After reuniting with Xiao Zi and the others, Su Yue spent time investigating the information related to the remaining two world-class supernatural events.

After obtaining enough information, he immediately set off with his five daughters to the next destination.

However, a phone call interrupted his trip, and Su Yue decided to return home immediately.

Lingzong Temple moved faster than he thought and had already started to cause trouble.

Although it doesn't matter if Su Yue goes back earlier, there is still Yan Yuntian in the Men in Black organization, so nothing major will happen for a while.

But after all, it is you who planted the cause, and there is no reason to let others bear the consequences for you.

The ride back was still the Xueli family's private jet.

Before leaving, Xueli looked reluctant and wanted to ask when she would see him again next time, but in the end she was too embarrassed to ask.

Su Yue smiled and said:"Come to our place when you have time. I will show you the scenery of Longguojiang City.""

"Longguo, Jiangshi……"

Xue Li's eyes lit up and she nodded heavily.

After Su Yue and others left, Xueli returned to the family, and all the members realized something was wrong.

Because Xueli only has two labels in their minds. majesty! serious!

The unsmiling head of the family actually had a happy smile on his face, as sweet as honey!

And her attitude towards everyone is much better than usual

"Did the head of the family encounter something big and happy?"

Everyone was just wondering in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it in front of others.

Only Lan vaguely guessed something, and at the same time he felt envious and had a strange emotion.

Su Yue naturally didn't know that his polite invitation would trigger so many things. At this time, he was learning more about the situation there.


It just so happens that some signs before the resurgence of spiritual energy have appeared recently, which has had a considerable impact on certain places.

It was better in Jiang City. The demons in Jiang Yun Mountain were suppressed by Su Yue and would not cause any harm to the outside world.

But there is no good luck elsewhere. The stage before the recovery of spiritual energy is the most chaotic stage. A new order has not yet been established. Because of the lack of effective control, some events have a huge impact on society.

There are several cities around Jiang City where spirits appear frequently. Most of them are evil spirits with resentment. There are even wild beasts with intelligence and become demons, causing disturbance to the human living environment.

All kinds of troubles were coming one after another, and the men in black organization had become big enough, so Lingzong Temple took the opportunity to launch an attack.

A great monk even went to the headquarters of the men in black organization to put pressure on them.

With the presence of Captain Liu Ruofeng at the headquarters, the problem is not that big.

However, the monks from Lingzong Temple are also eyeing the Jiang City branch.

Several powerful monks suddenly arrived and released a terrifying aura. Nie Feng and others were shocked and suffered internal injuries!

Fortunately, Nie Feng contacted Yan Yuntian in time.

After Yan Yuntian arrived, he showed amazing strength and did not lose at all against the monks, and finally drove them away.

Later, Lingzong Temple made a big move, publicly asked for an explanation, and made a promise.

As long as they are satisfied, Lingzong Temple can dispatch combat forces to quell the spirit demon riots in several cities around Jiang City for the people.

What followed was an overwhelming number of fishing boats.

All kinds of denunciations, accusations, and abuses swept through.

There was a voice asking relevant organizations to meet Lingzong Temple’s conditions and ask Lingzong Temple to lend a helping hand.

"We are almost no longer able to live a normal life, so why haven’t the higher authorities taken any action?"

"In fact, the above has already taken action, but unfortunately their capabilities are limited!"

"Since you can't provide us with effective protection, why don't you show your sincerity and let those who are capable of protecting us lend a helping hand?"

"Alas, in the final analysis, we bastards are not important at all. We are dispensable in their eyes!"


Among them are a large number of rhythmic navy troops.

They are profitable.

There are also truly panicked civilians who lack rational judgment and are commonly known as brainless.

Relevant departments have recorded information about these troublemakers who have aggravated the chaos and unrest.

I don't have the energy to deal with them at the moment, but once I have my hands free, they will feel better.

Some of the big guys above discussed countermeasures, and the final conclusion they came to was too helpless and too sad.

The best solution at present is to compromise with Lingzong Temple and ask for their help.

When thinking of the arrogant and disdainful faces of those people and the ugly, greedy and selfish hearts, everyone just felt extremely disgusted and conflicted, and they did not want to implement this so-called optimal solution anyway.

However, as the situation worsened and unrest grew, the Men in Black had no choice.

Of course, no matter what the circumstances, they would not sell their former benefactor.

Therefore, they negotiated with Lingzong Temple and expressed their willingness to pay a high price to allow them to temporarily put aside their grudges and support society.

Unfortunately, there is one condition that they will not change no matter what.

If this condition is not met, no matter how good the other conditions are, no matter how beneficial they are, they will not accept them.

This condition is naturally Su Yue!

The results are clear.

Negotiations break down


"Since you gave up your last chance, don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless!"

At this time, Su Yue got off the plane, seeming to be muttering to himself, and seeming to be issuing a death notice to someone!

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