"It seems that Huaxia Wuhan University is just like that and does not live up to its name." A student from Bingcheng Wuhan University said disdainfully.

"Actually, we can't say that. The top freshmen at Huaxia Wuhan University, like Wu Fan and Luo Xianhe, are quite strong. If we still play 5V5 singles this year as before, Huaxia Wuhan University should also be able to enter the finals. .”

Another student from Wuhan University in Bingcheng sighed: "I have to say that the reform of the national competition system is really good. It has exposed the true colors of some Wuhan University who only focus on face projects and top student projects."

While they were talking, they suddenly felt something happened in front of them, and then they quickly looked towards Huaxia Wuhan University.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but you are shocked when you look at it.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

They saw hundreds of embarrassed figures running towards Tower 2. When they took a closer look, they saw that the leader was actually the chief Yanlei student of Bingcheng Wuhan University!

At this time, he was covered in blood and was barely holding on with the support of the deputy captain [Jiang Xue]. Not far behind him were more than 300 warriors from the Chinese Wuhan University.

"Kung Fu martial arts! Step forward and slash!"

Wu Fan was seen holding a wooden knife in his hand, leaning forward slightly and killing the enemy closest to him at an extremely fast speed.

"Don't think I'm easy to bully!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, this student from Bingcheng Wuhan University tightened the wooden gun in his hand and turned around to fight back with determination.


They were fighting hand to hand, and the wooden spear was cut into two pieces by Wu Fan!


But this warrior from Bingcheng Martial Arts University only felt a sharp sword energy entering his body.

The next second, the blood vessels and tendons in his body suddenly swelled up. Once he forcibly used spiritual pressure again, the blood vessels would definitely be torn into pieces by the sword energy!

Wu Fan's figure was like the wind, and he passed through the bodies of one Bingcheng martial artist after another without blinking his eyes, harvesting one enemy after another like a happy wind.

"Seamless forward slash!?"

Some students who had learned the front slash looked in shock at Wu Fan, who kept leaping forward in a zigzag pattern in the crowd to pursue him. When they used the front slash, there would be a gap of about 0.5 seconds every time. , can't be as smooth as Wu Fan.

In just a few seconds, Wu Fan rushed in front of Yan Leisheng.

"Keep him!"

There was a huge knife mark on Yan Leisheng's chest, which was cut by Wu Fan with a thunder knife during the battle just now. Wu Fan only used a wooden knife to cut him into this state. If he had used a spiritual weapon, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Protect Chief Yan!"

There were more than a dozen elite warriors from Bingcheng Martial Arts University standing in front of Yan Leisheng. Their spiritual pressure was powerful, and one of them was even approaching D level.


They are not Wu Fan's enemies at all!


Wu Fan's figure sped up again. Faced with this speed, the students of Bingcheng Wuhan University seemed to have been cast a body-holding spell.

Heavy chops, diagonal lifts, sideways kicks, turning around to draw the knife, crouching forward to sweep, and straight thrusts!

In an instant, Wu Fan's body seemed to be divided into 7 or 8 clones. The figure at the back gradually faded, and the figure in front quickly raised his knife to kill!

Half a moment later, just for a moment, Wu Fan stood behind the human wall of more than a dozen elite warriors with his sword in hand.

Heavy snow drifted by and the wind blew silently.


A large amount of blood spurted out from the chests of these more than ten strong men from the Bingcheng Martial Arts University at the same time. Their vision went dark, and their bodies suddenly fell to the ground.


These were all elite warriors from Yan Leisheng's team, but these dozen of them together couldn't even stop Wu Fan's footsteps. This made a group of ordinary warriors behind Tower 2 suddenly feel cold.

"Don't be afraid! We are already pushing them forward. As long as we hold on, they will lose!"

Huang Yuanci was holding a broken wooden spear, and his combat uniform was in tatters. He activated his native martial arts, and had previously resisted 7 or 8 elite warriors from China's Wuhan University, including Zuo Shanxing, Luo Hou, and Guan Yuan.

"That's right! As long as we hold on, victory will be ours!" After hearing Huang Yuanci's words, everyone's mentality, which was already a bit shattered, adjusted again!

"One sword burns the sky!"

Just when they regained their fighting spirit, a dark red fire knife suddenly rose under their feet!


The blazing high temperature sublimates the snow within a hundred meters around it into air!

The change of a solid into a liquid is called melting, the change of a liquid into a gas is called vaporization, and the process of a solid turning directly into a gas over the liquid form in the middle is called sublimation!

To cause the sublimation phenomenon, Snowflake must absorb a large amount of energy. It is conceivable that Wu Fan's sword must have released super terrifying power in an instant!

The 20 Bingcheng Wu warriors who were unable to dodge were sent away by Wu Fan's fire knife. The skin of dozens of warriors standing on the edge of the fire knife were burned to varying degrees!

"Three thousand fell into the water!"

Jiang Xue, who was supporting Yan Leisheng, had a halo floating behind him. He made a move with his hands in the air, and suddenly a huge water curtain fell in the sky of Wu Fan's Fire Saber.


Like a waterfall in the Tianhe River, it flows straight down, instantly reducing the scorching heat.


Balls of violent water vapor filled the air, like volcanic hot springs emerging from the ground in winter!

There is more than one water curtain, and the continuous water curtains fall down continuously, with great power. If her target is not the fire knife but the crowd, I am afraid she can only avoid the falling range of the water curtain for a short time, otherwise she will be seriously injured!


After Wu Fan had been charging in the front line for several rounds, the people from the Huaxia Wuhan University in the rear finally came to kill him!


Guan Yuan clenched his fists and rushed into the enemy formation like a human nuclear bomb. Then the ground trembled and all the enemies surrounding him were knocked away!

"Tian Dang Sword Qi!"

Cui Zixi waved the long sword in her hand, drawing a white Z in the air, and then the terrifying sword energy swept across the enemies in front.

"Taiyi split lightsaber!"

Yang Yi also raised his sword and stepped forward. His feet kept changing, and the sword light split into two, and then turned into dozens of countless sword lights to kill the enemy.

Cui Zixi and Yang Yi are the best among the freshmen. Although they cannot enter the Qianlong class, they have been listed as outstanding freshmen and joined Chang Zhengming's team. And like them, there are Ding Conghua, Zhou Ruiyang, Gan Hong, Yang Lu, Huang Ke et al.

When Wu Fan broke the formation first, the troops of Huaxia Wuhan University who then entered directly tore the 2-tower position of Bingcheng Wuhan University into pieces!


Under the blows of countless swords and axes, the two towers of Bingcheng Wuhan University were blown to pieces before they could hold on for even one minute!

Yan Leisheng, Jiang Xue, and Huang Yuanci were unable to resist at all. They retreated continuously and finally had to retreat to the main city. When they counted the remaining troops, they found that the two regiments in the middle with a total of 400 people did not even have 30 people!

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