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Chapter 423 Let the Bullets Fly

At this moment, the Xinghai Group can be said to be on the cusp of the storm, and the slightest bit of behavior will be infinitely magnified under the attention of all the people. A slight mistake may have a huge impact, and the pressure on Chen Leyao can be imagined.

It wasn't until she saw Xia Xu coming that she really felt relieved.

First, it was much easier to deal with the matter because the person involved was present.

The second is that, even though she doesn't want to admit it, this strong woman who easily manages the business and management of the entire group now has an inexplicable feeling that she has found a backbone after Xia Xu's arrival.

"Don't worry about the press conference, let the bullets fly for a while."

Xia Xu was still calm and relaxed, smiled slightly, pushed Chen Leyao back on the chair, and said, "Sister Leyao, please sit down and rest for a while."

"Don't worry, the battles on the Internet are now like Wanmin's petition."

Perhaps infected by Xia Xu's confident and calm demeanor, Chen Leyao relaxed a little, and sat back on the chair with half a push, but still gave her a coquettish look.

The style of this glance is so charming that it makes people shiver.

"We still need to wait."

Xia Xu shook his head.

"Wait until when?"

Chen Leyao didn't quite understand Xia Xu's thoughts.

This incident is actually a godsend opportunity for Xinghai Group.

At this moment, the entire network's attention is on this matter. All the boss needs to do is to stand up and admit his identity, and to promote and display the group's technical background. The most powerful technology company in the eyes.

"Of course until they desperately need us."

Xia Xu smiled slightly, but he didn't give a damn.

As he said, let the bullets fly a little longer.

Now many people are curious about his identity, and hope that the Xinghai Group can represent the country to show the same level of technology.

But precisely because he had successfully stopped the wolf giant, the possibility was actually very high in the eyes of everyone, and he only had to admit it himself, so these people were far from eager for it.

It's not that he insists on putting on airs to be a hero, and insists on standing up when everyone is in a hurry, but that people's hearts are unpredictable, and everyone's thoughts are different.

Even a single food choice can give birth to such a wonderful thing as extreme vegetarianism, not to mention biochemical technology, a sensitive topic that has been controversial since its inception.

Just before the wolf giants ravaged the Demon City, if the Xinghai Group uses similar technology at this time and in the future, even if it is only a little bit, it may also attract a lot of condemnation.

It is impossible to put an end to this kind of denunciation and controversy. No matter how legally compliant and honest research is, it is useless. Any suspicion and anti-intellectual remarks can come out when people are extreme.

But in any case, he must at least ensure that there are a majority of supporters on his side.

And to accomplish this, now is the best opportunity.

The most important thing about anything is a preconceived first impression, and this incident is the beginning of everything.

As long as he doesn't stand up, even those who are sure that he is a 'mechanic' will become more and more uncertain, and the technical panic temporarily suppressed by the 'mechanic' will gradually break down.

When the fear of technological backwardness and the fear of biochemical monsters such as wolf giants spread to the extreme, then it will not be that Xinghai Group needs people to support public opinion on biochemical technology, but that the public needs this kind of technology and needs to be more powerful than the wolf giants. Giants' more advanced technology that can resist and deter 'wolf giants'.

At that time, the Xinghai Group, which holds this kind of technology, will only have the image of a savior, and people's first impression of biochemical technology will change from a disaster to a military technology that needs to be held and competed with like nuclear bombs and other military technologies. Technical achievements.

In fact, these are not his personal considerations, but part of a publicity plan formulated after various communications with special departments. The government needs this kind of positive influence to allow the public to accept and objectively recognize biochemical technology.

After all, biochemical transformation technologies such as strengthening dogs exist objectively, and there are also application needs in this regard. It is impossible to ignore them, and only acceptance and objective cognition can truly reduce the panic caused by biochemical technologies.

Furthermore, special departments also need to take this opportunity to raise the banner to show their existence.

The Xinghai Group is a 'hero' who has stood up, to be precise, it is one of the heroes.

There can be many heroes, and only special departments represent the majesty and credibility of the government, appointing and controlling talents, deterring young people, and protecting the people.

This is also the government's long-standing plan to let the public gradually accept these emerging things and standardize management through legislation like ordinary cases, and turn special departments into law enforcement and violent institutions that are normal, well-known, and stand in the light like the police.

"That's it for now. I still need to go to Xinghai Biology, so I'll go first. Sister Le Yao, you don't have to be too nervous, just be normal."

After Chen Leyao explained and explained some preparatory work, Xia Xu got up and left again, and went straight to Decheng with Hong Yan who came back with him.

Public opinion and the company's image are trivial matters to him, and the black technology he has obtained is the real foundation.

The experimental data and wolf giants seized from Gardner's organization were transported to Xinghai Creatures for sorting and research. He still doesn't know the specific harvest.

"Mr. Gu, what's the matter? Have you sorted out the information?"

After returning to Xinghai Biology and throwing Hong Yan to Cui Xinghua who was on duty at Xinghai Private Hospital, Xia Xu hurried to Gu Haiming's laboratory directly.

"Too detailed research and testing is too late, but I have checked the basic situation."

Gu Haiming also looked excited after hearing Xia Xu's question, his eyes were bloodshot from lack of rest:

"Gardner's research on giant technology is all here. Generally speaking, it can be divided into three parts, giant gland technology, epiphysis restart technology, and bone strengthening technology also researched from wolf giants.

The epiphyseal restart technology reactivates the height development of adults, the giant gland promotes growth, increases the body size while enhancing the density and strength of muscle cells, and the bone strengthening technology is used to support the weight of this far exceeding conventional organisms. "

"What about the manufacturing technology of the wolf giant? Can the special transformation that can control the temporary giant size be reproduced?"

Xia Xu nodded slightly, and then asked the two questions he was most concerned about.


Gu Haiming hesitated slightly, and said: "The wolf giant can be manufactured theoretically, but in fact it is completely based on a tailor-made transformation plan for that special werewolf.

It has the transformation results of the Steel Bone Project on its body, but other werewolves do not, so even if we capture the lycanthropy and reproduce it, it will not be able to reach the size and strength of the wolf giant. "

Xia Xu had already guessed this point, so he was not surprised. He just nodded, and then asked: "If my prediction is correct, is it also difficult to reproduce the giant transformation technique similar to lycanthropy transformation?"


Gu Haiming smiled wryly, and after deliberating his words for a moment, he said: "Gardner's organization to create the special experimental subject that can gigantize in the form of an ordinary person actually has a lot of accidental factors, otherwise they wouldn't be so obsessed with arresting him. "

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