Tongzhou University in Shanghai.

After some investigation, Su Yue finally locked the place.

"This is the university that Shen Youtong and I were admitted to. Could it be that the woman in black is also studying here?"

He found many traces of the woman in black here, but he did not find her aura at the moment. She is probably not in school at the moment.

However, the investigation has reached this step, and it will be much easier to proceed later. Su Yue is not worried about finding her. Not her.

Entering the school, Su Yue found a student in a corner who was breathing and practicing.

He walked over, and the man immediately noticed the arrival of others, opened his eyes suddenly, and stared at Su Yue warily.

"Who are you? Su

Yue did not answer, but said:"I will not be disadvantageous to you. I only need you to answer me a question. In return, I will give you some guidance on your cultivation.""

The student smiled disdainfully, his eyes showing undisguised arrogance and disdain for Su Yue,"You will guide me? Who are you to guide me?"

A cultivator is not a cabbage on the street. He has a certain talent and thinks that he is rare, so even in such an institution, he is not willing to associate with ordinary people.

He has never seen Su Yue, so he feels that this person He is not famous, and he is not likely to be superior to himself. He is most likely a self-righteous fool or a liar who wants to gain something from him.

Su Yue frowned slightly. This guy's attitude made him a little unhappy. Originally, he planned to exchange for equal value..

But now, he changed his mind.

Su Yue took a step forward and appeared in front of the student in an instant, raising his palms.

The student's pupils shrank suddenly, and he had no time to react. Suddenly, he felt that his body was flying into the air, and he was not affected by it. control!

"you you……"

He was too shocked to speak a complete sentence, and his trembling eyes were full of fear.

Su Yue didn't want to do anything to him, so he lost his strength and the other person fell to the ground.

"Tell me the truth about what you know, and don't hold anything back, otherwise you'll be responsible for the consequences."

Su Yue spoke calmly, his cold voice without any emotion. The student's whole body was cold, and he still had the sense of superiority at the beginning. At this moment, he kept saying yes and did not dare to refuse.

"Do you know this woman?"

Su Yue waved his hand, and the golden light spots condensed and turned into the appearance of the woman in black.

"Ye Lingyun!"

The student actually recognized the woman in black at a glance.

"Her name is Ye Lingyun, is she a student from the same boat in Shanghai?"

"Yes, she is a popular figure in this school and the well-deserved number one among the strong students!"

"oh?"Su Yue raised his eyebrows,"Is it so not simple? Keep telling me about her"

"Well, I don’t know how strong she is, and I don’t know if anyone knows how strong she is, but the few times she showed her strength in front of the public, she stunned countless pairs of eyes and became the focus of the media. Hot topics covered"

"There used to be a very powerful guy named Zhao Wei in the same boat in the magic city. He was originally the number one person. However, after the woman arrived, the number one person's position was changed in just three seconds. Owner. Su

Yue asked:"Then do you know where she is now?" The student shook his head and said,"

In front of such people, I am just a nobody." Of course, in front of you, I am also a small person. I have no chance to contact her, but if you want to know more, you might as well go find Zhao Wei"

"Zhao Wei? The guy who was robbed of the first position by her?"

"Well, I can take you to him"

"Okay, lead the way"

"By the way, guide me as you said before……"

"Haha, you are thinking shit!"

The student immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet, wishing to slap himself several times. Why did he look down on others and offend this secretive master? He missed a great opportunity!

Su Yue naturally ignored his thoughts. After a while, , he saw Zhao Wei.

It could be seen that the man in front of him was supposed to be a high-spirited and arrogant dazzling genius. Su Yue looked at Zhao Wei thoughtfully.

At this time, Zhao Wei had a slump on his face, his breath was empty, and even ordinary She was worse than anyone else, her eyes were gloomy, as if she had no hope for the future, and there was only a trace of utter hatred that was hard to hide in her eyes.

The student explained:"After Zhao Wei was defeated by her, he lost all his cultivation. Of course, this is That woman's handiwork, tsk tsk... She is obviously a woman, but she is so cruel and ruthless.……"

Realizing that what he said might be heard by interested people, and eventually reached Ye Lingyun, the student quickly changed the topic,"Zhao Wei is an ordinary student now. His family background is not good, so he can only work and go to school at the same time."

"You go, I'll talk to him."

Su Yue waved his hand, and the student hesitated, sighed, and turned to leave.

Before leaving, he glanced at Zhao Wei with envy in his eyes.

Perhaps Zhao Wei will usher in a huge turning point in his life. Su

Yue suddenly remembered something.

Ye Lingyun... such a familiar name.

By the way!

In order to join the PLAYER club, he took the qualification exam and the woman he killed in the virtual world was named Ye Yun!

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