April 22, 1493.

On the first day of the working day, an inconspicuous Baia warship on the misty sea set off from Rogri Island for Santiago, and a woven Royal Navy with a full crew of 300 people was ready to go.

The level of secrecy for going to sea this time is extremely high. It is not a military exercise or a special mission. It is just to bring a mysterious person to San Diego.

And the identity of that person is only known by the Kingdom's ambassador to Santa.

On the second day after getting the pass, Tu Fu urged Ambassador Maggie to leave as soon as possible. He didn't explain the reason to anyone. After boarding the ship, he closed his eyes and waited quietly in the VIP cabin, enjoying the calm journey alone.

Except for his "Santa Maria", the ships belonging to the Royal Navy sailed the safest.

All the way through is unimpeded, and anyone who stands in the way, whether pirates or other intelligent underwater races, will run far away as soon as they see the flag.

Looking out of the window of the ship, all that can be seen is the large white waves churning on both sides of the ship, which is really boring.

Fortunately, both places are close to the Southern Continent and the distance is less than a hundred nautical miles. Coupled with the high performance of the warship, it only took half a day for the group to arrive.

Boom boom boom...

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the rest cabin.

"Mr. Capet, here we are."

The voice is Ambassador Maggie. She put on a beautiful military uniform for this trip, and she winked when she opened the door.

A woman of this age understands a man's heart best after experiencing many experiences, and she exudes intellectual charm in every gesture.


Tu Fu was moved by his question, he didn't go out, turned around to look at the mirror of the dressing table, and stretched out his hand to take off the face-changing mask on his face little by little.

This forbidden thing stayed on the face for a long time, and it actually grew together with the skin like glue.

Pulling up and down a few times was as painful as tearing off a cheek, and even the nerves in the brain began to be torn together.


Fortunately, Tu Fu did not hesitate to slap his hands, his face felt pain like acid, he forcibly tore off the face-changing mask, and finally restored his originally slightly youthful and handsome face.

No one would have guessed that such a young man was actually a pirate lord of the sea.

"After changing my face and being Jack Sparrow for a long time, I gradually forgot my original identity."

Tu Fu looked at the already unfamiliar face in the mirror, and suddenly thought of the ghost captain who seemed to have said at the pirate conference that forbidden substances have side effects,

He didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that it has been fulfilled.

Presumably the side effect of the face-changing mask is that after over-disguised, it is very likely to forget the original identity and become someone else completely, completely another person.

Immediately afterwards, Tu Fu changed into a black and bright suit, tied a bow tie on his chest, and wore a top hat that covered most of his face, and walked out of the cabin in a low-key manner.

The warship has been allowed to enter the island, and the gate at the entrance of the water is opened, and the boat enters slowly.

"Wow, Mr. Capet has more taste than the photos in the newspapers. I have to correct what I said before. In fact, I like you now too."

The woman Maggie's eyes suddenly brightened, and who can refuse a young and perfect man,

If it weren't for the scruples about his identity, he might have already started.

"Compared to your love for men of all ages, ma'am, I'm just the opposite." Tu Fu chuckled, "I'm more fond of girls who have just passed the birth ceremony."

Ms. Maggie muttered dissatisfiedly, "Hey, it's not a gentleman's way to attack a lady with her age."

"You should go to the Northern Continent to find a gentleman. As far as I know, there are no gentlemen in the wild lands south of the Coral Sea. There are no gentlemen in places other than King's Land."

Tu Fu retorted with a chuckle, and did not continue to pester her endlessly.

After coming out of the cabin, he looked at the condition of the island.

Not long ago, the attack traces of the mermaid clan are vivid. The repair work of the city wall has not been completed yet. A large number of soldiers are stationed inside and outside the island. The city wall is also equipped with heavy weapons such as high-speed machine guns and turrets.

It is said that the configuration of the military base is no problem.

However, from the entrance of the water to the sides of the castle, there was a luxurious line of welcoming guests all the way, and they welcomed the arrival of the special envoy of the Kingdom.

The irony is that last time he used his original identity to take an ordinary ship, and when he passed by, he only glanced at it from a distance before being warned by cannon fire. Now changing back to his original identity is a ceremony for treating distinguished guests.


When the warship docked, someone put down the pedals, and Tu Fu stood at the forefront, stepping on a large piece of fertile land.

Exotic flowers and fruits are planted all over the island, all of which are quite valuable, and there are even many extraordinary materials.

It is not an exaggeration to say that an inch of land is an inch of gold, and further forward is a large castle, which connects several small castles around, forming the main area of ​​​​San Diego.

Tu Fu subconsciously let out a sigh, and after so much effort, he finally set foot on this land that even foreign demigods cannot easily enter.

