Tick... tick...

Blood dripped down the drainage pipe along the shocking wound, causing a mouse hiding in the pipe to smell the smell of corruption, but just as it got out, it was caught by a huge palm.

Tu Fu simply wrapped it with cotton cloth to temporarily stop the bleeding with a blank face, and put the newly caught things into the accompanying bag.

Regardless of the footsteps running back and forth above their heads, it was a member of the Sailor Group.

Because of the last rescue incident, those sailors came to catch themselves.

Fortunately, he is even more familiar with the "Santa Maria" than some of the crew members. He is proficient in every pipeline here, and he is also familiar with those invisible areas.

Go back and forth at several fixed points to catch mice and avoid enemies by the way.

Since he failed to rescue Chef Harry, the group of people on the boat were like sharks stimulated by blood, desperately chasing their prey, and his injuries were naturally thanks to them.

After finishing all this, Tu Fu stared blankly at the corner. His living situation was not optimistic.

Catch the mice that slipped in to fill their stomachs, suck the rainwater from the drainage pipes and penetrate the bottom layer, and keep alive in a state of low power consumption and low intake.

Also just alive.

It's not that Tu Fu never thought of joining the captain's forces, but the news of Captain Arthur's disappearance came the day after Chef Harry was killed.

Then the first mate, second mate, and chief of the captain's team fell apart immediately. Those who were liquidated were liquidated, and those who took refuge in other hills saved their lives.

Tu Fu never expected that instead of deterring the sailors he killed, he stimulated the hungry sharks.

At that time, he ignored a big problem.

People living in a totalitarian society have no retreat at all, and there is even less retreat in the struggle for the right to survive.

Either he died, or they all had to die.

"Chef Harry is still dead, even if I stop it once, there will be a second, third time, he will still die, in various ways.

There is no way this path will work, and no matter how hard I try, the end result will remain the same. "

Tu Fu, who was lying in the pipeline, thought of the result of this incident, and felt chills all over his body.

It's not that he didn't try to rewrite the process after boarding the ship, but the events that should have happened still follow the flow in his vague memory.

It's as if a person uses a time machine to go back in time in order to prevent something.

Even if the choice of an important node is interfered, there will still be some deviations in the plot that can be corrected, and finally it will develop in the original direction again.

It's useless to do anything in the process when the outcome is already set.

But the more he thought about it, the more unwilling Tu Fu felt.

He clearly had a chance to save the ship and the people on board.

"If I do it all over again, what should I do to solve this mess perfectly."

Tu Fu's thinking began to diverge in that direction unconsciously.

"The signal has to be lost and meddled, and Captain Arthur would have been more attentive if I had reminded Captain Arthur of the problem of aging equipment at the outset.

No, it's useless at all, they don't pay attention to such small things at all.

Or I can directly contact the outside world and let them find the coordinates of the Santa Maria, so as to rescue in time after the disaster, so that there will be no subsequent tragedy.

But since boarding the ship, it's been a closed society, and that doesn't seem to work either. "

"If the time goes back a little bit, why don't I kill all those sailors, and they will start killing people."

"No, if the ship can be blown up in advance so that no one can set off, nothing will happen naturally."

Several thoughts swirled in Tu Fu's head, and the crazier thoughts led him out of his confusion.

Yes, kill the sailors, or blow up the ship.

Sometimes you can't fix the problem, but you can fix the person who created it.

The more Tu Fu thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that he could do it.

When he rescued Chef Harry, he exerted his transcendental power, once there was a second time. It's like an instinct hidden in a deeper level of consciousness, which can be used whenever needed.

"Ding ding, ding dong~"

After the sunset on the unknown number of days, wonderful music rang out from the radio station.

The melodious music is transmitted from the radio to every place on the ship. In such a place full of hunger and pain,

Even the most beautiful music can't heal the heart.

The group of guys who controlled the radio station obviously didn't think about helping people with psychological treatment. When the music sounded, dense footsteps sounded around the deck, which meant that the armed sailors began to look for the next target.

It had been weeks since the wreck of the Santa Maria, and even the sailors had run out of food, and not so long ago they had to follow some kind of survival, a game of life and death decided by lottery.

Those who draw a note with a mark will disappear mysteriously, or be kicked out of the team.

And in early December, the lottery game intensified, and they set their sights on passengers who were also survivors.

Every time it was time to hunt, the sailors would amplify the music in the broadcasting room to overwhelm the sound they made of catching survivors, and then send these people to the back kitchen.


Every time the music sounded for too long, someone let out a mournful roar, and made several begging voices for mercy to his captors.

in a cabin.

A man with fiery red hair was cornered by the sailors, his voice was already hoarse,

"Please, don't kill me, I will give you money, my family has a lot of money, just spare my life, I am willing to give all the money to you."

This time it was the rich son Frank who was hunted down. Facing many enemies, he could only kneel down, begging them for mercy with a weak voice, repeating the same conditions over and over again.

