I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 133: battle between transformers four

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Time: Time: Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 18:30.

Location: The center of the Qatar US military camp in the Middle East Peninsula of Asia.

After using Star Strike 1 to A to shape the two energy clusters into a shield to resist the 2 ion blasts, the Defender then picked up the light mesh shield with his left hand, and then charged towards the stun with a double-pointed spear in his right hand.


Seeing the speed of the Defender, Vertigo couldn't help sneering. When he raised his right hand to launch an ion bomb, the light mesh shield raised by the Defender suddenly lit up with a fiery flash.

The stunned red-hot sensor was immediately destroyed by the overloaded flash reading. In the aiming program that caused the stun, the target of the defender was lost.

I can't read the target's dizziness normally, just by feeling, I keep firing ion bombs, biu! biu! biu!

The defender at this time is very close to the stun, but this also means that his ion bomb is also very close. The defender can only sigh inwardly. After activating the power switch of the double-pointed spear, he threw it vigorously towards the stun, and then He raised the light mesh shield and stood up, and the ion bombardment has also come to the front.

The two ion bombs were perfectly eaten by the defenders using the light mesh shield, but at the moment when the third ion bomb was in contact with the light mesh shield, the fourth and fifth ion bombs had already arrived at the light mesh. The shield exploded on impact.

boom! boom! boom! ---boom!

Violent ion waves were generated rapidly, and the moment the light mesh shield burst, it also sent the defenders flying tens of meters, not knowing whether to live or die.

The double-pointed spear that was vigorously thrown by the defender was blocked by the pet giant zard monster that would be stunned. Jump.

I saw in the next second, two green beams fell from the sky, hitting the dizzy position one after another and making a big hole. I avoided the dizziness for a while and secretly fortunately, another beam shot towards it...

It was Zhou Wenwen who emitted the beam.

Previously, because the hunter's weapon system was originally designed to be stacked like Transformers, Zhou Wenwen felt that the power provided by the overclocked armor was extremely limited after the overclocking was supplied, and the cheap "?light cannon" was so effective. Well, it's far away.

Zhou Wenwen denied the hunter's design, thinking that it would be good to keep the original one.

Because the core of overclocking armor is safe overclocking, not as a weapon.

In order to ensure the stable performance of the overclocking system and the energy system, the hunter's opinions on the overclocking system and the energy system were also put on hold by Zhou Wenwen, so the hunter's task was only the data system.

Zhou Wenwen jumped off the super eagle and entered the flight state while the hunter was entering the code into the data system, but just saw the scene of the defender rushing to ask the vertigo.

Zhou Wenwen was in a hurry, and ordered the Super Eagle to connect 2 space-based weapons to fire a salvo with the lowest power, and he used the electronic cycle device that he had not activated for a long time.

"3, 2, 1, preparation - →"

When Zhou Wenwen's voice sounded, the yellow electronic cycle conversion device was still on his chest just now. With the deformation sound of electronic sparks, the yellow turned white.

At the same time, a data screen that only Zhou Wenwen could read clearly was projected, and it was written in Chinese and English:


英文: ?Ash energy launch 0.1 system.

Full name: Alpha beta electron absorption cycle conversion emission? Ash energy 0.1 system.

The AEES0.1 system absorbs 0.001 degrees of αβ energy and 1A current in the energy system per second, with a maximum output of 30KL?.

These absorbed αβ energy and current will enter the acceleration field along the diversion flow, and after circulating for 1 week (168 seconds), they will be mixed into 1L? ash energy, and then enter the acceleration launcher to launch.

And the unit of ?ash energy is LL, KL, ML, among them 1000LL=1KL, 1000KL=1ML.

Maximum stored αβ energy: 3000αβ.

Alpha beta energy is now stored: 1500 alpha beta.

Maximum storage electron: 1000A.

Electronic storage now: 711A.

"Target, stun, shoot!"

Time is short, Zhou Wenwen did not let the αβ energy and the current enter the acceleration field to mix into the final ?ash energy, so he introduced the αβ energy and the current into the launch port, and shot the ?ash energy to the stun.


The Mafia needs the landowners, but equally the landowners need the Mafia.

Local governments are also often complicit in this relationship. The Mafia, like employers, dominates the people who work for them in the land, and as a result, their power, along with those international trade from citrus groves, thrives.

The Mafia has been an organization that advocates violence since its inception.

He has the side of standing up for the poor and doing justice for the people.

But without the right theory to guide it, it will almost certainly go its opposite.

Over time, the nature of the Mafia has also changed, and it has morphed into a horrific criminal gang.

They violently controlled livestock, slaughter, orchards and ports in Sicily ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and charged private owners for protection.

Through violence, the Mafia established its authority in Sicily and extended this approach to all of Italy, and then to the world.

Today, these criminal organizations are not only active in Italy, but have spread all over the world with Italian immigrants for more than 100 years, especially on the east coast of the United States.

Their influence in the United States rose during the "Prohibition" era of the Great Depression and reached its peak in the mid-20th century until a series of FBI investigations in the 1970s and 1980s dismantled their influence.

Their actions include assassinations, illegal trading, and obstruction of justice. Although their power is not as strong as before, they still influence the trend culture of the United States.

Many movies, TV shows, and even advertisements are related to their image or life.

Today, the term "mafia" doesn't just refer to these Italian-born criminals.

Affected by this organization, similar organizations called Mafia have also appeared in other countries in the world, such as the Russian Mafia.

These elements are sometimes referred to as the local mafia, but the daily reference to the mafia still refers to this group of Sicilian criminals in the United States.

On the other hand, the same Italian but Naples-based criminal organization is not called the Mafia, but has another name called "Camorra".

The mafia led by Wallon is naturally the strongest mafia across the three continents of Europe, Asia and America, but as time enters the 21st century, countries have joined forces to suppress underworld and underworld organizations. Although the mafia is not uncle, it still loses a lot of property. , lost the ability of hematopoiesis (referring to the source of income).

And Wallon urgently needs a batch of money to make blood for the Mafia.

Chapter 0134 Announcement of dizziness and defeat

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