I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 274: That's it, Geck

How can it be?

How could it possibly hit me in the overclocked state?

And this kind of trick, I feel like I've seen it before...

In that case, take my trick!

Zhou Wenwen sank, rushed into the room and continued to attack the Winter Soldier. Seeing the Winter Soldier posing defensively, the three men in black also jumped up and attacked Zhou Wenwen.

But at this moment, Zhou Wenwen suddenly threw three round black **** to the ground. After the black **** were thrown, Zhou Wenwen left the room at a faster speed.

The three round black **** are flash bombs modified to touch the fuze. Any movement of the black **** will trigger the flash bomb to touch the fuze within 0.3 to 0.6 seconds.

Therefore, 0.1 seconds after the three black **** landed and bounced, the touch fuze in the black **** was activated, and 0.2 seconds later, a dazzling flash was generated.

Except for the Winter Soldier who escaped from the room in a second, the eyes of the three men in black were blinded by this wave of flashes and unable to move.

Zhou Wenwen took the opportunity to issue an order, "Right now, launch!"

boom! ————Boom|

After the short-term sound of the object passing through the air at high speed, a muffled explosion sounded. Although the sound of the explosion was small, the power generated was not small at all. The three men in black were all killed by the explosion.

Zhou Wenwen turned around, saw that the Winter Soldier had run away, and saw that the Hunter and Skye had completed their mission, so he gave up chasing the Winter Soldier, of course, because the Winter Soldier's mission had been completed.

Zhou Wenwen asked the forerunners to go there first to pick up the three brothers, the jaguar, the cougar, and the leopard, and then he came to the car shop where Geek was born. He didn't forget Geek.

Zhou Wenwen carefully took out the C-Class Autobot's combat-type fire source, and rotated the fire source to activate. In the next second, the 12 SUVs or sedans in the auto shop flew up under the strong suction of the fire source, and shrank with the fire source. In the form of transformation, it is integrated with the source of fire.

After this process lasted for dozens of seconds, an Autobot Transformer with a silvery white appearance gradually appeared in front of Zhou Wenwen, and the familiar flower twist that he saw made Zhou Wenwen excited, he finally came!

(“Finally there is a thug with a shot.”)

"Autobot, what's your name?"

Zhou Wenwen asked impatiently.

Facing the question from the master (Zhou Wenwen), the Autobot Transformers, who did not know his name, shook his head and said, "Sorry, master, I don't know my name yet."

Zhou Wenwen then said, "Since you don't know your own name, but I don't know your name, then I'll give you a new name, how about it?

Hearing this, Autobot Transformers was overjoyed and nodded in agreement with the master's order. Seeing this, Zhou Wenwen continued: "Then give you a new name, Earth Explorer-Gek, how about it?"

"Okay, from today onwards, I'm the Earth Explorer - Geek!"


Boom—boom! boom! boom!

The violent explosion sounded incessantly, and all the Hydra soldiers were smashed to pieces, and the three M1A1 tanks were also overturned by the impact force generated by the explosion of laser-guided bombs and cluster bombs, and they lost their ability to fight.

The Super Eagle, who saw this scene in the air, was feeling triumphant, but suddenly felt wrong. After searching with the radar, his face changed greatly.

Because under the radar scan, the Super Eagle found that several fighter jets were escorting a transport plane and flew here.

But the strange thing is that these fighters and transports are very slow and have been around the edge, and once the Super Eagle, which has transformed into an F117A attack aircraft, is close, the speed of these fighters and transports will speed up and fly backwards.

This leaves Super Eagle a little scratching his head.

On the other side, jaguars, cougars, and jaguars followed the route, and they continued to bombard the Hydra defense building along the way.

Although the short-barreled 30mm shell energy cannons carried by jaguars, jaguars, and cougars, the 30mm energy shells fired cannot cause damage to the Hydra defense building.

However, under the continuous shelling and the erosion of energy, several shallow pits were made on the Hydra defense building, so that the three brothers, the jaguar, the jaguar, and the cougar, could step on the shallow pits.

So the jaguar, cougar, and jaguar took advantage of the Hydra soldiers in the defense building to reload the 35mm caliber anti-aircraft gun. The jaguar, cougar, and jaguar quickly rushed out of the bunker and stepped on Qiankeng climbed to the top in one breath, which is the roof of the building.

At this time, the three brothers, the jaguar, the cougar, and the jaguar, understood why the master said that.

Because in order to be able to enter up and down, although the two sides of the defense building are made of cement and steel, the two cargo elevators that go down and go up from the roof are, for the three brothers, the jaguar, the cougar, and the jaguar, It was smooth all the way, and the Hydra soldiers only deployed one MK15 "Vulcan" Phalanx system on it.

The MK15 "Vulcan" Phalanx system, which is a six-barrel 20mm caliber automatic rotating artillery system, was the first wave of shooting of the MK15 "Vulcan" Phalanx system in the face of the two Transformers, the jaguar and the cougar. , did not penetrate the armor at all.

And the rockets fired from the 6x6 75mm rocket hive platform on the Cougar alone could blow it apart, and three Hydra soldiers were killed on the spot.

After clearing the obstacles, the three brothers, the jaguar, the cougar, and the jaguar, blasted the two freight elevators with energy cannons, and chose to slide down directly, and while sliding down, they kept firing energy cannons.

Coincidentally, the hunter and Skye had just sneaked in through the ventilation duct, and after a brief exchange of glances, the hunter and Skye went straight to the computer host, while the jaguar, cougar, and jaguar were killing the defense building. After the Hydra members in the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ began to follow the passage and attacked the Hydra base.

But at this time, the Hydra base has also reacted and lowered the explosion-proof door at the last moment, forcing the three brothers, the jaguar, the cougar, and the jaguar, to return from the original path of the passage, climb up from the Hydra defense building, and climb from the other side. The Hydra defense building attacked.

When the three brothers, the jaguar, the cougar, and the jaguar, climbed up from the Hydra defense building, they just saw the scene of the super eagle attacking again.

I saw a number of hulas, and 3 BLU-109/B penetrating bombs were skillfully thrown by the Super Eagle and dropped on the head of the Hydra defense building. Like the other two defense buildings, this The Hydra defense building is also a copper wall and a thin roof.

So 3 BLU-109/B penetrating bombs broke the "wide" very smoothly, and exploded in the underground of the Hydra defense building and the Hydra base.

The shock wave generated by the 2,000-pound ground-penetrating warhead bomb immediately wiped out all life in the passage, and the flames generated by the bomb explosion spread as the shock wave spread, igniting the placed ammunition, Gasoline, tanks, etc., produce secondary explosions.

Chapter 0275 Trailer Rescue Tony Stark

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