I Have a Game Clone

Chapter 40: Influence and Divergence

Ning Shi stepped onto the podium in the conference room.

"As far as I know, the Bureau of Special Affairs and Exchange has issued a certification system for Awakened Persons. Once Awakened Persons are successfully certified, their effect is equivalent to a graduation certificate, and they can be employed by virtue of the certification.

The existing grading system for Awakeners is completely tailored for those with Elemental and Spiritual abilities, and it is not suitable for Awakeners of Strength. "

The teachers below were stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect that Ning Shi did not talk about teaching policies when he came to power, but first talked about the certification of the Awakened.

Some people may think that this has nothing to do with teaching, but Ning Shi thinks it is extremely important. If the power system awakened does not have a hierarchy that suits him, how can the school understand and track the teaching results?

After graduating students, without the level certification that meets the strength, they are naturally lower than other awakened ones.

After the power-based awakener awakens the ability, the body's strength, speed, stamina, and resilience will gradually increase. There is no such thing as releasing powers or engraving power moves.

"I suggest that a simple grading system be implemented in the school first. Those with a boxing strength of more than 1000kg are the first-order power-type awakeners, those who exceed 2,000kg are the second-order, those who exceed 3,000kg are the third-order, and those who exceed 5,000kg are the fourth-order.

This is an example. The specific graded values ​​can be discussed and decided by the teachers together. "

"If our tiered system is used well, we can try to recommend it to the official in the future, and the official will promote it to the whole country."

The teachers in the audience nodded.

"In terms of teaching, I recommend that all students be graded according to the time of entry, up to the fourth grade, which means that this group of students will graduate after four years at the latest.

Awakened students who have reached level 4 and are proficient in two or more martial arts techniques can apply for early graduation..."

Ning Shi stated his plans one by one, and the teachers also joined the discussion, and each teaching policy was gradually formulated.

As the principal, Ning Shi has a small house on the hillside of the school to live in. The chefs of the school canteen have settled in and regularly provide meals to the principal.

Ning Shi was about to move out of the rental house and moved directly into the school.

Yun Moxiang still has something to do. Seeing that the meeting went well, she has to go first.

Before leaving, he said to Ning Shi, "Consultant Ning, as the principal, you have 50 special admissions places. If you feel that it is not enough, you can increase it appropriately."

Ning Shi frowned, "What does the special enrollment quota mean, I can enroll students at will?"

Yun Moxiang brushed her hair on her temples and replied.

"It seems that you still don't understand the influence of the No. 1 Power School in Donglin City. Li Dazhao, Duan Qixun and others are all master-level figures in the domestic martial arts circle, and they are highly respected senior masters in the circle of power awakeners. It is no exaggeration to say that the world is full of peaches and plums.”

"Such a group of people are all concentrated in a school as teachers. The principal of this school is also recognized as the first powerhouse in the power system. As long as they are awakened by the power system, who doesn't want to come to school here?"

"The First Force School has only 5,000 enrollments, but there are 6.15 million Awakened students in the power department of the right age. The preciousness of the enrollment can be imagined."

Ning Shi understood, he asked back: "How does the government allocate student places?"

"We organized the Awakened teenagers to test, and recorded the growth of their physical fitness after awakening. The top 2,000 were admitted directly."

Hearing Yun Moxiang's words, Ning Shi continued to ask, "Isn't it fair to the young Awakened? Why only the top 2,000?"

"There is no absolute fairness. Before the age of 18, young awakened people can apply for our school again every year, and they have more opportunities.

Only the first 2,000 students are selected because there are still 3,000 places to take into account local opinions and economic benefits.

Every state has to have places, especially the awakened ones in the backward areas, who need to be taken care of. "

Yun Moxiang pointed to the intelligent training room full of technology in the school.

"As for economic benefits, it is a very real issue. The construction of this training room alone costs more than 100 million yuan.

Running a school costs a lot of money and cannot always rely on official funding and subsidies. Under the condition that the students’ qualifications are not too different, those who are willing to donate to the education fund will be given priority for admission. "

Ning Shi laughed: "Be direct, how much is an admissions place?"

"Starting at 1 million, it is not capped. After all, it is a donation."

Good guy, the 3,000 places are at least 3 billion. There are more donors. If you compete, the income of tens of billions is not a problem.

Education is about fairness. If you make money by recruiting students, it is completely inconsistent with Ning Shi's original intention to be the principal.

"I don't accept the use of trick quotas to induce donations, absolutely not!"

Ning Shi was about to continue to refute, when his mother Wang Yan called.

Ning Shi picked it up, his mother's voice was a little hesitant and uncertain.

"Xiao Shi, you are the principal? Haven't you been working as a programmer?"

Afraid of being talked about by his mother, Ning Shi never told her about his resignation.

"I quit my job as a programmer. I am an Awakener. The government sees my strength as not bad, so I became a principal."

Hearing this, Wang Yan's voice immediately raised an octave.

"Little bastard, you really have no conscience. You don't tell mom about such a big thing. Mom knows that you have to rely on friends to relay the news. I'm so mad!"

After a scolding on the other end of the phone, my mother asked again, "Is it not dangerous to be the principal? Son, you must never do anything dangerous. I heard that the Awakened people like to fight and get injured at every turn. You must be careful. Don't be impulsive, endure everything for a while, take a step back and see the ocean..."

