I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 411 Sudden General Attack

The soldiers of the Ming army rushed to the city wall, and each department stood in their defensive positions, holding grenades tightly in their hands, ready to throw them at any time.

At this time, some of the Chinese troops were only a few meters away from the city wall, and some people's siege ladders had already hooked on the city wall and were preparing to climb up.

If the Ming army did not want to save the grenade, it could already be thrown at this time.

However, their superiors ordered to throw as many people as possible.

They are still waiting for their time.

But at this moment, Hua Jun receded like a tide.

In front of the city wall is a large flat land, and it is much easier for them to advance and retreat than the Ming army up and down the city wall.

Seeing the Hua army retreat, the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't help yelling, either mocking, or destroying the siege ladders.

It is a pity that this simple siege ladder is worthless because there are many Chinese troops. As for the scolding and ridicule, the soldiers of the Hua Army could not hear them.

All they could hear was the whistling of the shells that had been fired.

Immediately afterwards, the Ming army panicked and screamed.

Those shells fell on the city wall again, killing and injuring the Ming army above.

In fact, the strength of this kind of killing is not large, far less terrifying than when it comes to close combat.

However, the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't stand it, and they rushed to go down the city wall and entered the bunker to avoid it.

They were able to fight back when they were close to hand, but now they couldn't even touch the shadow of the enemy.

They don't like this fight where they can only stand and be beaten, not at all.

When going down the city wall, it is a messy picture, and there are inevitably some disputes, some contradictions, and even some accidents, such as being squeezed and falling down the steps.

"Sir, it's not good to continue like this. Maybe we can send a small number of soldiers each time. In this way, we can reduce casualties and temporarily resist the enemy for a while. If the enemy launches a general attack, there will be enough time to delay the arrival of reinforcements. "

Huang Huihong's subordinate suggested.

These people are not completely dry, they have been thinking about ways to deal with it.

Right now, this person has come up with a countermeasure that sounds plausible.

However, his suggestion only worked for one round.

In the first round, Hua Jun was indeed deceived and continued to execute harassment tactics.

However, the generals of the Hua Army soon discovered the adjustment of the Ming Army.

In this case, the effect that can be achieved by continuing the harassment tactics will be relatively low, which is not cost-effective.

"Order, the next wave of direct attack."

Lu Guangzu ordered.

After much harassment, they have almost paralyzed the enemy.

A sudden attack at this time will definitely have an unexpected effect.

The front-line commanders who received the semaphore took action one after another, and told the soldiers below the order of the general attack, so that they could be psychologically prepared.

They then moved on, exactly as they did in previous waves.

However, this time, the faces of the soldiers of the Chinese Army were more solemn. Next, you have to play the real game and fight hard.

Just like the effect of 'the wolf is coming', although Huang Huihong knew that the Hua army would attack sooner or later, his nerves were not as tight as before.

Even the coach is like this, and the generals and soldiers below are even more relaxed.

They think that Hua Jun is still scaring people.

Instead of defending carefully, it is better to find a good position to avoid the coming Chinese artillery shells.

Just when they were slack, Hua Jun arrived at the bottom of the city and started to climb in full.

The second battalion and the third battalion in the back began to rush towards the city wall at this time, ready to keep up at any time.

"Oops, it's true this time, the enemy is attacking."

Huang Huihong was annoyed, but for a while he forgot to order the soldiers to come up to support.

At this time, there were only more than 200 soldiers left behind on the city wall, and there was less than one soldier defending within an average of one meter.

This density of deployment will certainly not be able to effectively defend.

Fortunately, some of Huang Huihong's subordinates were still awake and hurried to give orders.

Before that, they could only pray that the more than 200 soldiers would show their heroic dedication and fight with blood.

However, this is clearly not possible.

These soldiers are only for the sake of eating, and they don't have much loyalty to Daming.

At this time, they suddenly encountered the general attack of the Chinese army. These soldiers knew in their hearts that they were in danger.

If you leave the fight to the death yourself, you may be able to successfully drag these enemies. In this way, Daming can defend the city wall, but he has a high chance of dying in battle.

It doesn't do any good for them.

Therefore, seeing that the situation was not right, and there was no supervising team behind them, these people chose to escape.

Before some people escape, they can at least throw out their grenades and make their only contribution.

Some soldiers, on the other hand, fled when they saw that the situation was not right.

The few who stayed behind couldn't tell whether they were stupid or loyal.

All in all, nothing left to do.

Hua Jun ordered the general attack, and that attitude was quite firm.

When confronted with recalcitrant people, there is only a death battle.

The first wave of Chinese troops hit the city wall, and then a few people formed a line of defense,

Protect this landing point.

It only lasted for a minute, and more than a dozen Chinese soldiers came up to this place.

At this time, reinforcements from the Ming army also came.

Their support speed is actually very fast.

However, after all, it was a little slower, and more than 300 Chinese soldiers had gathered on the city wall.

They quickly assembled the team, then defended the city wall and waited for more comrades to come up.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Ming army who had just come up to prepare for support panicked.

Soldiers with a little experience know that it is not an easy task to kill more than 300 people and drive them off the city wall. What's more terrible is that the enemy is still coming up.

It can be said that at this time, they have completely lost the advantages of the city wall, and they can only fight fairly.

It's just what they think it's fair.

Immediately afterwards, the Hua army began to advance.

Then, those grenades were thrown around like they didn't want money. This method was envied by the soldiers of the Ming army.

After a wave of grenade bombardment, the two sides went hand in hand.

In front of them were the sword and shield soldiers of the Hua army who fought against them, and the soldiers of the Ming army could barely resist.

Immediately afterwards, as a large number of soldiers with flintlock guns climbed the city wall, the soldiers of the Ming army could not stand it anymore.

Those flintlock spearmen lined up and marched in one direction neatly, giving people a great sense of oppression.

The Ming army also had a flintlock pistol unit, but in a hurry, they were too late to assemble the unit, and they were scattered among the army.

Without concentrated use, the power will drop by a level.

The flintlock troops of the Hua Army have always focused on collective combat.

Before the close combat, there was a wave of salvo, followed by a rush of bayonet forest, and the Ming army responsible for resistance collapsed.

This casualty rate is too high, and the soldiers in front are almost all dead, and this is a momentary thing.

Human life is extremely fragile in front of firearms.

How difficult it is for a person to live into his twenties.

But at gunpoint, death is but a blink of an eye.

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