On March 15th, the meeting officially began.

Early in the morning, Ouyang Shiqi and Feng Liang, who were ready, went to the examination room together.

"Brother Feng, are you resting?"

Feng Liang looked a little lethargic, and Ouyang Shiqi asked out of concern.

"It's okay, it's just that I read the book a little late last night."

Feng Liang vaguely said, in fact, he went to Qinhuai River last night, and he didn't rest well due to excessive indulgence.

Although Feng Liang didn't say anything about this kind of thing, Ouyang Shiqi could have guessed it.

However, he just asked a question, and did not go further.

Everyone has their own different path.

After a rigorous inspection, the candidates entered the examination room.

The day before, the exam was still policy theory.

Ouyang Shiqi opened the test paper and read the first question first.

"Jiajing did not go to court for 30 years, but the world was stable, and Chongzhen was sleeping and eating and the world was in turmoil. What is the reason? Candidates can analyze it from one or more perspectives from economics, official management, climate, Chongzhen's character or other aspects."

Dahua's exam questions are all written in vernacular, and everyone can understand Dahua without thinking.

If it was before, if the knowledge is not deep enough, a single topic can be confusing.

However, the question is easy to understand, but not easy to answer.

Why did Emperor Jiajing become more stable if he did not go to court, and why did Chongzhen work harder and still not do well?

This is indeed a bit counterintuitive. Generally speaking, the more diligent the emperor is, the better the country should be governed.

Just to answer this question, candidates may not feel strange.

They were surprised that this question could be answered from different angles, even the climate and the character of Chongzhen.

Could it be that the climate and Chongzhen's character also had an impact on the demise of the Ming Dynasty?

Many people who don't know much about the climate and Chongzhen look confused.

Ouyang Shiqi felt that this test question was very subtle. From the candidates' answers, one could see a person's knowledge, understanding ability and many other aspects.

Smart people and large-scale people naturally analyze them from multiple perspectives and strive for higher scores.

On the other hand, people who are prudent tend to talk about the relationship between monarch and ministers, the merger of land, and the governance of officials.

The pattern is too large, and the writing angles are too many to cause self-contradictions. It is impossible to justify it, but leaves loopholes.

Those who are worse, can't think of any good opinions, so they can only catch Chongzhen and criticize them severely, and count down the wrong decisions Chongzhen made.

With such a superficial answer, there is definitely no hope of getting a high score, and even the hope of becoming an official is unlikely.

Ouyang Shiqi chose to analyze it from multiple angles, and he even mentioned the influence of climate.

Although he did not know what the Little Ice Age was, he knew that the weather during the Chongzhen period was colder than before.

This continuous cold for a decade or two led to a massive reduction in grain production in the north, triggering Li Zicheng's rebellion.

In terms of climate, he did not dabble deeply, and only mentioned it a little. He focused on land mergers, business taxation, and the relationship between monarchs and ministers.

Finally, after synthesizing these reasons, the conclusions drawn are more accurate.

He wrote a lot of this question, enough to fill nearly an entire examination paper.

Moreover, these are still generalizations. If they were discussed one by one, ten pages would not be enough to write, and even a book could be published.

This is also the reason why many candidates choose one point to discuss, considering the number of words.

The second question is about the benefits, hidden dangers and solutions of the issuance of banknotes.

The third question is about the benefits and hidden dangers of free trade.

Of the five exam questions, only two of the economic questions were taken, which shows that Dahua is currently in demand for economic talents.

However, this is the weakest area of ​​these candidates.

Many candidates simply gave up these two questions and chose to answer the other three.

The problem is, the other three are not easy.

The fourth question has materials. It tells the story of a case determination. A homicide occurred in a certain place, and the county magistrate was convicted after the trial.

The criminal refused to accept it and was sent to the prefect for trial.

In the end, the case took months and a guilt was finally found.

The prototype of this case was actually the case of Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai that Wu Changqing had seen.

If the examinee is concerned about whether the criminal is guilty or not, then it is bound to get a low score.

The most correct answer is actually to draw a conclusion from this case, that is, the governance of a great power cannot ignore the cost issue.

Granted, for that suspect, fairness was important to him.

But in order to ensure his fairness alone, a case took half a year, alerted hundreds of officials, and cost tens of thousands of silver taels.

It's not worth it.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver were used to rescue victims, and they could save thousands of people.

Could it be that the lives of these thousands of people are not as fair as a suspect?

Governance of a big country needs to consider the cost. If every unjust, false and wrongful case is done like this, Dahua will definitely cross faster than Da Ming.

Sometimes, knowing that there may be an unjust, false, and wrongly convicted case, considering the cost issue, we can only make a judgment.


It is very unfair and cruel to the individual suspect, but there is no way to do it.

What the imperial court can do is to improve the technology of solving cases as much as possible and reduce the cost of solving cases, so as to reduce unjust, false and wrongful convictions.

As for completely avoiding wrongful convictions, and realizing that a good person is not wronged, that is impossible.

Not to mention that it is such a backward method of solving cases at present, it is absolutely impossible to do it even when the technology of later generations is very advanced.

Smart candidates can guess the mind of the person who asked the question, and if they discuss this aspect, it is naturally easy to get a high score.

If he is not smart enough, and he advocates a spirit of pursuing fairness that is worth advocating, and does not pay attention to the cost problem, then Dahua will not dare to hire such a person.

A clean official is not necessarily a good official.

Or, such a person cannot be placed in the governance area after being hired, but can only be placed in the inspectorate.

This kind of stupid, upright personality may still come in handy.

Candidates' test papers will be kept as their files afterwards.

From the answer of a person's examination paper, in fact, you can more or less see an official's talent, character, specialties, and what position he is suitable for.

For example, people who answer well on economic questions are naturally sent to the Ministry of Commerce.

The relationship between the monarch and the ministers, and the people who are good at the management of the officials can be sent to the official department.

These are just reference policy theories. If you combine the results of other subjects, it will be easier to judge which position a candidate is suitable for.

Those with well-written eight-part articles can only be thrown to the Ministry of Rites.

Those with high marks in arithmetic are very welcome by both the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Commerce.

Those who answered well in physical chemistry also have their place in the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Industry.

In fact, all departments of Dahua are currently staring at this imperial examination and want to select talents suitable for their departments after the examination.

Now there is a shortage of new talents in various departments, and the traditional officials in the past have become more and more unable to keep up with Dahua's footsteps.

If they don't take the time to learn some new knowledge in private, they are destined to be eliminated by the latter waves.

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