-sports media needs to maximize the influence of the game, as well as the training of the team, and the referees and commentators in the game are indispensable."

Teacher Ning talked eloquently: "This is an increasingly perfect industry chain. If you choose this major with the mentality of playing games, I suggest you change your major as soon as possible."

Teacher Ning put the emphasis on the front. Seeing that the five people had no opinions, he encouraged him to speak: "You have proved your ability by being admitted to Yanda University. Everyone has their own areas of expertise. Although the game level is not as good as that of professional players, it is still shine in this industry

hot. "

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