Tu Fu stood still where he was, his brows sometimes furrowed and sometimes loosened.

The amount of information obtained in this day alone is greater than the information collected in the past year.

Reorganize the scenes I saw. As early as the beginning of the fourth era or the end of the last era, a team of adventurers with good strength went out to sea, and found an old ruler (outer god) who had just arrived in the world on the way .

Fortunately, outside this world, an equally powerful presence in the Void stopped him.

It seems to have something to do with the moon, whatever his purpose is to save the world.

The Seven Gods must have noticed this.

So taking the opportunity of Captain Arthur and the rescue, he intervened in his deal and transferred the sleeping old days to the ghost ship.

From then on, the captain of the Santa Maria will be trapped on this ship forever without stopping every day.

A century-long drift began.

"You just said that I'm not polluted because I don't belong to this world. What do you mean by that?" Tu Fu recalled the information Captain Arthur just revealed.

"You really care about this."

A trace of slyness flashed across Captain Arthur's aging face, as if he had guessed his thoughts,

"Not far from this world, there are high-level beings affecting this world, that is, corrupting the source of this world, making people begin to be homogenized, irrationally violating morality and laws, and becoming driven by instinctive desires. madman.

The higher the level of absorbing extraordinary power, the crazier it is.

He may not be malicious towards us subjectively, or he may not care at all, but His very existence is a threat to us. "

A long time ago, the "Gatekeeper" secretly told himself similar information.

Tu Fu only felt shuddering, this invisible pollution was like poisonous air, even if he knew it, he still had to breathe it.

"And this crazy factor will precipitate in the blood of human beings, and no one can say which generation will erupt in the future, and people who are close to this ship will only accelerate the eruption process.

We must find a perfectly qualified successor. At the moment when my life is running out, I borrowed the power of him and the Seven Gods to activate the advanced ability of this ship to achieve a space jump and go to another world. That is, your world.

And I used my only ability to find a successor. At that time, I happened to meet your ship, and the pollution along with my ship has spread unknowingly. "

"So what happened on the Santa Maria was the pollution you just mentioned, so it turned out that it was caused by you?"

There was neither sadness nor joy on Tu Fu's face, neither happiness nor anger could be seen.

Captain Arthur slowly raised his head, "Yes, and I also witnessed the accident on that ship.

Among all the people on that ship, your performance is very outstanding. In the face of the same disaster, you know how to restrain yourself better than others, and you never give up even in desperate situations. The most important thing is that you survived to the end.

The spirit is tenacious enough, unscrupulous in order to survive, and able to restrain desires. All the above precious qualities are very suitable for the conditions to take over as the captain... My child, you will be a good captain. "

Old Arthur's face became more wrinkled, and his tone became weaker as he spoke.

After waiting for so long, he finally revealed his true colors at this moment.

When all the plots and tricks surfaced, Tu Fu was already deeply trapped in such a cage, and after falling into the water, he struggled and resisted.

I just heard him make a sarcastic laugh:

"Old guy, you are simply kidnapping, there is nothing worse than this, not only have you killed so many people, but you actually want me to take the risk for you, and force me to be your savior,

Do you think such a thing is reasonable? "

"In the face of the survival of civilization, there is nothing unreasonable or immoral."

Old Arthur was as cold as a machine, even though it had come to the end of its life, its rusted parts were still sizzling and making harsh noises.

"Why should I make sacrifices for your safety, bastards who caused me to be exiled to this world, you almost killed me."

Tu Fu just thought it was funny. No one asked his opinion on such a matter from the beginning to the end, which made people even more angry.

"What if I say I don't want to."


Captain Arthur's words are still cold, "Then he who sleeps in the ship will wake up, even if he has no malice towards the world, but once his voice spreads to the corners of the universe, the relative coordinates of the birth of a civilization will be made public.

What do you think will happen then? "

Tu Fu's tone was still indifferent, and he replied in disgust: "It has nothing to do with me."

"What about them? Have you considered the people around you? The country you are in will be destroyed in an instant, and the north and south continents will be destroyed in the catastrophe of the doomsday.

Your loved ones, your relatives and friends, and your teachers will all be reduced to ashes in regret and overwhelmed. They may look at you with pleading eyes, but by then it will be too late.