Aiming at a black tower from a distance, there is an area where all non-human slaves are held, and Avril Lavigne is probably also held there.

Tu Fu subconsciously wanted to go there, but Ms. Maggie lowered her head and said softly: "Mr. Capet, some gentlemen from the Hohenzollern family knew we were coming and wanted to see us. After all, they belonged to the royal family. Great man, look..."

"Let's see each other."

Although Tu Fu is not interested at all, this face must be given. When he comes to other people's territory, he must act according to their rules, and he can't let his temper.

He and Maggie were the only ones leading to the castle, and the sergeants on the warship could only stand by on the spot.

The area near the castle is covered with soft carpets, which are of great value. Judging from the fancy styles and styles, they must be objects from the aborigines of the southern continent.

Stepping on a blanket is like stepping on a lawn.

The more you walk inside, the more your eyes are opened. A large number of servants wear bracelets or collars, not only human servants, but also murlocs, halflings, and elves.

These non-human intelligent races carry fruit plates and dishes, or stand or kneel, and work diligently.

There are scars everywhere on their bodies, but they dare not have the slightest complaint.

As far as the master’s family is concerned, even if they do something wrong and are beaten to death, they will die. If another slave is sent to San Diego, the slaves who are sent to Santiago will have to live in this eternal hell with the utmost humility besides committing suicide. .

In the main hall of the castle where the guests were received, there were several extremely luxurious Baia nobles, both men and women, proudly looking at Tuf Capet who had turned Baia upside down.

After he entered the castle, he saw the nobles of the Hohenzollern family branch, and those people looked at him casually.

A man of his age took a few glances, "You're just Tu Fu, you don't look like anything special."

"It seems to be some kind of scientist. At this age, he is probably a guy trying to catch his name. I have seen it a lot."

"What is there to see for such a boring character?"

Several young noble men and women really didn't have much interest in him. To them, they even saw a lot of foreigners, but they really didn't have any interest in a man.

Ms. Maggie took a look at Tu Fu, and she was also curious about what kind of words this fearless "noble son" would use to refute.

"That's right. I have always thought that I am nothing special. Even if I am lucky enough to make some achievements, it is not worth mentioning. It is far from the noble status of gentlemen."

Tu Fu smiled, but he didn't care about their contemptuous words.

He has been quite humble since he came in, based on his many years of keyboarding experience in the network.

To deal with people who deliberately criticize in this situation, you only need to "ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

Even if someone wants to find fault, there is no angle.

After he finished speaking, an elderly man present couldn't help narrowing his eyes, "Tu Fu, I heard that Prince Friedrich was exiled because of your frame.

You are quite courageous if you dare to attack a royal family. "

The old man was of the same generation as King William I. Probably because he was afraid that this person would contaminate the throne, Emperor William deliberately relegated him to the Southern Continent before his death, and he would not be able to return for life.

It is said that they are the nobles of the southern continent, but they are actually just a group of exiled people far away from the center of the storm, so they can only bully the slaves in this place to show their prestige.

"You really think highly of me. How can a small person like me have the right to intervene in the battle for the throne. This is all His Majesty's intention. He has always disliked people getting involved in such matters."

As soon as Tu Fu said this, the old guy didn't dare to pursue it further, and if he went deeper, he would question the king's decision.

As for Tu Fu, he put his palms on his chest and smiled while showing weakness, and at the same time brought out William II, and reminded the other party with the key words of the battle for the throne. This kind of thing should not be meddled casually.

When facing the nobles of the Southern Continent, no matter what he said or did, he couldn't pick out any faults.

No matter how provocative these people were or how they hid traps in their words to annoy him, they were all resolved one by one by Tu Fu's high EQ, which made the nobles who wanted to find fault at first gradually lose interest.

"Forget it, it seems that he is just a guy with a false name, don't waste our time here."

"What happened to the kingdom in recent years, such a coward is actually the leader of the younger generation, I think there are really no one."

"Go away if you have nothing to do, you are not welcome in Santiago."

At first, the old man who asked the question gradually lost interest in him after probing him a few times.

"So, Tu Fu, why are you here this time?"

"To see the landscape of the Southern Continent, it is mainly for the gentlemen who came to visit you, and then to see what slaves are imprisoned here, just to open your eyes."

Tu Fu maintained a polite smile from the beginning to the end.

"It's better, I might as well tell you, because of that bad thing not long ago.

Now Santiago is the strongest fortress in the whole world. Ten warships are parked all over the island, and there is also a demigod who is a knight. You should know the weight of what I say to you.

If you dare to do something here, you will regret it. "

The words of the old man of the Hohenzollern family were clear enough that no matter what he wanted to do, he had better weigh his weight first.

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