I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 2 Chapter 48: turn into light

User: Zhou Wenwen, Level: 2.

Level 2 users can purchase 2 items each in the daily shop, the normal area of ​​the weekly shop, and the charging area with the rewards obtained from the quest branch, legend, battle, etc.

Level 2 users can receive 2 items for free in the free zone.

Level 2 users can enjoy a 99.9% discount when purchasing G-level items.

Level 2 users can now claim 1 additional daily quest on top of 1 daily quest, and 1 additional weekly quest on top of 1 weekly quest.

Level 2 users can now log in every day to get 1% fame and 1 G-level quest sideline.


Inventory: 3000 Legend.

1 A-level quest main line, 2 B-level quest main lines, and 1 D-level quest main line.

1 C-level quest branch, 4 D-level quest branches, 3 E-level quest branches, 5 F-level quest branches, and 3 G-level quest branches.



"Giants stand on the ground" "Unfinished" mission evaluation: S.

Quest reward: 1 S-level quest mainline.

1 A-level mission mainline.

2 A-level mission branches.

Description: After the dark-enhanced monsters and the dire cosmos shark Genegago descend, and Ultraman Zeta defeat the dire-universe shark Genegago and the dark-enhanced monsters together.

Quest requirements: Defeat the dark-enhanced super ancient monster Gorzan. (0/1)

Defeat the dark-enhanced space battle beast Ultra Gob. (0/1)

Defeat the Dark Empowered Ultra Ancient Dragon Melba. (0/1)

Defeat the Dire Universe Shark Genegago. (0/1)


Monsters strengthened by darkness generally lose their minds, and they can use this as an opportunity to defeat the opponent.


"Into Light" "Unfinished" mission evaluation: A.

Quest reward: 1 A-level quest mainline.

1 B-level mission mainline.

Description: Use the Transformer and Power Cards to transform into Ultraman Arreat!

Quest Requirements: Use the Transformer and the Dawning Power Card to transform into Ultraman Arreat in Dawning form once. (0/1)

Use the Flame Power Card to transform into Ultraman Arreat in flame form once. (0/1)

Tip: The battle time of Ultraman Arreat is only 2 minutes, but you can absorb energy to increase the battle time by 4 minutes, but the normal standby time is only 3 minutes.


Daily Shop:

Charge area:

Ultraman Arreat Card Reader: Quantity: 1, Item classification: A-level, unit price: 1 A-level quest main line, not purchased.

Ultraman Card Reader and Ultraman Card Converter are items developed by Ultraman Hikari inadvertently. They were stolen by many cosmic stars when the violent universe shark Genegage invaded the Land of Light. Tried to use it to invade Arreat, but Arreat used the Ultraman card reader to turn its star soul into Ultraman, not only defeated the cosmic star, but also regained the Ultraman card reader. Converter and Ultraman Card Converter.

Insert Ultraman Arreat's initial form card + Ultraman Arreat power form card into the reader to transform into Ultraman Arreat in the corresponding power form.

Ultraman Arreat's initial form:

Height/weight: 60 meters/60,000 tons.

Flight speed: Mach 7.

Walking speed: Mach 3.

Speed ​​in water: Mach 2.

Ground speed: Mach 1.5.

Jumping power: 600 meters.

Arm strength: 90,000 tons.

Grip strength: 81,000 tons.

In the initial form of Ultraman Arreat, you can use all the skills of Ultraman Arreat at will, but the power has decreased.


Sometimes, external power is better than your own power.


Ultraman Arreat Card Converter: Quantity: 1, Item Classification: D-level, unit price: 1 D-level quest main line, not purchased.

The Ultraman Card Converter is an item developed by Ultraman Hikari unintentionally.

Insert the converter into the reader, and then insert other Ultraman Arreat power form cards to transform into Ultraman Arreat corresponding to the power form.


Call out my name and transform!


Normal area:

Ultraman Arreat's Dawn Power Form: Quantity: 1, Item Classification: C-level, Unit Price: 1 C-level quest main line, not purchased.

Insert Ultraman Arreat Card Initial Form Card + Ultraman Arreat Dawn Power Form into the reader, you can transform into Ultraman Arreat Dawn Power Form.

The data of Ultraman Arreat in the form of dawn power is as follows:

Height/weight: 60 meters/60,000 tons.

Flight speed: Mach 15

Travel speed: Mach 4

Speed ​​in water: Mach 2

Ground speed: Mach 1.5

Jumping power: 1800 meters

Arm strength: 70,000 tons

Grip strength: 50,000 tons

Attribute: Light (Dawn).


Curved Refraction Barrier, Flash Missile, Holy Shockwave, Ultra Kick, Healing Light Projectile, Purifying Light, Ultimate Move: Dawning Sunfury.

special power:

Ultraman Arreat's Dawn Power Form can perform photosynthesis, which absorbs light as energy and increases combat time.


Crossbow of Dawn, Sword of Dawn.


Sometimes, external power is better than your own power.


Ultraman Arreat Frost Power Form: Quantity: 1, Item Classification: C-level, Unit Price: 1 C-level quest main line, not purchased.

Insert the Ultra Arreat Card Initial Form Card + Ultraman Arreat Frost Power Form into the reader, and you can transform into the Frost Power Form Ultraman Arreat.

Frost power form Ultraman Arreat data is as follows:

Height/weight: 60 meters/60,000 tons.

Flight speed: Mach 6.

Running speed: Mach 1.5.

Speed ​​in water: Mach 8

Ground speed: Mach 1.5.

Jumping power: 1000 meters.

Arm strength: 100,000 tons.

Grip strength: 90,000 tons.

Attribute: Water (Frost).


Refracting Ice Mirror~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Freeze Light, Ultra Kick, Healing Water Bomb, Frost Shield, Polar Freeze, Ultimate: Frost Shock.

special power:

Ultraman Arreat's Frost Power Form can be condensed to absorb water as energy and increase the fighting time.


The shield of mysterious ice, the sword of mysterious ice.


Sometimes, it's nice to let people cool down.


Free zone:

Ultraman Arreat's flame power form: Quantity: 1, item classification level: A level, unit price: free, not received.

Insert the Ultraman Arreat Card Initial Form Card + Ultraman Arreat Flame Power Form into the reader, and you can transform into the Flame Power Form Ultraman Arreat.

The data of Ultraman Arreat in the form of flame power are as follows:

Height/Weight: 60 meters/60,000 tons

Flight speed: Mach 4.

Running speed: Mach 2.1.

Speed ​​in water: Mach 0.9.

Ground speed: Mach 2.

Jumping power: 2000 meters.

Arm strength: 120,000 tons.

Grip strength: 90,000 tons.

Attribute: Fire (Flame).


Flame Missile, Incendiary Bomb, Flame Burst, Flame Cross Ray, Ultra Kick, Flame Kick, Ultimate Move: Nirvana Rebirth.

special power:

Ultraman Arreat's flame power form can be sublimated to absorb flames as energy and increase battle time.


Flame holy spear, flame purification rod.


Burn your little universe!


Chapter 049 Preview Super Gob

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