You could have saved them, but would rather do nothing than die with everyone.

Looks like this is your final decision, Tuf Capet. "

"It turns out that you have already figured it out."

Tu Fu covered his face with his hands, he wanted to laugh but felt sad, but there was great helplessness in his words.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally understood why the other party sent him to a country in this world and only recalled him a year later.

Assuming that the other party kidnapped him a year ago and asked him to do this or that, then there is no need to negotiate now.

The more he experiences, the more he cares and fetters about this world.

When I looked back and wanted to stay out of the matter, I was already trapped by this cage.

"The gift given by fate should not be opened at will."

Captain Arthur seems to have seen Tu Fu's hesitation, "Actually, you don't have to be so depressed, becoming the captain of the Santa Maria will bring you more convenience, and it will also be very good for your growth in the extraordinary path.

There are many things that you consider to be a big trouble, just sitting in this position can be easily done.

I keep the potion formula on the adventurer path from being promoted to a demigod to a god-favored person. After becoming the captain, you can get it at will. Only by climbing to the top of the extraordinary path can you be qualified to completely master this ship.

Even you now, don't you need the power of this ship to solve the current difficulties. "

Tu Fu could only be silent for a while, he had no choice but to refute this matter, and he was in no mood to refute it.

He has always been unwilling to carry those heavy things on his back,

I am more afraid of losing than getting.

Captain Arthur, who saw through his worries, took advantage of the situation and told him another piece of news,

"Even if you are on duty in the future, you just keep the ship afloat and cannot dock. As the captain, you are still free and can still do what you want.

And during your tenure, if you can find a way to make him sleep forever, this agreement will naturally end. "


Tu Fu had no illusions about what the old guy said.

How can it be so easy for the other party to do something that the other party has spent their whole life failing to solve.

Most migrant workers have been fed by their bosses with all kinds of cakes since they entered the job, and they may not have the slightest room for improvement until the day they leave the job.

As Captain Arthur said, he had few options.

Either sacrifice a certain amount of freedom in exchange for a longer-term peace, or allow yourself to fall into the abyss with the world.

Looking at the young man who was still struggling, Captain Arthur was already terribly old at the moment,

His back almost fell to the ground.


The scorching temperature began to rise, and the strong smell of molten iron permeated from the deck.

After lacking the suppression of the strength of the captain, there will be something unbelievable to wake up.

The heart held in Arthur's hands gradually stopped beating, and his body was like a branch that had been sucked dry at this moment, leaving only a pair of empty eyes.

Quietly waiting for Tu Fu's choice at the end of his life,

"So, what's your choice?"

Tu Fu stared intently at the empty treasure chest in the hands of the old captain, struggling with an unpredictable expression, he tried to step forward,

But his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he walked the rest of the way with an extremely heavy heart.

With confusion and anxiety,

Put your palms where your heart is.



Not long after, on the stormy sea, the roaring wind stopped and the thick white mist receded.

More than a dozen islands, including Puglia, were covered by frost, and the frost on them melted little by little.

Under the house, on the trees, the tick-tock kept falling.

Within the Five Seas, the island cities that were attacked by "Hoarfrost", the frost that never melted all year round finally moved, and the snow drifting thousands of miles finally turned into spring water.

At this moment, everything is silent.

And not far from the bottom of the Santa Maria, a frost wrapped in a huge whale also changed with the outside world and broke free.

However, the long-term freezing damage made it unable to recover its long-frozen body.


It weighs dozens of tons like an isolated island in the deep sea, constantly falling into the deep sea.

The huge corpse began to decompose as it sank several kilometers.

It is undoubtedly a carnival for creatures at all levels of the marine food chain.

The fallen and decomposed corpse of the giant whale is like an oasis in the desert. The dilapidated body allows dozens of hundreds of species of fish, hairs, and crustaceans to settle in and digest all its flesh and blood.

Until finally slowly falling into the deepest part of the ocean, it seems desolate, but echoes for a long time.

This is the last time it embraces the sea, it gives the last feedback to the ocean that gave birth to it.

When a whale falls, all things live.

It is death and it is also new life.

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