I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Chapter 112 Starry Sky Battlefield

Su Chen is sure that he has never seen such a powerful existence in his life.

With just one glance, he felt that his consciousness was frozen. Not only him, but the analytic power that was excited and frenzied just now trembled at this moment, frozen in the gap of time.

It was an endless battlefield, unimaginably large. The huge hole that was supposed to be empty was filled with countless creatures and fleets. The core of the war seemed to be the chaotic star field, and that magnificent shadow emerged from the chaotic star field. Rising slowly in the center, he is not huge, but his figure is projected in the hearts and eyes of every living being. As long as a living being looks up, he can see his magnificent figure emerging on the battlefield.

And behind him, a golden mountain that was also projected in the hearts of countless living beings rose up in a spiral shape, rose from the bottomless starry sky, and spread to the infinite heights of the starry sky.

At this time, the countless creatures filling the starry sky uttered earth-shattering battle cries, uniformly resounding through the starry sky that could not and should not be resounded.

"The gods are enlightened!!"

"The gods are enlightened!!!"

"The gods are enlightened!!!!!!"

Countless warships passed forward, and countless creatures roared and charged with the fleet.

On this battlefield, the fourth caste is numerous, and even the gods can be seen everywhere. They are neat and uniform, and the fleet is like a forest, following the magnificent rising invincible figure to attack the invisible unknown existence in the sky.

At that moment, Su Chen felt the same surge and excitement in his heart.

——That power spanned the impossible endless time and space, affecting him, as if it wanted to keep him, stay on this battlefield, and go to that unknown war together.

But at this moment, the analytical power was finally exhausted. I don't know if it's an illusion, but at the moment when the power of analysis was exhausted, Su Chen felt that the shadow in countless people's hearts suddenly glanced at him at the top of the battlefield.

That glance made Su Chen's turbulent and excited heart instantly calm down, his consciousness went backwards, and the time around him began to flow instantly, but in the flowing time node, there were no other flickering images, only that A scene of the battlefield, until Su Chen returned to his place in time, the frightening scene of the war suddenly disappeared.

Su Chen came back to his senses, he was sitting on the bridge of the Conqueror class battleship again.

Everything just now had disappeared from Su Chen's vision at this moment, but the cries of "God enlightened" seemed to still echo in his ears and heart.

That picture, that war scene, may have been left in this starry sky before endless years. The power of analysis chased into the space-time gap, and the past, future, and present unfolded linearly in front of him, and he was able to see such scenes. But the shadow that soared on the battlefield of the chaotic star field was too powerful.

That was the most powerful life that Su Chen had ever seen in his life. Even cracked life seems to be eclipsed in front of him, and the entire starry sky surrenders and trembles under his majestic power.

And that sound of divine enlightenment...

Is that life the former human twenty-seven gods?

Su Chen thought of the war of gods that broke out in the chaotic star field that he had heard about. The "death gods" of the twenty-seven gods fought against the original life. Is the picture engraved in time and space the battle?

Is the star-filled fleet and the opponent of civilization pointed by the gods the original life?

Thinking of this level, Su Chen couldn't help but shudder.

If so, how powerful would the legendary original life be?

In the face of such a god, the crusade of endless civilizations is just suppressed.

In any case, he must not be allowed to live in this world.

Since the original life has been suppressed, it is best to be suppressed forever.

It took Su Chen a moment to come back to his senses, but he found a jubilant atmosphere on the bridge of the Empire Conqueror class battleship.

He was a little surprised: "What's the matter?"

The emperor said: "We succeeded. This leap did not go deeper into the giant hole. We have found a solution to the problem!"

Hearing this, Su Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was he who personally expelled the shadow that tampered with the parameters. It stands to reason that the direction and coordinates of the transition will not change again.

However, at this time, Su Chen confirmed this point, undoubtedly very happy.

"Mr. Su." Emperor Mingxuan said, "My warship and I may still need your strength. This time, we will jump out directly!"

Hearing this, Su Chen showed an embarrassed expression and began to shake his head.

Because he can't do it.

During the leap just now, all three of his analysis powers were exhausted. Judging from the situation at the time, in order to complete a leap, two more analysis powers are the minimum requirement. Now that Su Chen's available analysis power has been used up, he needs time to wait until his available analysis power is exhausted. The strength recovers seven to eighty-eight, and then proceeds to the next leap.

However, although Su Chen saw the shadow of war that made his heart skip a beat in that gap in time, he still hasn't found the truth about the "ghost" that tampered with the jump parameters of the spaceship. He still doesn't know what that ghost is thing.

Is it a living thing, or is it just a program acting on time and space?

Su Chen didn't know. He may not be able to know the answer to this question. If the three analytical powers are exhausted, he will not be able to track down the source of that thing. He guesses that unless all the analytical power in the space of his ring of Anovar can be taken at once. Come out, chase that ghost, maybe you can really find its root and figure out what it is.

In that rift of time, Su Chen obviously felt extremely strong resistance, even the power of analysis was rapidly consumed and quickly used up.

But that ghost can travel through it.

In fact, if there wasn't the rift that the ghost penetrated into time, even if Su Chen wanted to go in, he wouldn't be able to get in.

This in itself is actually an extremely terrifying and terrifying thing. There is such a thing hidden in the huge hole of thin matter. But Su Chen didn't intend to share his short experience with anyone, it was meaningless, instead he was worried that it would cause other bad situations.

If it was really a living creature, if it was so powerful, it would probably alarm him if it was discussed.

Now it is just a specter of tampering with parameters, what if it is really alarmed? Then it might not be anything.

Su Chen shook his head, stood up from his seat, spread his hands to the fiery-eyed Imperials in the bridge, and began to explain that he could no longer use that power in a short time.



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