The black luxury car drove towards the north of Wenshan City.

Due to the terrain, the entire Wenshan Mountain is higher in the north and lower in the south, and the south is closer to Shiwanda Mountain, so generally the wealthy areas are in the north.

"Miss, Madam heard that you came back and prepared a lot of things you like to eat."

While driving, Uncle Huang said to Wenren Youyue that according to the original plan, he should have taken Wenren Youyue home long ago, but he was delayed for a long time because of Wu Fan's matter.

"Yeah, that's great."

Compared to Wenren Youyue's happiness, Wu Fan sat quietly in his seat with his eyes closed and relaxed. Originally, he had no intention of following Wenren Youyue to her house, but she said:

"Why? My family is quite big."

Of course, it was not just for this reason. Wenren Youyue said that his father was a local congressman and could help look for him. Wu Fan simply followed Wenren Youyue. It would be rude to be blindly polite.

"How long until we get to your house?" Wu Fan noticed that the car had entered a garden and kept driving north.

Hearing Wu Fan's words, Wenren Youyue said inadvertently: "This is already my home?"


Wu Fan had a black question mark on his face.

"This garden, as well as the three mountains and two large lakes over there, are the family territory of our Wenren family." Wenren Youyue said, pointing to several large mountains stretching several kilometers in the distance.

Good guy!

Although Wu Fan knew that Wenren Youyue's family was relatively powerful in the local area, he did not expect that its scope of influence would be so large.

"Then your home is indeed quite big..."

"Actually, this is only part of it, and although these mountains are all ours, they are actually no different from wild areas, because these mountains are planted with spiritual herbs and elixirs, and some wild monsters are also raised."

Wu Fan nodded. Just like in Yangcheng before, the Mei family also controlled real estate, phosphate mines, karaoke hotels and other industries including food, clothing, housing, transportation, and energy resources.

Wenren Youyue's family should be an upgraded version of the Mei family. After all, Wenshan City is one level higher than Yangcheng and is a relatively important core city in Nanyun Province.

After the vehicle drove for another half an hour, almost reaching the edge of the suburbs of Wenshan City, they finally arrived in a quiet valley.

"This is..."

What caught Wu Fan's eyes was a hazy fairyland. Many huge purple crown trees more than ten meters high seemed random, but in fact they were cleverly planted in the valley.

There is also a waterfall falling from the high school in the distance. The waterfall has a total of 3 platforms. The water curtain under each stage will raise fine water mist on the platform. These water mist are then illuminated by the sun, creating a natural The prism refracts the seven colors of light in the sun, forming a dream-like scene.

On the high platform in the center, a simple high-rise building was built. The high-rise building occupies an area as large as a football field, is four or five stories high, and has a very high level of carved beams and paintings.

"The water falling from the waterfall is a spiritual spring?"

"The spiritual energy is so rich. One day of practicing here is worth ten days outside."

"The gravel laid at the bottom of the river is actually miscellaneous spiritual stone!"

"Is this the warrior family..."

Wu Fan had only come into contact with people from the Warrior Family before, such as Mei Jie from Yangcheng and Sun Guohao who made trouble during the independent enrollment examination. But today when he really came into contact with the background of the Warrior Family, he suddenly felt a very heavy feeling in his heart. a feeling of.

"With personal power, it is really difficult to shake something like a family."

As a grassroots warrior, Wu Fan has no family support behind him. Even in order to treat his father's disability, he may have to go to the edge of the human forbidden land to pick spiritual plants.

Moreover, the Wen family's strength can only be regarded as that of a powerful person in a prefecture-level city. Those big provincial families and the higher-level Imperial Army families are even more terrifying.

If it had been in the past, when Wu Fan first became a warrior, he would have definitely clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and sworn with fierce and sharp eyes that even if he could only rely on himself, and even if there was no one behind him, he would definitely surpass those families in the future. Musha.

But he, Wu Fan, is also growing up, has been trampled on by others, and has experienced life and death. At this time, when he met the Wenren Youyue family, even though his heart was still fluctuating, he was able to be calm and composed.

"A strong person should have a heart that matches his powerful strength."

A person who is afraid and trembling with nervousness just when he goes on stage to speak, even if you give him great strength, he is still just a small person with power, and people's evaluation of him will only be that the villain gets the upper hand.


At this moment, a figure quickly walked out of the tall building, arriving before anyone arrived. In less than 3 seconds, the person appeared in front of Wu Fan.

The person who came was a beautiful woman. She was wearing a snow-white silver fox cloak and was lined with a splendid magnolia dress. Although she looked about twenty years old, she had her long hair pulled up for some reason. There are several jasper and glazed hairpins inserted in the bun.

There is a slight resemblance between her eyebrows and Wenren Youyue, especially the majestic twin peaks on her chest. Just when Wu Fan guessed that she might be one of Wenren Youyue's cousins, Wenren Youyue ran away. Then he rushed towards the woman in front of him.

"Ahhh! Mom, I miss you so much!"


Wu Fan's eyes widened immediately after hearing this title. Is this girl, who looks only 1 or 2 years older than Wenren Youyue, her mother?

"Okay, okay, your clothes are all messed up."

Bai Dongxiang's voice was very soft, with a slight prolongation. It sounded like she was coquettish, very sweet and cute.

After Wu Fan heard the other party's voice, he finally understood why Wenren Youyue's voice sounded so good.

"Hello, aunt."

Wu Fan felt a little uncomfortable at first calling him aunt to a girl who looked about the same age as himself.

But then I thought about it more carefully. High-level warriors are nourished by spiritual energy, and the other party is from a warrior family. They have a prosperous life, abundant resources, and no worries. As long as they pay attention to daily maintenance, they can indeed maintain their youth for a long time.

"You are Youyue's college classmate Wu Fan, right?"

Bai Dongxiang looked Wu Fan up and down, nodding slightly from time to time, as if confirming something.

"My eyes are bright, clear, full of energy, tall and straight, straight back, strong spiritual pressure, and good looks..."

Wu Fan didn't mind the other person's looking eyes. He felt uncomfortable being glanced at by others. It was a sign of lack of confidence. At the opening ceremony, he was not afraid in front of thousands of people.

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