The scenery of the Southern Continent is more like an uncivilized area. Lush vegetation covers most of the land, and various natural forms such as grasslands, jungles, wetlands, and deserts are cropped one after another.

There are all kinds of high and low landforms, wonderful scenery and different colors.

Many animals that have never been seen before even jumped out from time to time, climbed onto the train box and climbed out of the window, which added a little fun to the monotonous and boring journey.

But no matter how interesting the scenery is, there are times when you get tired of looking at it, especially Tufu who can't perceive the fun of the outside world.

He wanted to directly use his teleportation ability to go to that city countless times, but he held back.

The boring journey of two days and one night made him experience the experience of being in prison. From time to time, he recalled the memories of just going to the capital, but at that time he was surrounded by family members, yearning for a bigger city, and always fantasizing about the beauty future.

Later, after experiencing many things, I felt that everything was boring.

The two young girls from Thoreau's family would chat with him to entertain him from time to time. Cheryl was a sentimental girl. She didn't seem to like life in the Southern Continent very much and was eager to see a wider world.

More importantly, she is definitely a big fan of her, and she can't do without Tuf Capet in a few words, and most of the language test materials will mention herself.

Talk about Mr. Capet always defying the mighty, exposing foreign plots.

Every time at this time, Tu Fu felt complicated. As the person involved, he had been annoyed by that matter that he was proud of so many times, but it became a topic that the whole people talked about.

Just like when I was a child when I was taking a Chinese test and writing a composition, I always liked to use some famous people's deeds as examples, but it was only after I became an adult that I discovered that those who stood at the top,

It's not like you know, and it's not like Guang Zhengwei.

In contrast, Little Tina is much purer, she eats when she is hungry, and sleeps when she is sleepy, no matter what big things happen to her, she can't remember anything once she wakes up,

This kind of big heart made Tu Fu envious for a while.

As for Judge Henry, along the way, he introduced himself to the cities, scenery, places worth visiting and various cultural histories along the way. His rich life experience has already made him change his original way of life, and he is more willing to live in such a peaceful place. .

He's definitely a nice guy, a man of integrity and generosity, Tuffer could vouch for that on anyone.

Relying on the contacts of the old judge, I can also take this opportunity to enter Santa's circle.

Whether you want to temporarily settle down incognito or find Ms. Maggie, you will need the help of such a good old man with credibility and sufficient status in the local area.


A large black and slender black smoke gushed out from the top of the steam locomotive.

It took a long time for the "Future" to finally get the passengers in this car into place. People from all over the world gathered here in the rather magnificent station.

Walking around casually, passengers of various language systems, skin colors, and decorations are mixed together, and there is a feeling of national integration.


White-skinned people always hold their heads high, and they are still confident even in old clothes. In contrast, some brown and black people, even in luxurious clothes, always keep their heads down, showing an extremely unconfident attitude.

What has been deeply rooted in the hearts of people in the South China Sea for a hundred years has been rooted in the souls of several generations.

This kind of prejudice cannot be removed as long as the country is not independent.

"Miss, let me help you."

Tu Fu took the luggage for Cheryl, and carefully led her from the car to the platform. The latter nodded to thank him. This action immediately caused little Tina to pout,

"Mr. Andersen, why don't you help me with my luggage, am I not a girl?"

"Of course not." Tu Fu raised his eyebrows and said skillfully, "Because I think Tina is a brave and independent girl, unless you are willing to deny it."

"Of course I'm brave enough not to be like my sister."

The little girl's eyeballs rolled again and again, and a smug smile flashed on her face, she didn't care about the luggage at all.

Tu Fu is very good at solving such troubles, but with just a few words, the embarrassment can be made invisible.

This inadvertent little move also made Cheryl take a serious look at this man.

He is young, with a youthful appearance in his early twenties. Although his appearance is really ordinary, judging from the past few days, he can be firmly regarded as an honest man with rich experience and good emotional intelligence.

However, having seen better men, Cheryl couldn't help but want to compare them,

Mr. Andersen is too young, maybe he just came to such a big city from a small country, he was always restrained and taciturn along the way, and most of the time he acted as a listener.

Cheryl is also always willing to strike up a conversation with him, as a way to ease his discomfort in a strange city.

There are no bad flaws, but it also lacks enough bright spots.

Not to mention a perfect person like Tufu Capet, he was still far from a mature uncle like Jack Sparrow, even if the latter was a liar.

Thinking about it carefully, being able to gain the trust of so many people is also a remarkable skill.

"It's incredible."

Tu Fu, who came to Tabor, marveled at the prosperity of this colonial capital. He raised his head and moved his eagle eyes to observe the city quietly.

There are not only the strong Baia style, but also the slightly rustic palace of the royal family, the magnificent church of the Church of the Three Gods, and the continuous urban housing complex scattered in various regions.

It is naturally far from the high-rise buildings in Göttinghagen, but it also has a unique flavor of the southern continent.

To say that it is different from the North Continent is that most of the buildings here are bungalows or domes, and there are very few Gothic pointed eaves.

This is an architectural style left over from the Ingaso Empire period, and at the same time, there are many intangible wealth passed down,

Language, culture, and customs have also been inherited to the present.

Many people still wear headscarves or masks, or show an arm or a leg, and there may be some weird tattoos on their skin.

It is completely different from the Northern Continent, which pays more attention to etiquette and decency.

What Tu Fu was quite concerned about was that after he got out of the car, he noticed that there were more cars on the street, although most of the cars were still of the same style as before.

But on the road in Tabor, a road was specially designated for steam vehicles, and the product of horse-drawn carriages was rarely seen again, so it must have been eliminated.

Vehicles are constantly flowing, and there are a large number of street lights on the left and right sides of the road for lighting. The lampshades on the pillars are exactly the electric lights that have spread throughout the continent.

The warm light made the city shine, and at the same time gave Tufu the feeling that Tabor is a city where kings never sleep.

Moreover, the light here is distributed all over the city, and it is no longer the exclusive privilege of certain groups.

Seeing Cheryl who was standing there stupidly next to Tu Fu smiled slightly:

"I heard that those cars are powered by electric fuel. Although the technology is not yet mature, it has been used in many ways, and the price is much cheaper than before. Our family also has one.

That's why we miss Mr. Capet, who was a gift from God to Baia. "

The melancholy girl once again praised the omnipotent Mr. Capet. When she said this, her eyes suddenly became sad, "It's a pity that we didn't cherish him."

"He is indeed an amazing guy." Tu Fu curled his lips indifferently.


Cheryl turned her eyes away, as if she was very dissatisfied with this title, as if you were on the same level as Mr. Capet.

As soon as she was about to correct this mistake, she saw her father smiling and came up and patted her on the shoulder. Judge Henry looked at Tu Fu, "Mr. Andersen, what do you think of Tabor?"

"In fact, it's much better than I imagined. It's like a new world. The level of technology here is much higher than that of Venus. I didn't expect such a big change in the world after I haven't read newspapers for two years."

Tu Fu sighed from the bottom of his heart, now he is like a bumpkin who has never seen the world.

What's even more ironic is that most of these things come from his previous scientific research results.

"In fact, Baia is more prosperous than here, so we should go out more if we have the chance."

Henry Sauron advised as someone who had experienced it, "Since you are going to stay here for a while, I think there is still one thing I need to explain to you in advance."

"You say."

"If you can, please use Baia as much as possible. Don't say that you are from Venus unless it is necessary. You can say that you are from Baia. This is not disrespecting your mother country.

Because doing so will avoid many unnecessary troubles. "

As someone who has experienced it, Judge Henry warned earnestly.

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