Five o'clock the next morning.

Chen Lun and Floyd walked out of the secret interrogation room of the Sun Palace.

They belonged to the third batch of released guests. After a lengthy and detailed inquiry and recording, the basic suspicions were ruled out, but they were only temporarily freed. According to the court interrogator, the two are not allowed to leave Tourmaline Kloster at will in the following time, otherwise they will be punished for treason.

The MCO will remain in place until the real killer is found.

This rule was quite strict, but Chen Lun didn't care.

If he wants to leave quietly, the royal family may not be able to detect it. After all, even if you don't escape from the spirit world, you can also teleport directly through the cloud leap, so the interrogator's warning only affects those ordinary guests.

The sky was slightly bright, showing a light blue haze, and the marble steps in front of the palace were shrouded in silence. Chen Lun and Floyd walked side by side, and went down the stairs in silence.

Although they hadn't slept all night, the two of them were not tired. After all, the physical fitness of mid-sequence transcendents was already different from that of ordinary people, and Floyd himself was more energetic at night.

"Noah... what are you going to do?"

Floy said softly in an ethereal voice.

Chen Lun glanced at her and shook his head silently.

In fact, his current thoughts are also a little confused, and many puzzles linger in his heart, such as how Noah blocked the perception of the "Pale Seal" at that time, and lurked outside the banquet hall, and why he came here, just happened to be Apprehended as a prime suspect.

This misunderstanding is very serious and quite coincidental.

Chen Lun couldn't help thinking of a person, that is Howard.

‘Although this guy has disappeared for a long time, it is absolutely impossible to give up interfering with my fate... What happened to Noah is indeed like His handwriting. '

But Chen Lun was not sure.

'It would be great if I could ask Noah in person, and I can use the chance to see his fate trajectory, whether there are traces of being touched... It's a pity that he has been imprisoned in the Sun Dungeon now, and I don't know Not eligible to enter. '

He felt a little dull when he thought of what happened to Noah.

It can be said that Noah was an outsider who was passively involved in this accident, but what awaited him was very likely to be executed. Facing such a situation, Chen Lun also felt quite difficult.

Princess Anna's assassination failed, and the prince's affection for him dropped to a freezing point. The status of the person in charge of the Royal City of the Generous Council alone may not be enough to make the prince forgive him.

Even if he broke his face with the royal family and went directly to the Dungeon of the Sun to rescue Noah, he might be powerless... Leaving aside what kind of defense force was placed there, even if he successfully rescued Noah, he might not be able to leave the royal city for half a step .

The royal family, the Imperial Jury, the Church of the Sun, and even the Church of the Seven Gods who support the royal family... I don’t know how many high-ranking people gathered in this "Heart Capital of the Empire". the degree of the high-ranking ones.

Thinking about countermeasures in his mind, Chen Lun felt more and more powerless.

He sighed secretly, and whispered to Floyd:

"I will find a way to rescue Noah."

Chen Lun was holding a silver cane, turned his head and looked forward, his eyes were like a deep pool.

"He is a teammate and a comrade-in-arms that we get along day and night... What's more, Noah has nothing to do with this matter, so he shouldn't bear such a crime."


Floy pursed her lips and nodded quietly.

Immediately, she raised her hands and gently held his palm, as if she wanted to comfort him.

"No matter what you do, I will follow behind you... If you need to use my power, just ask."

"Yes, Floyd."

Chen Lun looked at her and smiled.

The two walked down the white marble steps and found a carriage parked on the side of the street ahead. The driver was leaning against a horse, smoking a cigarette boredly. When he saw them approaching, the driver quickly threw down the cigarette butt and stamped it out, and strode forward.

"Mr. Jack, please get in the car."

The coachman said directly.

Chen Lun was a little puzzled at first, but immediately sensed something, so he nodded naturally, and led Floyd into the carriage.

As soon as the curtain was lifted and one entered, one could smell a strong fragrance, which was the familiar woody citrus scent of Princess Anna.

"Jack, I don't have much time, so I'll make a long story short..."

