I Dare You To Run Away Again

Chapter 34: Dear look at me

Chapter thirty-fourth, my dear, look at my four-thirty, and Tian Yuan, who was free from this dead woman, decided to go to work decisively.

He usually keeps a low profile, and he doesn't participate in what he does, works hard, and deals in dark.

Drug rebate, he doesn't want, a medicine with a few cents ex-factory price, when he gets to the doctor, he will turn hundreds of times of wickedness and he won't do it.

He didn't do antibiotic abuse.

He works overtime and overtime. He is alone, and the hospital is not burdened to call him. Therefore, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and Spring Festival, he will always be on duty.

He acknowledged it.

But what made him suffer from this woman's birdishness was the doctor, and did not provoke him, so why the nose is not the nose, the face is not the face.

"Tianer, dear, I'll pick you up from work.

"The door of his office was knocked open. For this direct way of opening, Tian Yuan just lost his eyes.

Pan Lei stood at the door with his arms raised, as if welcoming Tian Yuan Ruyan Benlin to rush over.

Tian Yuan was dumb, silent, and started packing.

Pan Lei's eyes were sharp, and he naturally saw his mouth in a bad mood.

Closed the door and walked over.

Hold his shoulders.

"What's wrong? I'm not happy seeing it.

Say one thing that will make you happy, the car from your elder brother is really good, Guangben, silver and white, I have tried the performance, it is very good.

If you don't like it, I'll let the big brother change again.

Tian Yuan was still unhappy, Pan Lei frowned.

When he went out today, he still shouted that he would eat chicken soup. Why was he in a bad mood in the afternoon? It must be someone in the hospital who was angry with him.

His mother is Hippy, I dare to bully.

Lift the roof of this hospital, believe it or not? "A smile, unhappy and talk to me.

"Tian Yuan was a little bored, changed his clothes and went out with him.

Walk slowly down the corridor.

"Someone runs on me.

The dean went crazy today to promote me as the deputy director, but the director's lover is a candidate by default.

Pan Lei nodded his head and understood that this man and his society is full of interests and rights, human relations and mutual use.

Tian Yuan has a simple temperament, and the pedantic and rigid of some ancient literati.

This makes him very disadvantaged in this society of mischief.

But it doesn't matter, is he there? With him, he will create a comfortable and stable living environment for Tian Yuan, just like a crystal palace, protecting his treasure.

"That person is your director's lover?" Tian Yuan looked up and looked in the direction of Pan Lei, who was the woman who came over to lose his eyes.

Tian Yuan nodded his head and pulled his sleeve.


"Pan Lei nodded her head, died thirty or eight, bullied me, you wait.

"I help you out of anger.

"Tian Yuan was just about to stop him. He was so angry with a man and a woman.

It was spread as a joke.

Pan Lei squeezed his hand, let him not control, men should not hit women, but the problem is that this woman bullied his family.

On the way, Pan Lei pulled Tian Yuan to his left and talked with him and walked forward with a smile. As the woman passed by, he stretched out a finger and pinched the waist of the female doctor, his finger The head is terrible. Although it can't keep up with the one finger meditation of Shaolin Temple, it can also make people fall to the ground in pain.

Sure enough, after they walked, Dr. Li stepped on six-centimeter-high heels, and his waist and eyes hurt a lot. The beautiful doctor who twisted and twisted snapped and crooked, and then the heels made a terrible sound, sigh, beautiful Dr. Li dropped a dog to eat shit.

This is not the most important thing. Dr. Li screamed and fettered.

Sure, such a crooked, then fell, the heel is too high, this fall must have pinched his ankle.

Pan Leila hurried away Tian Yuan, but could not quarrel with the vixen, neither of them was a woman's opponent.

What that sentence says, men think women are bitches, because women lack a third leg.

Women think men are stuttering because they lack a sharp mouth.

How can a girl talk with a woman? Don't leave at this time, wait any longer.

Hurry up and spit.

Sprinting and slipping into the elevator.

Tian Yuan ran out of breath, and never saw anyone who was more childish than him, and gave him a bitter smile.

Pan Lei smirked his face in front of him.

Finger at the corner of his mouth.

"Smile one, smile one, and see that he almost walked away. Didn't you see a few male patients lowering their heads to look under her skirt?" Tian Yuan laughed, and really couldn't help him.

The elevator door burst open, came in the bald and beer belly director, and there was a skirt just to fart, the beauty under the stock.

Tian Yuan wasn't fooling around with Pan Lei and called out properly, director.

The balding director snorted.

"It's not time to get off work, how did you leave, and you didn't ask for leave, so unorganized and undisciplined, I really don't know why the dean promotes you.

"Tian Yuan didn't say anything. Who knows what the dean draws, and he wants to recommend him.

That's good, he set up his enemy.

What else can this work do?

Pan Lei rolled his eyes.

Pulled Tian Yuan to succeed and chat face to face with him.

"Tianer, that car is so beautiful, you will definitely like it.

I will teach you within three days.

"" Find a broken car for me to learn to drive, I'm really afraid of hitting it, distressed.

"" It's okay. We broke down. Let's get another one. Brother is rich and doesn't squeeze who he squeezes.

"Looked at the director, and the director snorted, looking straight ahead, Pan Lei quietly started.

Aim at the buttocks of the pretty short skirt, take a hard blow, then quickly retract your hands and continue chatting with Tian Yuan.

The beauty screamed and turned back immediately, looking at the three men behind him fiercely.

The two men chatted hotly, and the other man with a bald beer belly stared at her.

The pretty girl popped a big mouth.

After the elevator door opened, five red marks appeared on the director's face.

--- A lot of colds have improved a lot. Thank you for all your recipes and concerns.

Now it ’s, there is no message and collection is not powerful, do I want to feel it again?

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