I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 13 [Night inspection of the slaughterhouse]

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhongcheng Slaughterhouse in the suburbs.

He Xiaotian parked the car in a relatively hidden corner and watched from afar.

Logically speaking, the general slaughtering factory has two shifts during the day and night.

At this time, it was only past eight o'clock, and the entire factory area fell into dead silence, without a single light, which was too strange.

It seems that his guess is not wrong, and all problems appear on Zhongcheng.

"Huh? There's a voice. Could it be that there are comrades tonight?"

He Xiaotian took advantage of the faint moonlight to see the words [police] on the front of the car.

After undergoing the transformation of "Fire Alchemy", his eyesight has surpassed that of ordinary people.

In this regard, he did not have many surprises.

In other words, the question about meat was told by his cousin.

If the police didn't notice Zhongcheng's problem, it would be too stupid.

More than ten police cars lined up, and more than forty policemen with guns came down one after another, and surrounded the slaughterhouse.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a big belly came into He Rulong's eyes.

He remembered this person, Director Huang of the Z County Police Department.

When you are young, you are a character.

During the day, he used police means to manage the law and order of County Z, and at night, he used his own means to control scum like hooligans.

Otherwise, he came from a poor family and has no background at all.

Why can you sit firmly in the position of director in your forties?

But tonight, he seemed like a supporting role.

Because he had been talking with a man and a woman, He Xiaotian couldn't hear the content of the conversation, but judging from his demeanor.

Apparently men and women are dominant, with Director Huang as his assistant.

He Xiaotian had also met those two people before, and it was the provincial special case team that he met downstairs when his cousin took him to the hospital this morning.

"Director Huang, ordinary police officers are useless when it comes to abnormal cases. They may even become a drag at critical moments. So you just need to guard the outside and wait for us to finish dealing with the matter inside.

If we don't come out before dawn, please evacuate immediately and report to the provincial capital in time. Then send a few smart police officers to strictly monitor the slaughterhouse, no matter who comes out of it, even the two of us, they will be monitored. "

"Yes, yes, yes." Director Huang nodded again and again, his appearance did not have the arrogance of his youth at all.

In fact, despite the fact that his police rank is higher than the two in front of him, he actually knows it very well.

This kind of case is not something ordinary people can touch! !

A few days ago, the director of the county next door encountered an abnormal case and died in the line of duty.

It is said that the thief died miserably.

All seven members of the family turned into mummies.

There are no wounds all over the body.

Director Huang's scalp tingles just by recalling the appearance of those corpses.


If it was a bandit, even his surname Huang would be fearless.

But who can tell him, what is it that can take away all the blood of human beings?

Coupled with the recent notice of "Report Special Cases Immediately" issued by the provincial capital, Director Huang understands that the world is undergoing amazing changes.

Last night, I received what my subordinates said was a strange disappearance.

He reported immediately without any hesitation.

According to the rules, the case should be screened and analyzed to see if it is a special case.

It's just that the photo of the black substance that I don't know what it is provides him with convenience.

It didn't take long to report, and the provincial capital sent a task force overnight.

This decision made him very grateful, thankful that he did not try his best.

Otherwise, just a case of disappearance would make him unable to eat, not to mention the case of a person biting someone.

Overnight, more than a dozen people disappeared.

These are just reported.

In fact, the number of missing people has risen to fifty-seven.

It was suppressed and not reported because of fear of causing social panic.

He is under a lot of pressure now.

"Officer Zhao, Officer Zhou, don't worry, you two. I will strictly follow your instructions and hope everything goes well."

Hearing the words, the men and women nodded.

Although it is said that he looks down on this potbellied bureau chief, at least his attitude is very correct.

Knowing professional things requires professional people.

I heard from other students in the school that people in some places rely on their official authority and always mess around.

A special case that was obviously easy to handle was messed up by these people.

I was so exhausted physically and mentally that I wished I could leave behind.

It's just that the people are innocent, and they must suppress their anger and clean up the mess.

In the relevant departments, after a few people were dealt with, the atmosphere gradually subsided.

After all, it's a troubled time now, if you don't use thunderous means to frighten people, I'm afraid it will take a lot of energy just to deal with people in the system in the future.

Where is there any strength to deal with special events?

A man and a woman walked into the Zhongcheng slaughterhouse until they finally disappeared into the night.

"Next, two people will surround the slaughterhouse. Remember, except for the comrades at the main entrance, please keep your eyes open. If the person who escapes from the field is not a comrade from the special case team. Don't hesitate, go directly to the slaughterhouse. shot!"

Director Huang sternly shouted, he deeply understood that even a little hesitation in dealing with such a weird case may result in casualties.

As for whether it will hurt innocent people?


The wall is more than two meters high and close to three meters, and glass shards are inlaid with cement on it.

Can a person who can be turned out from the inside be a good person?

It's not absconding in fear of crime, why don't you come out of the gate!

Besides, whether the person who came out is human or not is another matter.

He was guarding the main entrance, so direct shooting would naturally not happen.

I can only hope that the comrades in the task force can handle everything in the slaughterhouse well.

It's one thing for ordinary police officers not to meddle, but another thing for them to do nothing!

What is the public food that the state gives you for?

Isn't it just to protect the people!

The policemen under him are all good guys.

He didn't want someone to break it.

Over the past thirty years of his career as a police officer, he has seen too many tragedies.

Sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person is more than just a line of words.

He Xiaotian put on his mask calmly and got out of the car.

Since the police blocked the main entrance, let him enter from the side.

The wall of less than three meters, for him who has reached a slightly small level of "Fire Alchemy Body", his body has been greatly strengthened, it is trivial.

The slaughterhouse occupies a large area, and more than forty police officers work in pairs, and there must be gaps in between.

As long as the speed is fast enough, your question marks... ah bah! Eyes can't follow me!

Fortunately, a lot of things happened in Z County today, and most of the police force was stranded in the county.

Otherwise, he would really be able to sneak into the slaughterhouse under the nose of others.

Wearing a hood and dressed in black, he gave him the best protection.

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