"Tuff...Tuff Capet..."

Tu Fu, who was sitting in the captain's cabin writing a letter, frowned, only feeling uneasy,

The pen unconsciously drew forward, as if he heard someone calling his name.

Soon, the nameless cry was completely silent in the turbulent waves. Tu Fu didn't think it was an auditory hallucination. A transcendent has an extraordinary perception of the outside world.

When you reach a high level, you can hear the prayers of believers.

He raised his eyelids and glanced lightly at Miss Winster, who was also sending a letter home. The latter noticed his movement, and still puffed up her cheeks and didn't speak, and didn't even look at him.

Must still be mad about that.

Tu Fu tilted his eyes downward, and little Cindy made a pitiful gesture of waving his hands, as if to show that he was helpless.

Tu Fu rolled his eyes, "Cindy, the weather today is not bad, the sun has been out for a long time."


"So I think you must want to bask in the sun right now."

The little girl froze for a moment, then smiled knowingly,

"Yes sir, it's time for me to bask in the sun."

After finishing speaking, she got up and walked out of the cabin, leaving a space for the two to spend alone.

During the Cold War period between lovers, reasoning is unreasonable, and whoever bows his head and admits his mistake first seems to be the first.

Especially when two people with strong self-esteem are together, no one is willing to bow their heads first. If it goes on for a long time, they will squeeze their resentment at least, and break up at worst.

Tu Fu, who has been a man for two lifetimes, was not angry, he cleared his throat and said with a smile,

"If my uncle and aunt knew that I had kidnapped her dear baby daughter out of the house for half a year, and suffered so much grievance during the journey, I guess they must have the heart to kill me."

Sophie was so sad that she was about to shed tears, but when she heard his words, she immediately snorted triumphantly: "It's good to know."

Seeing that she was willing to talk to her, Tu Fu understood what she meant, so he borrowed the donkey and went downhill:

"Sometimes I always think, if you didn't come to see me the night I left Göttinghagen, and I returned to the kingdom after two years or more, what would have become of the Winsters at that time What about.

Maybe by then you already have a boy you like, maybe soon to be married.

What wretched man is that husband to marry our Miss Winster? "

Sophie gave him a timely look.


Tu Fu changed the subject, with a lonely smile on his face, "Fortunately, you are here, no matter how wronged I am, I still feel that I am the happiest person in the world.

I didn't believe in the Seven Gods before, and the gods couldn't give me anything, but I also secretly prayed to the gods, praying... I was the unlucky one. "

Sophie, who was holding the pen tightly, trembled slightly, her words were clearly expressed enough, she waited for Tu Fu to continue speaking, and he almost uttered those few words.


At this moment, the hull made a roar and approached the coastline, and the two immersed in the atmosphere fell to one side along with the hull.

"Demon Hunter" Victor's carefree voice came into the cabin at this time,

"Captain Jack, we have arrived at the location you specified."

"Very good." Tu Fu looked at Miss Winster's regretful expression and tried to calm down, "Why don't I go and throw him into the sea now."

"No need."

The frost on Miss Winster's face melted slightly, and she waved her fist proudly, "I'll talk about it when I get back, I want to hear you say that sentence yourself, you bad guy.

If you make me angry next time, I will never forgive you. "

Seeing her smile finally, Tu Fu let out a sigh of relief, "Sophie, how dare I provoke you, do you know why we came to find the Fountain of Immortality?"

"Collect potion materials?"

"More than that, it is said that the spring water here can rejuvenate people. It is a trivial matter to prepare extraordinary materials for me, but the top priority is to help you beautify your face."

Tu Fu flattered him swearingly. Although he knew it was flattery, he still made Sophie laugh out loud after a long time.

Taking advantage of Tu Fu's turning around, Sophie gently wiped the corners of her eyes,

She had waited too long for this day to come.



Victor Horta, who didn't know that he had escaped twice invisibly, stood on the deck and waved his palms and shouted at them,

"Sir, the Misty Sea goes deep to the southeast. After passing through three uninhabited deserted islands, we rushed in along the submarine vortex beside the islands. When we passed a sea trail, we thought we were lost.

But I soon came to the place you mentioned along the current, and no such island was found before.

Look, there are still smoke and buildings on the island, and there must be people living on it. I didn't expect such a wonderful place to exist in such a chaotic sea. "

There is no pirate who is not interested in such a big event as treasure hunting, especially the legendary fountain of youth, and all of them are full of enthusiasm.

The crew of a ship parked the ship excitedly, and everyone stood on the deck and marveled at the uncanny craftsmanship of the sea.

