I, Jin Yiwei, Guard the Sky Prison For a Hundred Years

Chapter 204: Are you sure it's called therapy?

"Heal me?"

Ruthless was stunned for a moment, and then she was shocked.

"Could it be?"

But see Mei Jin nodded.

"If it goes well this time, you will be able to stand up again!"

There was a buzzing sound, and the ruthless only felt a shock in the brain.

My disability was caused by being hurt by an enemy when I was a child.

The meridians of her footsteps are damaged, and with the time, even Zhuge Zheng and I have no way to treat her.

After so many years, she had given up the idea of ​​standing up again.

After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

From childhood to adulthood, she has been disappointed too many times.

Hearing Mei Jin's words at this time, her heart became more and more calm.

Although Mei Jin said with certainty, Ru Qing still had no hope.

Looking at Mei Jin's jokes, she just thought that Mei Jin had found some kind of cure, which was too optimistic.

Seeing the ruthless mind, Mei Jin smiled slightly.

"Yayu, trust me, this time will definitely be different."

But at this moment, a timid voice came from the side.

"I believe you, can you go out first?"

Mei Jin was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked slowly.

But seeing the ruthless bed, Shui Sheng covered her body with a shy face.

In addition to the small apron, there is only a thin gauze cup left.

Delicate skin, slightly raised...slightly bulging...

Coupled with that expression, it is simply full of temptation.

The most striking thing was Shui Sheng's hair that was randomly scattered in front of his right shoulder.

Seeing this, Mei Jin was slightly startled.

"Your hairstyle is dangerous."

It was still a ruthless room, but at this time, the room was crowded with people.

Zhuge is me, Tie Youxia, as long as they are from the Shenhou Mansion, they are all present at this moment.

On the other hand, Zhuge Zheng and I looked at Mei Jin with a worried expression.

"Xiaoyou Mei, is it really necessary? Must all the meridians of the leg bones be interrupted?"

But see Mei Jin nodded.

"Yayu's disability was caused when she was a child. Over the years, her meridian bones have all healed and formed. If you treat it on this basis, it will not have any effect. You can only smash all her leg bones. Supplemented with black jade intermittent paste."

Hearing this, Zhuge Zheng I sighed.

To be honest, he really raised Sheng Yayu as his own daughter all these years.

Although Mei Jin took out the black jade intermittent paste, but Zhuge Zheng I couldn't bear to let Ru Qing suffer from it.

After all, like this kind of panacea, it's not that I haven't looked for Zhuge Zheng.

But the effect? Most are in vain.

At this moment, he is really not sure that Mei Jin can cure Sheng Yayu.

And once the Black Jade Intermittent Paste could not heal Sheng Yayu, the broken leg bone for no reason was just a secondary injury.

But I saw him looking at the ruthless with a look on his face.

After all, ruthlessness is the victim, and everything has to be decided by her.

Feeling Zhuge Zheng's eyes, I nodded mercilessly, and then slowly came to Mei Jin.

"Are you sure you can cure me?"

Mei Jin nodded.

"pretty close."

Ruthless frown.

"That means I'm not sure! Then I'll change the question. If I still can't cure it this time, you...you will..."

Speaking of this, Relentless was a little stuck, and his face was a little red.

Seeing this, Mei Jin's face was stunned for a moment, followed by a look of ecstasy.

I saw him grab the ruthless wrist.

"Why don't we have a banquet first?"

Hearing this, the ruthless face immediately turned red, and the mouth was even more hesitant.

"I...I haven't Huadan yet, now..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zhuge Zheng's crazy coughing sound interrupted the two people's dog abuse.

I saw him sigh slightly, and then slowly got up.

"Xiaoyou Mei, this is the end of the matter, I won't stop you any more, the ruthless legs will be handed over to you, but don't forget your promise, if Ruthless still can't walk, then I hope you don't dislike her, take her... "

Mei Jin stood up immediately.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mei will never break his promise!"

Besides, how can this be disgusting?

There are good ways to play, and there are bad ways to play.

After accumulating so much experience in the past life, can you still be afraid of boring life after marriage?

After that, Zhuge Zheng, I and others left the room.

For a while, there were only Ruthless and Mei Jin left in the room.

No nonsense, Mei Jin walked in slowly and picked him up.

Ruthless and without resistance, he leaned in Mei Jin's arms very well-behaved, and stared at Mei Jin with a pair of big bright eyes.

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Mei Jin walked to the side of the bed step by step, and slowly put the ruthless on top.

Immediately, he patted the other's head dotingly.

"Don't be nervous, there may be some pain next, I'll try to take it lightly."

Relentlessly nodded and slowly closed her eyes, she was ready.

Seeing this, Mei Jin reached out and lifted the clothes on his legs.

And as the skin was exposed to the air, the relentlessly closed eyes trembled slightly.

"My legs are ugly, aren't they?"

Mei Jin shook his head, and his breathing became a little short.

It stands to reason that Ruthless has been disabled for so long, and it must be muscle atrophy, dry and thin.

But what was exposed in Mei Jin's eyes at the moment was a pair of flawless legs.

The perfect proportions and lengths, the delicate baby-like texture, and the artwork-like shape make people unable to take their eyes off it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

And to be able to keep a pair of disabled legs in this state, ruthlessness must be nourished with true temperature for a long time, and the blood is activated.

Mei Jin felt terrifying to think about the amount of energy that was spent on it.

If Wuqing hadn't been divided by this matter, I'm afraid he would have stepped into the sea of ​​​​divine long ago.

Instinctively swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Mei Jin took off his gloves.

When the skin came into contact with the skin, Mei Jin only felt cold when he started, and his mind was rippling.

Counting past life memories, Mei Jin has been single for more than 40 years.

Although he has read countless films and has a wealth of theoretical knowledge, this is the first time for Mei Jin to learn about thighs.

Holding it at this moment, it is inevitable that you will press it, press it, rub it, and go up...

"Mei Jin, what are you doing?"

"Ah...ah! I'm checking! If I don't know the specific skeleton nodes, I'm not good at starting."

Ruthlessly nodded suspiciously, and his face was slightly red.

Seeing this, Mei Jin let out a long sigh of relief.

The next moment, his hands were slightly forced.

Hearing a bang, the ruthless brow furrowed tightly, and there was a fine sweat on the forehead.

But at this moment, Mei Jin hummed a low ballad.

Dragon Ball flew out of Mei Jin's arms and hovered over the ruthless body.

Under the light of this light, the ruthless pain dissipated.

Along with it, there was a sense of relief.

Under the dual stimulation of pain and comfort, the ruthless and instinctive lips and teeth opened slightly.


Hearing this, Mei Jin did not dare to delay any longer, and continued to exert force in his hands.

He was afraid that if he delayed any longer, the ruthless cry would send him away. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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