The blond Princess Anna sat on the exquisite leather chair, her face was still a little pale and weak, as if she was enduring pain, she frowned slightly.

"The plan failed... I'm sorry for involving you in it. I may not take any further actions in the future, otherwise the risk of exposure will be greatly increased. In the next period of time, the Sun Cross will most likely be attacked by Daz Wright's liquidation, the strength accumulated for nearly ten years, I am afraid that it will also be lost."

Princess Anna lowered her head, and under the faint light of the candle, her pale cheeks were mixed with shadows, making her look extraordinarily lonely.

She sighed lightly, raised her head and reminded:

"Dazlet's mood is quite unstable right now, and it can even be said to be crazy. You'd better not offend him at this sensitive moment... I'm talking about that boy, can you understand?"

Chen Lun glanced at the princess and knew that she was reminding himself not to be impulsive to save Noah. He nodded and thanked softly.

Immediately, Chen Lun was silent for a few seconds, and said to the princess in a pleading tone:

"His Royal Highness Anna, can you please do me one last favor..."

"Let's say, although this operation failed, you did help me... As long as I can do it, I will try my best to help you."

Princess Anna nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Chen Lun said his request in a deep voice:

"I want to go to the dungeon to meet Noah."

Anna didn't answer directly, and after frowning for a while, she let out a long breath.

"If it's just a one-time meeting, I can help you... But I'm afraid I can't do it in two days. You need to wait."


Chen Lun took off his hat and expressed his thanks again.

The two didn't chat too much. Princess Anna finished conveying her words and said that it was time for her to return to the palace, otherwise Dazlet would notice something strange.

Chen Lun just nodded silently, took Froy out of the carriage, and watched the princess go away.

"Let's go back."

he said softly.

Floy obediently agreed, and followed him to the Generous Church area.




The first time he returned to the church area, he did not tell the other cadres about Noah's detention, but summoned the faceless waiter with a golden wine glass, and wrote several letters for the messenger to deliver to the speaker and the Senate. Several consuls who have made good friends with themselves.

Since there is nothing to do at the moment, and he is single and weak, he can only turn to the top management of the organization for help... Chen Lun did not expect Speaker Azgielo and the others to come forward for him. Far from enough.

Chen Lun only hopes to get some support, so that he can have a greater right to mediate in the future and buy more time for Noah.

Immediately afterwards, he used the Silver Ring Coin, a high-level keepsake of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, to play another special frequency to summon Rosa's exclusive messenger. Chen Lun briefly summarized Noah's affairs in the letter, and hoped that Rosa could convey this message to Her Majesty the Silver Dragon Witch.

It is related to Noah's life and death, Chen Lun should inform his sister and mother regardless of reason... What's more, if he wants to save Noah, Blaise is the best help. More right to speak.

Not only that, after Chen Lun repeatedly sent letters asking for help, he closed the curtains of the room, moved the sofa and coffee table away, leaving an open space in the room, and then took out various extraordinary materials and arranged them on the floor. There are two corresponding ritual circles.

He silently recited the honorable names of "God of Cats" Maggie Milna and "Smiling Clown" Philip, and prayed to them, begging for a response.

When it comes to the Sun Royal Family and church forces, Chen Lun hopes to get help from these two powerful people.

However, as expected, Maggie and Philip did not respond. Chen Lun sat back on the sofa, looked wearily at the flickering flames of the candles on the ground, and could only sigh secretly.

Three days passed by.

In the afternoon of this day, Chen Lun, who had just had lunch, was sitting in the lobby on the first floor of the apartment in the residential area, reading a newspaper.

This is the "Sun Post" purchased by Connie. This newspaper is headquartered in a prime location in the upper city. They are mainly responsible for reporting some major news in the Royal City Tourmaline Kloster and surrounding areas.

Chen Lun flipped through the newspaper, frowning slightly.

Since yesterday, several large-scale accidents have occurred in the upper and lower urban areas of Wangcheng, such as gas explosions, building collapses, and a fire in a food factory... The residents of Wangcheng who didn't know it took these as after-dinners However, Chen Lun knew that this was probably Prince Dazlet's liquidation.