But the group of sailors who surrounded him had already lost interest in the same words.

Hungry people are no different from wild animals, so naturally they cannot listen to other words.

All of them had red retinas and unknown fluids at the corners of their mouths, and they rushed up like wild beasts holding water pipes and squid knives. Opened the head of the son who was still begging for mercy.

Blood splashed on the wall, and he passed out after a muffled groan.

The sailors who attacked Frank were silent, lifted his hands and feet, tied them up, and dragged him out forcefully.

Skillfully handle the two-legged sheep.


In the pitch-black ventilation duct, a pair of eyes that merged with the pitch-blackness opened, and his retinas were also blood-red.

Tu Fu witnessed the bloody scene, but did not act.

When several sailors put down their guard and left the cabin after finishing the hunt, Tu Fu, who had been hiding for a long time, jumped down from the pipe and landed on the blood-stained floor.

Having witnessed too many such scenes, when the familiar people on the ship died one by one, his heart was only cold.

Quietly following the sailors who had finished hunting, Tu Fu followed them from the cabin to the back kitchen of the restaurant.

Even Tu Fu himself didn't know why he did this, he just followed his heart,

I don't want to see my old friends desecrated even their bodies.

Not long after arriving at the back kitchen, some people have to take a pot to light a fire, while others have to deal with the ingredients. Every midnight, there will be a gurgling sound from the back kitchen pot, and it is self-evident what to do.

Taking advantage of the short moment when they separated, Tu Fu, who appeared from the shadows, struck out like a ghost and went behind the opponent.

Covering his mouth, he stabbed the sharp knife into the back of his chest mercilessly, his pupils constricted violently, and before the opponent struggled a few times, Tu Fu simply twisted and broke the man's neck, and then a warm feeling flowed to his hands.

After dealing with one person cleanly, he went to the second sailor without hesitation.

With the same hand and knife, the speed of killing has become an instinct.

After killing several people in a row, when Tu Fu dealt with the last person, the other party wailed unwillingly, but the movement here still caught the attention of the sailors outside.

About seven or eight people rushed to the scene at the same time, looking at the back kitchen full of dead bodies in astonishment.

"who is it."

"Someone is coming, it's that bastard again."

"Catch him quickly, this time he must be killed."

Immediately, several people noticed the figure that was about to recede, and striding forward with knives and sticks, "Kill him" and "Kill him" one after another,

Tu Fu was startled suddenly.

Terrifying aura came from everywhere, Tu Fu didn't face them at all at first and then confronted them. Fighting alone with a group of militants was really a way to die.

A huge commotion frightened him to run away.

"Tufu, run, they want to murder you, they want to kill you, run!"

The strong sense of crisis prompted Tu Fu to only have the idea of ​​running away, and he turned a deaf ear to the yelling behind him.

Relying on his familiarity with the ship, he quickly got rid of the group of people and hid in the pipeline again. From his perspective, he could see the group of lunatics who were still chasing him.

Every time someone approached, his heartbeat accelerated sharply,

He tightly held the blood-stained knife in his hand, ready to swing it at any time.

Fortunately, the group of people only searched for a few times, and the reality bumped into his original residence. After seeing no one, he didn't waste any more time.

There are people on board.


Tu Fu was gasping for breath, weeping, thankful that he survived again, and successfully advanced to the next round in this terrifying battle royale at sea.

I don't know when it's a head either.

Taking advantage of the corner of the eye, Tu Fu took out a notepad from his chest, trying to record everything that happened here, which can be regarded as leaving evidence for those who come later.

He took up his bloodstained hand and continued to write,

"December 5, Monday, since yesterday, I noticed that some sailors looked at me strangely, and seven or eight people were whispering about something, as if they wanted to harm me.

I hid in the pipe for a whole day in advance, relying on the fat rats in the pipe to satisfy my hunger. That night, there was a strange sound of sharpening knives in the corridor of the cabin, followed by the footsteps of the sailors, smashing the cabin door in one fell swoop. In the middle of the night, the loudspeakers on the boat sang loudly, covering up several screams, and it was unknown who was murdered again. I don't know how long I can last! "


In the next few days, there were fewer rats in the pipeline. Tu Fu did not dare to light the fire to roast the food for fear of attracting attention, so he had to peel the skin and swallow the raw meat to ensure daily energy intake.

But the music on the radio is becoming more and more frequent, and terrible music is played every day, which means that people die every day.

Countless howls of pain and beautiful music are mixed together, and finally make up the most ironic movement.

But Tu Fu, who was hiding in the pipeline, didn't dare to sleep at night. As soon as he closed his eyes, he could see the dead souls coming to him to claim his life, and he woke up countless times from his dream.

Together, he has to face this terrifying hell, and such mental exhaustion has already made him exhausted.

