I Can Rewind

Chapter 223 Keeping the Spirit (4)

Chapter 223 Keeping the Spirit (4)

At this time, the sky began to rain lightly, and the staff in the funeral home began to get busy, preparing to advance the procedure and send the old man who cheated the corpse and Ren Susu to the cremation room one after another.

And the people who remove the spirits are inspected from one mourning hall to another. This funeral parlor has a large area. There are more than 80 mourning halls alone, and some mourning halls are far away from each other.

Some mourning halls are even set up on the mountainside, either by car or by climbing many steps to go up.

It will probably take a while to check them one by one.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the case of fraudulent corpses only happens in mourning halls. If there is something unusual in a mourning hall, the relatives who are guarding the mourning there will either run to the duty room of the funeral parlor, or call 4747 long ago.

Yan Junze thought about it for a moment, because with the help of the spirit eliminator, he didn't plan to go to the mourning hall to investigate again.

Soon he had an idea in his mind, and quickly left the toilet, followed the signs on the road and walked towards the funeral parlor office.

Along the way, he deliberately walked close to the corner of the building. The funeral parlor at night was already very deserted, and he hardly saw anyone else along the way.

And the moon is good tonight, but because it is not her own body, even if the shadow of a strange baby is formed under the moonlight, she will not worry about Fang Ning appearing.

He quickly approached the office. At this moment, because there were few people on duty, they were busy with the cremation of the two fraudulent corpses. The lights in the office were on, but there was no one there.

Yan Junze walked in directly and looked at the distribution map of the funeral home hanging on the wall.

The marks on the map were very clear, he quickly found his location, and then looked at the surrounding buildings.

After a while, I saw a building marked "Lonely Hall".

The word "solitary hall" is marked with different font sizes and colors, which is obviously different from other mourning halls.

And the word "solitary" also indirectly shows that there may be no one guarding the spirit there.

After writing down the location, there was a sudden voice outside.

Yan Junze found that he couldn't get out, so he quickly ducked down, got under a desk, pulled the chair over to block his figure, and squatted down quietly.

Soon two people walked into the office.

The two came in a hurry. While opening the drawer to take out a notebook, they took some freshly printed materials from the top of the printer, and they were still talking quickly.

"How is it? Did you find anything unusual in other places?"

"The director and the others went to check one by one with the spirit remover. I think there should be none."

"Hurry up, send those two corpses to be cremated. I always feel that those two dead people will still move. I was so scared that I didn't dare to look at their faces just now."

"I saw it just now. The old man is better, but the woman's chin is completely covered with wax, which is terrifying."

While talking, the two quickly left the office and walked further and further away.

Yan Junze got out from under the table, after making sure that there was no one outside, he opened the door and walked out, and quickly disappeared into the night.

After a while, a short figure entered a flat-roofed building that looked dark from the outside. There was a very dim light outside the gate of this building, which could only be seen if you got close.

Beside the light, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see the word "solitary hall".

The structure of this lonely hall is different from other mourning halls. Walking in, there is a spacious but still very dark corridor.

It should be due to saving electricity. There is only one dim electric light like the one outside at a distance of about fifteen meters. The entire isolated hall is quiet and there is no sound.

Even though Yan Junze's back-projected monster baby's body at this moment, even if he himself is half-spiritual, but in this environment, he still couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

He had already guessed that the solitary hall, as the name suggests, refers to unclaimed corpses, or the corpses of relatives who cannot be found directly. This kind of corpses should be collected by the local officials and handed over to the funeral home for processing, while the burial fee is fulfilled. Programs in social assistance classes.

Soon through the dark corridor, at a corner, an empty hall appeared in front of him.

The furnishings in this hall are actually not much different from those of the smaller ordinary mourning halls. The difference is that there are more than one corpse in it, and each corpse is covered with a white cloth, and there is a small dim lamp next to the corpse.

From a rough look, there are about twenty or so.

More than 20 corpses were placed in two opposite rows, and they did not enjoy the treatment of one ice coffin per person, but Yan Junze could feel that the hall was very cold, and the central air conditioner should be installed, and the temperature should be lowered.

This is more cost-effective than one ice coffin per corpse.

He stood at the door of the hall for a moment, then walked in.

Although this body does not belong to him, but at this moment in this weird and gloomy environment, he still has a feeling of skin numbness.

Because of his short stature, he couldn't see the corpses behind him very clearly, and he didn't know whether the people covered by the white cloth were still lying there.

In addition, the lights here are really dim, and you can only see clearly if you get closer.

Approaching step by step, he quickly walked past the two corpses in the first row. The aisle was in the middle, and there was a corpse on the left and right. Yan Junze stood at the foot of the corpse, looked carefully under the dim light, and found that everything was in good condition and had not moved. signs of passing.

He went on.

Everywhere he went, he stopped and took a closer look.