'No matter how deeply the Sun Cross Society hides, it will still not be able to withstand the anger of the royal family...Princess Anna is right, this time their losses must be extremely heavy. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

He sighed secretly, put down the newspaper, closed his eyes and lay down on the sofa to rest.

This morning, Rosa's reply arrived.

The other party said that she had already told the matter to her mother, and she could clearly feel her anxiety and tension between the lines, and asked Chen Lun about Noah's situation again and again.

However, Chen Lun still doesn't know how Noah is doing in the Sun Dungeon, so he can only write some words of consolation, and keep Rosa safe so that she doesn't rush to the royal city in a hurry.

Based on what he knew about Rosa, if she learned that her younger brother was imprisoned in a dungeon and was very likely to be executed, she would definitely do so. But now that the situation in the royal city is tense, Rosa's coming will not help, but may cause unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, a slight tremor came from Chen Lun's ears.

Even if he didn't open his eyes, he could still "see" the faceless attendant stepping out of the spirit world, coming to his side and bending down to salute.

"Master Jack, this is the reply letter from the Mulenga Consul..."

The faceless waiter handed over the letter on the tray and added:

"He asked me to convey to you that last week a member of Parliament discovered the traces of the Rotov family in the depths of the spiritual world. The four consuls, Ginsberg, Peggy, Yasmin and Bindu, were ordered to participate in the extermination operation, following Azgir Chairman Luo went to the Dark World together, and is not currently at the headquarters... Your letter can only be stored for the time being, and will be handed over after the adults return."

"I see."

Chen Lun's heart sank, he opened his eyes, and took the letter.

He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. It was expected that Maggie, the cat god, and Philip didn't answer their prayers, but at this juncture, it happened that the high-level members of the Generous Council went out together. No matter how they looked, they looked like an invisible hand. Block your own back road.

But Chen Lun had already spied on his own destiny in the fairyland, everything was as usual, and there was no trace of Howard's actions...

‘If it’s really him, why target Noah? This is unreasonable. '

Chen Lun took a deep breath, removed the sealant from the letter, and took out the letter paper for reading.

In his letter, Mulenga expressed his support for him, but regretted that he was currently sitting in Gem State and could not get out, and the avatar was also on a mission and could not rush to the royal city in time.

In addition, He also vaguely reminded Chen Lun that the matter of the royal city, that is, the assassination of Prince Dazlet had spread, and the other four consuls with bad relations in the Senate seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Chen Lun's actions in the royal city.

Among them, the Houston Consul has already set off and is currently on his way to Wangcheng. Mulunga told him to be careful, that guy was probably planning to take advantage of the absence of the speaker and other consuls, and use the reason of Chen Lun's feud with the prince to seize power.

After all, from the very beginning, the four consuls including Houston coveted the position of the person in charge of the royal city. Now that they have finally found an opportunity, they will definitely not let it go.

Chen Lun silently put away the letter and pondered for a long time.

My own request for help was blocked, not only did I not get help, but more troubles followed one after another...

He took out two gold pounds and handed them to the faceless waiter. After he left, he got up from the sofa and slowly walked out of the apartment door with a silver cane.

‘The next step is not only to find a way to rescue Noah, but also to deal with the trouble of Houston... What should I do? '

Chen Lun looked at the bright sky outside, but felt bad.

At this time, Floyd, who was wearing a long black and purple dress, walked slowly, quietly hugged him from behind, and leaned her face on his back.

"Don't worry, everything will work out smoothly."

An ethereal and pleasant voice came slowly from behind.

Chen Lun's originally suppressed emotions eased, and he responded:


The two were silent for a few seconds.

Floyd continued:

"The Church of the Moon has taken action... The head servant of the monastery, Thelma, came to the royal city in person, and brought the seven Bright Moon nuns into the Sun Palace together."


Chen Lun frowned, turned around slightly, and looked at Floyd in surprise.

"In addition, a priest team from the Stars Sect also entered the royal city, and Noah's mother was among them."

"A turnaround is coming..."

Chen Lun murmured.

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