"January 20th (Friday), sunny day, under the order of King Quechua, led by the Minister of Military Affairs Ingaso, we visited their armaments, piles of guns and shells filled the warehouse, and the iron-clad ships on the sea The army is strictly waiting, and the newly established air force...

We were as pathetic and ridiculous as country bumpkins coming to a big city for the first time.

These sophisticated equipment can easily take people's lives, so what can stop them.

It’s more than amazing, the crew and I have discussed in private that if the two civilizations go to war, it may only take a month to clear all the countries on our continent.

Even so, they are deeply disturbed by the unknown disaster. "

"January 21 (Saturday), cloudy.

Across the Whiskey Mountain, the location of the city is at the intersection of the two main peaks and the two star signs of Tianxuan and Tianshu. Only a few people know this place, and I was the only guest brought here.

The wise king of Quechua let me come here, where the history of this capital is recorded, gold, gold everywhere you look.

Everything in the city is made of gold. It is a veritable city of gold. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it. Only a very small number of nobles in the palace know this important way.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized that I was here to see historical records. They claimed that these written historical materials would continue into the next century and be used as a historical library.

How could such a thing be possible? Paper will age in a few hundred years, cloth will become invisible after a hundred years, and printing on bamboo tubes will age in a few decades.

All written carriers will be lost sooner or later, and nothing can stand against time.

I saw the guide pointing to the ground with a smile on his face. Apart from the gold, there were only dense stone tablets left.

It wasn't until later that I realized this, the only way to preserve a civilized text,

That is, engrave the words on the stone. "

"January 23 (Monday), sunny.

Because of an urgent message from the country's Department of Astronomy, Ingaso's top management gave us an ultimatum, and we had to leave.

Looking back on this trip, we have gained a lot and lost a lot. In this short period of time, we have seen the splendid history and cultural heritage of this continent, which is definitely worthy of the admiration of any latecomers.

But to this day, we don't know who their enemies are. "

Seeing this record, Captain Arthur's trip to explore the southern continent is over.

Ever since he came to this continent, strangeness has been revealed everywhere, and every time a mystery is solved, there are more mysteries waiting for Tu Fu.

"So the Incasso Empire was destroyed later."

Tu Fu thought of what happened later, that the huge Incasso Empire fell apart overnight.

In fact, we can get a clue from here.

They have prepared enough, but nothing can be changed.

An extremely powerful and unknown enemy is coming, even with all the power of the whole country, there is no way to take it down. Not only has the final struggle failed, even the traces of the entire country's existence have been wiped out.

Thinking about it is really scary.

"Is there any enemy that is worthy of a country's strict defense, and it needs to use all its national power to deal with it?"

Tu Fu bit his finger, thinking hard about this problem.

One thing he was very concerned about was that during the Tertiary Epoch, the two huge civilizations on the northern and southern continents were destroyed with the same ending even though hundreds of years separated them.

Moreover, the two monarchs are by no means mediocre. King Kechua has the power of the whole country, and King Lionheart also went overseas to seek more powerful power in his old age.

It's hard not to think about it.

"People from the Rosicrucian Society said that Incasso's last crazy move was not a civil strife, but to leave a spark of civilization for the latecomers.

Could it be their technological means? Or something recorded in stone in the Golden City. "

Tu Fu frowned, seeing the records in the logbook and saying that he didn't believe it for a long time.

Really annoying.

"Afterwards, Captain Arthur and the others should have encountered that giant scarlet eye. I don't know if there is any record."

Tu Fu flipped through the pages of the diary quickly, skipping over a lot of irrelevant things.

From the 18th day when they arrived in the Southern Continent, only one-third of the original crew remained in the fleet. This group of remaining crew members sailed the sea despite countless natural disasters and many strange deeds.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the oceans of the third era have not yet been developed, creatures with extraordinary attributes are making waves on the seabed, and there are islands where no one has set foot.

It's also quite normal to have trouble.

Even though the Southern Continent had such strength at that time, it had no intention of going to sea at all.

"On February 1st (Wednesday), the moment that terrifying big eyeball appeared, all of us froze, and stayed where we were in horror, not daring to move. He only needs to blink to bring us all to destruction. I Think He is curious about our existence.

In the face of such an existence, I can't even use half of my extraordinary power, that is not a creature that we can match, no, it is... that is God..."

"February 2 (Thursday).

I'm not dead, everyone passed out, but I don't know anything about what happened yesterday.

I can't think of anything, I remember the last moment, I vaguely remember the eye beyond my vision, it seems that he has left.

The situation of my crew is very bad. Whether they are superhuman or not, they are all terribly polluted. Once supernatural power is used, it is on the verge of losing control.

The terrible god of death is coming slowly. Several of my ship's officers have gone mad. They killed each other and died in a very miserable manner. "

"February 15th, and to this day, all crew members except me have gone mad and will turn into monstrous monsters on a full moon.

Looking at their familiar and unfamiliar faces, my heart was tormented, and I just wanted to die.

But I must not do this, as the sole survivor, I must be responsible for the people of two continents.

The pollution they suffered was terribly contagious, and once they left the ship, the pollution would follow the destruction of city after city on land. "

"February 17th. Although unmanned, the ship is still drifting north. No matter how long it takes, it will eventually land on land. It cannot be destroyed, and the crew cannot be killed.

As the captain, I must do something. I put my heart into a treasure chest and used it as a sacrifice to the abyssal demon. I successfully talked to him.

The 'Santa Maria' was never allowed to approach land and became a ghost ship drifting in the sea. And as the captain, I will be here forever, which is also my little contribution to this world. "

"Month ■day, he is not a demon!! He is ■■... He brought that huge eyeball into the boat."

"Which one is it?"

Tu Fu frowned slightly, but unfortunately his name was painted out.

Fortunately, Captain Arthur told himself that it was one of the seven gods. This was considered a rare god interfering in human affairs, unless the matter had already involved the kingdom of heaven.

"On the 1st, after I successfully promoted to a demigod through the power of this ship, I can clearly feel that I am losing control. Maybe I will be completely lost in chaos after this time, but I still want to do this experiment.

The occult scholar of Sequence 4 can borrow the power of others through the cracks in history, and can also spy on what happened in the past through time and space, at least... I want to know what happened at that time..."

Tu Fu concentrated his attention, turning back all the way with the enthusiasm of chasing dramas.

Captain Arthur's spirit continued to deteriorate, not only the words recorded in the log became scribbled, but also the content became more and more crude.

All kinds of weird characters appeared in the logbook. Several ancient characters were mixed together, which looked like a bunch of messy gibberish, quite different.

But it's not impossible to decipher. Tu Fu, who has learned many languages, integrated the fragmentary information.

The general content is that Captain Arthur launched a historical spy at the last moment of sobriety, and fixed the time on February 1 when the accident happened.

In order to scare away the giant scarlet eye, Captain Arthur used a hidden scripture copied from a certain university, activated the runes on it, and then awakened the terrifying existence closest to this planet.

But what exactly it is, Captain Arthur didn't know whether he didn't see it or couldn't describe His appearance, which became another unknown.

I flipped through several pages in a row,

Finally, the pile of garbled characters that I was used to became a line of Assyrian again.

Tu Fu didn't know why He wrote such an irrelevant paragraph, but at least when the old captain wrote this line, he kept his mind clear.

"Watch out for the moon!"

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