But as time went by, the blurry memories in his mind became fresher, and the only thought that supported him to live at this moment was the best ending he inferred from past memories.

I seem to have experienced this more than once, but I am stuck in this place.

If everyone dies according to the original result after each round of time is over, there may be a chance to return to the beginning.

Going back to the time when I first boarded the ship, as long as the shipwreck can be prevented, these things will not happen later.

It just became an obsession.

He needs to go through rounds of tests and observations, deducing the feasibility of each plan in his heart,

The only way to find the optimal solution is to save everyone.

"It's too late to wait until the last round of the battle royale. In fact, you can just skip to the final result and let the game end. There is only one condition for termination."

This idea suddenly popped up in Tu Fu's mind, and he quickly extinguished this crazy idea.


But that thought came up again and again, and Tu Fu slammed the pipe with his fist to dispel that thought.

"What am I doing, Tufu, you must never do this!"

There was a "bang" knock in the pipe, and the internal movement immediately attracted the attention of the outside world.

The surviving sailors on the deck immediately noticed the situation here, and immediately shouted to everyone:

"Found it! He's here, come quickly!"

The ear-piercing voice kept lingering in Tu Fu's ears, like an annoying fly. Tu Fu, who was already struggling, suddenly raised his head, and the strength he didn't know where came from helped him throw the sharp knife in his hand directly at the man.

I saw silver light shining, and it penetrated his head with a "swish".


Tu Fu rolled directly down the passage, still unable to believe that he could kill someone so easily.

Da da da……

The remaining dozen or so sailors came out from various places, their retinas already flooded with scarlet.

The group of people were astonished and did not spare any room to come up with their swords. They saw swords and swords shining in front of their eyes. Tu Fu did not resist or run away, and the evil thoughts just blurted out instantly.

"As long as you kill everyone, you can start over."

After the words fell, when he raised his hand, huge energy gathered at his fingertips.

With a slight shake, "bang, bang, bang" explosions sounded one after another, and the survivors who came to besiege him also exploded, spraying blood all over the place.

More than a dozen fully armed sailors died before they had time to call.

"Point... point to the gun..."

Even Tu Fu himself did not expect that he possessed such a powerful ability, nor did he expect to be able to blurt out the name of this ability.

In an instant, the sailor who besieged him died in a miserable end. The remaining survivors saw this extremely weird scene, and each showed a different expression on their faces.

There is pain, there is numbness, there is anxiety, there is habituality,

All the crew members seemed not surprised by this process.

But they reacted in a unified way, and came to the deck from all over, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, waiting for Tufu, the captain, to end everything.

Those sailors who were originally dead also slowly got up from the ground and threw them at him with resentful expressions.

Tu Fu only felt that his scalp was numb, and he couldn't think rationally. His instinct made him want to kill the people in this boat immediately, and then save them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Next time, just wait one more time.

Tu Fu muttered to himself strongly implying that he would immediately use his ability to kill everyone and enter the next round of the cycle.

"Enough is enough."

The old voice came from nowhere, and I saw Captain Arthur dragging his crippled body, walking towards Tu Fu with difficulty, his expression full of complex expressions.

"Captain Arthur, you are not dead? What were you talking about just now?" Tu Fu was puzzled.

"Don't you forget that you have tried dozens of times, whether it is snatching the console, contacting outside rescue, or killing the sailors, no matter what you do, the result is irreversible."

Captain Arthur looked at himself with a complex expression, and made a heavy voice, "You will not have not discovered that no matter how hard you try, you can only wander in the past time, but nothing can be changed.

Children, it's time to wake up. "

"Wandering in time past...you...what are you talking about..."

Tu Fu took a half step back subconsciously, a severe pain in his head made him hold his head tightly, and many past events kept reappearing in his mind,

In order to solve this problem.

He has tried countless methods, such as this time, the method of persuasion, and the extreme extermination of troublemakers, or destroying the ship's engine at the beginning, and carried out dozens of rescue operations hundreds of times.

Only to solve the troubles in the deepest memory.

In any case, the problem cannot be completely solved.

Those crew members accompanied him in the destruction and rebirth again and again, experiencing repeated scenes like being in prison.

After tortured over and over again, they are already tired of such games.

Tu Fu backed away tremblingly. He couldn't feel the pain, and he couldn't feel the outside world. With a cold heart, he played the game until now.

"This is where?"

"Why should I continue to stay here."

Tu Fu was half-kneeling on the deck, and his head was filled with a huge amount of information at once with many thoughts, which made him recall his past experiences bit by bit.

The memory fragments like a tide gradually pieced together.

Finally in a moment,

Tuf Capet finally remembered his name, and remembered the environment he was immersed in his fantasy, and the reason why things turned out like this.

Just because he had done one thing before sleeping on the "Santa Maria".

Take the Adventurer Path Sequence 5 potion.

His name is Daydreamer.

ps: 5000 chapters

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