Some corpses already smelled bad, but it was not very serious, and they had to get closer to smell it.

But at this time, Yan Junze felt more and more that his body was getting colder and colder. This was not because of the strange baby, but because the central air conditioner in the hall was fully turned on. The body of the corpse baby was only covered with a coat and nothing was on inside.

Especially the position of the two hips, it always feels cold and empty, as if there is nothing left.

Yan Junze looked down, and finally came to the conclusion that it was underdeveloped.

Enduring the cold, he soon stood in the position of the eleventh column, where he could no longer move forward.

Because the corpse on the left was covered with a white cloth, it looked ordinary, but the white cloth on the corpse on the right showed signs of being moved at this moment.

As unclaimed corpses, in order to save costs, the feet of these corpses are exposed, and a name tag is hung on the thumb to avoid being mistaken by the staff.

Yan Junze leaned over to look at the strange corpse name tag covered in white cloth.

"Jiang Yinan, male or female?"

Because the white cloth on the upper body was wrinkled, no male or female could be seen.

He released the mallet, and because of his size, he dragged the mallet directly under his feet, making the sound of metal rubbing against the ground, and walked towards the head of the corpse named Jiang Yinan.

The sound of empty friction in this silent lonely hall sounds tiresome.

Although the white cloth on the surface of the corpse had been moved, but at the moment the corpse remained indifferent, lying quietly.

Yan Junze just walked to the left hand side of the corpse at this time, suddenly, the white cloth next to him moved, and a slender, pale hand was exposed from the white cloth.

Yan Junze thought that this hand was going to grab him, so he stopped immediately, took a step back to the side, and almost smashed it with a stick.

But he was taken aback for a moment, and found that the hand didn't grab him, but slipped out, and fell limply in the air.

Now he can be sure that this is Jiang Yinan's corpse, and it is a female corpse.

Because just looking at the fingers and arms that fell down, they looked very thin, and the skin was not only not rough, it should have been very delicate when he was alive.

It can be known that Jiang Yinan is not only a woman, but she should not be too old when she dies.

While Yan Junze was looking at the arm that had slipped out, a corpse behind him with his back turned was slowly sitting up.

Because the white cloth was covered a bit high, it was already higher than the head of the corpse, so it was not until the corpse sat upright silently that the white cloth slowly slid down from the head.

An old man with gray and messy hair is revealed. This old man is a woman. The creases on her face are stacked together, at least she can hold a pencil without falling off, and her drooping eyelids almost cover her eyes.

After she sat up straight, she turned her head stiffly and looked at the back of Yan Junze's head.

Because there was no sound at all, Yan Junze was thinking of walking over and directly removing the white cloth covering Jiang Yinan's female corpse. If he found anything unusual, he was going to swing a mallet first.

After staring quietly at Yan Junze for a few seconds, the corpse of the old woman behind her slowly opened her mouth, and the mouth opened wider and wider, then she leaned forward to the right and slowly approached the back of Yan Junze's head.


A shallow, sighing sound suddenly sounded from the back of Yan Junze's head, like a demon about to eat, unable to restrain its pleasure.

Yan Junze suddenly felt goosebumps popping up on his back, as if something was approaching his scalp.

Almost subconsciously, he turned around quickly, and saw a wrinkled face facing him at a glance, and the mouth on the face was almost touching the tip of his nose, almost biting it off.

An unpleasant stench hit his nostrils.


In the next second, Yan Junze hit the old woman on the head with a mallet, knocking half of her body away, and fell off the corpse bed.

At this moment, the white cloth on Jiang Yinan's body behind him was suddenly lifted off, a naked woman jumped up, threw herself behind Yan Junze, opened her lips, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, with gaps between the teeth. It was covered with a lot of yellow mucus, and it bit Yan Junze's shoulder violently.


Yan Junze lifted the mallet one step ahead of time, causing Jiang Yinan's bite to directly bite the surface of the mallet, making a crisp sound.

With the body of a strange baby, it doesn't take too much effort to swing the mallet. Yan Junze held the mallet with both hands, turned around, and directly hit Jiang Yinan who was about to take a second bite.

Jiang Yinan fell to the ground, Yan Junze immediately followed the second and third blows, and soon a black shadow half a person's height was forced out of Jiang Yinan's body.

Yan Junze ignored Jiang Yinan and continued beating on the black shadow.

At this moment, his ankle tightened, and there was a burst of pain. Looking down, the old woman who had just fallen to the ground crawled over at some point and bit his little ankle.

Because the body is not his own, and the strange baby is originally a ghost body, Yan Junze is not afraid that this mouthful will cause any harm to the strange baby.

With a backhand, he hit the head of the old woman who was biting her ankle with a mallet, and directly pressed the guy to the ground.

Then he swung the mallet and knocked the half-human tall black shadow into pieces.

But the old woman is still struggling.

"There's a fourth one!" Yan Junze said to himself.

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