In front of them is a large-scale island, not only the scenery is beautiful, all kinds of beautiful plants compete with each other, and there are some exquisite buildings that don't know how long they have been built.

Windmills, farmland, very rural style of remote small towns,

The crew of the "Witcher Pirates" who arrived couldn't help staring at it for a moment.

The only thing that surprised Tu Fu was that there were many corpses of ships that were about to decay sleeping on the shore of this unnamed island.

There are the national flags of the Northern Continent, ordinary raft boats, and skulls dedicated to pirates. Although the scale is far smaller than Shipwreck Bay, the corpses of these many ships are enough to warn latecomers to be careful.

"Leave half of the people to guard the ship, and the rest will go down with me."

After thinking about it, Tu Fu felt that this was the best choice.

"It's already here, brothers want to see the Fountain of Youth..." Thor, the first mate, muttered.

Victor warned in a serious tone: "According to Captain Jack's request, his words are the orders that the entire ship should obey, and anyone who dares to violate it will get out immediately."


Although some people are unwilling, they still have the basic qualities of being a professional pirate. They must obey the captain's instructions. People who can't walk as soon as they see the treasure will not be able to live until now.

"everything is normal."

When Tu Fu got off the boat, he turned on the eagle eye perspective and the witcher's senses in advance, and casually glanced at this extremely remote place. They were all very common things, and he didn't find anything unusual.

So a total of 20 or so people landed on the shore, they kept approaching the center of the island along the shore, passed a stream, passed a dense forest of flowers like cherry blossoms,

After walking for a long time, it was already dark before they came to the edge of the island and came to this human town.

Although the location of this place is very remote, apart from the beautiful scenery, it doesn't look like a place where civilization can be established.

The Fountain of Youth, a thing that only exists in legends, is even less likely to appear on a crowded island.

But after observation, I found that this is indeed a human territory. There are houses, shops, restaurants and even hotels. There are about a hundred people, men and women, mainly teenagers.

There are children in every house, and many young babies,

The people in this town perform their own duties and do different jobs to keep the town running. Although they don't look sad or happy on their faces, the town shows a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere.

When I saw a strange face entering the town, there was a young face walking over. This person was probably in his early 20s, and he also had no expression on his face and spoke coldly.

"Gentlemen, come for the first time, I guess you must be looking for the fountain of youth."

"Oh, how do you know?"

Victor squinted his eyes, and the pirate instinct made him subconsciously touch the saber at his waist.

"After setting foot in such a far place, apart from the magical spring water, I really can't think of a second reason to go to the island.

I am dissatisfied with you saying that the people who come to this island, including me, all come for the fountain of youth, and everyone has the same purpose.

I'll give you a piece of advice, there's no need to rush this matter, you newcomers had better find a place to live in the town first. "

Tu Fu said lightly, "Is it hard to find the location of the Spring of Youth?"

"No, it's right in the center of the island. Walk along the road on the mountain and you'll see a towering tree. There's an ancient well under the sacred tree. That's the location of the Fountain of Youth."

"Could it be that the spring water is different from the rumors, and does not have the effect of prolonging life and maintaining youth forever."

The man widened his eyes excitedly, shook his head and argued, "No, sir, that rumor is true. The water from the Fountain of Youth does have such miraculous effects. That's why we are here."

"Because there are many people looking for the Fountain of Youth, and the spring water produced in the well is limited every day. Not everyone has a share. Why don't you go there with me later, and you will know everything after a while."

After the man finished speaking, he ignored them and ran up the mountain vigorously.

Many people in the town also scrambled to run to a huge tree on the top of the mountain, for fear of being left behind. Fortunately, the town is full of young and strong men and women, each with stronger physical functions.

Tu Fu narrowed his eyes at this weird scene, "No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look right."

"But he wasn't lying," Sophie added.

"A lie is based on self-cognition. If there is a problem with basic cognition, then everything will become a lie." Tu Fu discussed this issue like a philosopher.

Not only him, but even many ordinary crew members on the ship couldn't help showing suspicious expressions.

The ambiguous statements of this eccentric person make people puzzled, and they can't understand the intentions of these people. No matter how you look at it, you find it strange.

"Clang clang clang!"

Until late at night, someone rang a bell tower in the town, and densely packed townspeople came out from everywhere after finishing their day's work. Most of them had already arrived at the top of the mountain,

Standing under the big tree called "Sacred Tree\

,"The townspeople who came out of various buildings in the town kept a consistent movement and made a gesture of praying to the sacred tree.

Suddenly, the dark figure toppled over like a tide and knelt down.

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