I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 171: bloodthirsty demon

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So far, in the traditional Greek superstition, the "living corpse" that is harmless to people has become a bloodthirsty demon.

But at that time, the Europeans had not invented the word "vampire", and each country named this magical animal with its own unique vocabulary.

The vampire incident also aroused strong repercussions in various places, and even in Paris in Western Europe, there was a lot of discussion. The magazine "Elegant Messenger", which was appreciated by the French court, also had a special issue in the October issue of 1694.

Until the end of the seventeenth century, the name "vampire" was still a term that could not be established by convention, but the superstition about vampires in Eastern European countries has become a social phenomenon. However, this panic was only caused by some rumors, and there was no official written record. It was not until the beginning of the eighteenth century that the published documents came out.

The European legends about werewolves developed and described as follows:

In addition to having wolf heads and body hair, werewolves are also much taller than ordinary people.

Because werewolves are addicted to human flesh and the raw flesh of other animals, and especially like to attack humans, they are more terrifying monsters than vampires.

Werewolves are basically divided into two types: one is natural, that is, they are born werewolves.

This werewolf is very fierce and powerful, and has the ability to transform into a human.

They usually use this transforming ability to deceive - after transforming into a human form, ordinary people can't recognize it.

In this way, I don't know how many innocent people are sacrificed under the mask of werewolves.

Werewolves are inherently ferocious and are very difficult enemies, because their fast attack speed, coupled with their keen sense of smell, makes them even more dangerous.

The other is acquired, most of them will lose their minds in the moonlit night and become a hungry slaughter because they are cursed, and return to human beings during the day.

This type of werewolf will not be able to return to human form due to the curse he has suffered. Unless someone lifts the curse, he will be bathed in blood like a natural werewolf for the rest of his life.

A small number of lucky people still have a faint trace of humanity, but they are usually unable to stop the slaughter.

They are not as tough as natural werewolves, but they are still competent butchers - acquired werewolves can also kill people with one blow.

As a symbol of evil, the five-pointed star will be printed on the hand of the werewolf's next victim; and once a person is bitten by a werewolf, he will also become a werewolf.

There's an easy way to reduce the chance of a werewolf killing a werewolf: make him well fed while he's still in human form.

In case of unfortunate encounter with a werewolf, there are still some ways to deal with it: one is to call out his name on the spot because of his identity (this is probably difficult to do...).

The second is to knock three times or draw a cross on its forehead (the question is whether it will let you draw it obediently).

If none of the above methods work, immediately shout and shoot at it with strong light to scare the werewolf away (this time: Help! ~ Help!~).

If you want to track the true identity of the werewolf, you can leave scars on it, and then look for people with such scars the next day.

Superstition prevailed in ancient Europe. In addition to wolves, animals such as cats (especially black cats), rams, owls, and crows were designated by the church and the people as incarnations of the devil or slaves.

Why are there only stories of werewolves and no stories of cat people or bird people (?!)?

Let’s explain this problem: First of all, from a biological point of view, there are no big cats in Europe, which means that people have not been attacked by large beasts such as lions, tigers or even leopards.

The large beasts native to Europe are animals such as bears and wolves, and the only ones that pose a threat to animal husbandry and human and even personal safety in ancient Europe are the wandering wolves.

Unlike bears, which attack humans only when they are attacked, wolves are homicidal and often take the initiative to attack humans and their livestock.

When wolves attack sheep or reindeer, they often kill the prey they can't eat, which often causes great losses to herders.

As for the status of animal husbandry in the agricultural economy of ancient Europe, we can make a judgment by relying on an old German proverb describing the anthrax plague in livestock: "It came over the sky like a fog, not only destroying the flocks of the rich and landlords, but also And slipped into a dilapidated farmhouse and killed the cows the poor widow depended on for their lives...".

From this, we can see that in northern and western Europe, animal husbandry is far more important than agriculture. As a vermin that destroys the source of farmers' livelihood, the wild wolf is hated by Europeans.

One of the psychological characteristics of human beings is to demonize their own enemies. The wolf grandmother mentioned above who can speak upright is an example of the shadow that the wolf has left in people's hearts.

Comparing with ancient Chinese myths and legends, we can find that Europeans also applied many of the confusing methods used by oriental fox spirits to wolves, believing that werewolves can confuse young children into the jungle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and kill them there They wait.

Of course, if the big cats succeeded in settling the continent by the end of the ice age, it would be more than just the wandering wolves that would suffer the beasts of the Europeans - there might be something akin to the Indian "tiger men" It is unknown whether the legends of the class have been handed down.

Next is the moon.

The moon has a huge impact on the environment and creatures on the earth. The ancients have long observed that the tidal phenomenon is related to the rise and fall of the moon. At the same time, the change of the moon phase also affects many different animals, especially nocturnal animals.

Some animals breed during certain phases of the moon, and others change their hunting habits depending on the phase of the moon.

In ancient times, both Eastern and Western people generally believed that the moon represented magic, so those creatures that were active during the full moon were often associated with magic or witchcraft in human imagination.

In particular, wolves have a habit of howling to the moon, which makes Europeans believe that wolves are mysterious animals-the changes in the behavior of these animals may be one of the origins of the legend of werewolves, especially the rumors that werewolves will transform when the moon is full. origin.

The wolf child again.

Since ancient times, there have been endless incidents of animals adopting abandoned human babies. In ancient Roman legends, there is a famous story of "wolves breastfeeding babies". Today, the city emblem of Rome is a female wolf guarding and feeding two baby boys.

It's a pity that this beautiful legend didn't work in the dark Middle Ages, because wolf children were raised by wolves, and they behaved and howled like wolves.

When these poor human outcasts fell into the hands of their own kind again, they were immediately identified as devils, born werewolves, and they became the strongest evidence of werewolves in ancient Europe.


Chapter 172 Predicting the legend of the werewolf

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