Seeing that his mother was going to nag again, Ning Shi quickly interrupted.

"Mom, what are you looking for from me, hurry up and tell me, there are so many things and urgent things at my school."

"It's like this, my mother has a business friend, Mr. Zhang, you have met him, and he has attended your university entrance banquet. Mr. Zhang has a son who is 16 years old this year. He is very ambitious, and he succeeded after eating the awakening potion. Awakened, a power-type awakener."

Ning Shi was speechless, all those who went through the back door so quickly came, no wonder the official wanted to give him 50 special recruitment places.

The mother continued: "Mr. Zhang's son wants to study in your school. He doesn't take advantage of it and is willing to donate 1 million yuan. Son, you are the principal, it's no problem with this trivial matter, but I have already guaranteed Zhang. "

Yun Moxiang stood beside Ning Shi and heard the phone call clearly. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. As a social person, human relationships are a big net, and you can't escape even if you want to.

She thought to herself, "Ning Shi won't be against it anymore, and her mother will beg too."

But Ning Shi's reaction was unexpected.

"Mom, the admissions policy has been set, and the ranking is the main thing. I can't decide. In the future, friends in this kind of business will come to you, and you will directly refuse.

If it is a gracious person, or a blood relative who cannot escape, I will teach it myself, and there is no need to go to school.

Your son, I don't want to do these gray things, mom, don't embarrass me. "

Wang Yan on the other end of the phone was not angry when she heard her son's words.

"Okay, why would a mother embarrass your son? I will reject Mr. Zhang's side. You should pay attention to your body and don't get tired. If you have something to tell me in time, do you hear me?"

"Okay, mom, you also pay attention to your body. I'm hanging up. I'll talk when I go home another day."

Ning Shi hung up the phone, stared at Yun Moxiang, and said decisively.

"As you heard, I even rejected my own mother. I don't want the special admissions quota. The 5,000 admissions quotas are all determined according to fair rankings. There is absolutely no money involved!"

It's not that Ning Shi doesn't know how to be flexible. After working for 5 years, he already understands the sophistication in society, and he will also make himself smooth.

But this time, he wanted to stick to his original aspirations.

Educational fairness is the foundation of all fairness. If educational fairness is lost, what is lost is not only the promotion channel, but also the hope of society.

"If the official does not agree, then the position of the principal should be a clever one!"

Yun Moxiang shook her head and sighed.

"I can't imagine that Advisor Ning is an idealist, but unfortunately the reality is cruel.

The registration fee for student enrollment is 5,000 yuan a year, and the accommodation fee is 800 yuan per semester. These are still small expenses.

For power-type awakeners, the cost of food is the biggest expense. If you want to exercise, you must eat well. Consultant Ning, as a strength awakener, you should know your appetite.

You can eat everyone else's food in one meal and eat more after a vigorous workout. "

Yun Moxiang asked back: "Awakened people from poor families can't afford this money. How can you solve it as a principal? There is also the loss of exercise equipment and the maintenance of school facilities. Which one doesn't cost money?"

Ning Shi laughed with rage, he handed over the consultant's certificate and the key to the principal's residence.

"Ensuring the admission of poor students and giving them food subsidies should be official jobs. Where does the official money come from, do you need me to remind you?

Running a school to engage in education is a matter of people's livelihood without regard to profit. If you want me to be the principal to be responsible for your own profits and losses, you should find a master of economics or a well-known entrepreneur to be the principal!

Making money by making use of the enrollment quota is no different from the behavior of selling officials and vassals in ancient times~www.wuxiahere.com~ The person who came up with this idea is definitely a badass!

I don't want to work with this scumbag, and neither do consultants. "

Using the enrollment quota to induce donations was the idea of ​​Yun Moxiang's immediate boss, Tian Jun, director of the Special Affairs and Exchange Bureau.

Yun Moxiang also thought this idea was a good idea, so she followed it.

This is a common problem for the personnel of the Exchange Bureau. Working in the Exchange Bureau does not need to fight on the front line, and is responsible for dealing with personnel issues. Knowing how to be smooth and flexible is more important than being strong in combat.

Seeing that Ning Shi was about to carry the burden, Yun Moxiang was a little panicked and asked Ning Shi to be the principal.

It is impossible to replace now.

"Consultant Ning, don't be impatient. Think about the teachers and students who are coming for you. Regarding the admissions policy, I will immediately ask my superiors and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Yun Moxiang didn't take the certificate and key that Ning Shi handed over. She picked up the phone and went to the distance to call.

10 minutes later, Yun Moxiang put away the phone and came over.

"Consultant Ning, Minister Hu said, you have full discretion in school matters, and the government will take care of all financial expenditures and subsidies. The top 4,000 students will be recruited according to their rankings, and the remaining 1,000 will take care of poor and backward areas.

All donations received before will be refunded.

What do you think of this? "

Ning Shi put away his documents and said solemnly: "Miss Yun, although Ning Shi is easy to talk, he is also a person with principles. In the future, it is better to say hello first.

The scene is deadlocked, and everyone is not good-looking! "

Yun Moxiang nodded bitterly, Ning Shi stopped talking, turned to find the teachers, and continued to discuss teaching policies.

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