I don’t know how long it’s been since this happened.

No, this is a separate retreat. You go your way and I go mine. It’s as simple as that. It’s clear.

"Just wait for me. Between you and me, there will definitely be a winner. At that time, either you will die or you will die. You must die, I said so!"

"What you said doesn't work, and I won't take what you said as the same thing. You can do whatever you want, and it will be fine as long as you are happy. Hahaha, it's not reasonable to be careless. Such a situation for you!"

After the bodyguard finished speaking, he ran away.

The current situation is a stalemate!

In such a stalemate, the other party clearly knows that there are artillery on your spaceship, and they feel that they will not be fooled at all. , do you think you can attract people to attack and then be fooled? No, it's impossible.

Since they clearly know that you have many tricks, why would you want to be fooled?

This is simply very, very good!

Hmm , very good!

Just keep playing with you, just like this, it is simply impossible not to drive you crazy.

The attack started this night!

Chen Xuan's figure is swaying He walked out. Behind him, these soldiers also followed him to make sneak attacks. They must hit each one accurately, and they must let you know how powerful they are. The idea is good, but the actual situation is like this It's not satisfactory.

It's like they have a complete insight into all your actions.

They appear instantly, and after they appear, they take action instantly. After taking action, they instantly bring you such terrible harm, such terrible harm. I just want to beat you to the point where you are crying for your father and mother, what do you think?

I never thought that I wanted to make you better, it is such an irritating situation.



Chen Xuan and Yi Two warriors fought against each other.

They fought several times, hoping to kill each other!

Hope is one thing, and the fact is another.

The fact is that the opponent is not so easy to kill..

It doesn’t matter if you are willing to have such a confrontation. If it goes on like this, it will always exist. They will never give you the possibility of killing them. They will not drive you crazy. That's simply impossible.

Is n't it annoying? Does your brain hurt?

If your brain hurts, that's right. What you want is the feeling of your brain hurting.

That's the kind of situation.

Irritated and annoyed. Such a feeling filled Chen Xuan's heart.


Once again, Chen Xuan wanted to vent his grievances on the opponent!

The idea was good!

After he really launched his attack towards the opponent.

The opponent sided to avoid!

Easily avoided!


Avoid again!



Again and again, this is the feeling of dancing and coming one after another, it must be successful, and it allows you to do this. Are you always avoiding it? Are you thinking too much about impossible things?

Just like this, this is how it happened several times with this maddening feeling, it just swept up.

Then, just like this I have been swept up several times, and I have failed every time!

If I continue to fail like this, it feels like I have to carry out the failure to the end.

"I just smiled and said nothing. If you insist on being so stubborn, what can I do? Just keep attacking like this, eh, eh, as long as you are happy, I will not stop you, really!"

"Then be more serious!"

"I am not a serious person, not now, nor in the future, nor in the future. How can you make me more serious? Hahaha!"

It's so noisy!

It's like a feeling of winning.

It's really very frustrating.

No, it can't go on like this, that's for sure!

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes were staring at The other party.

The other party's eyes are staring at Chen Xuan!

Who is afraid of whom?

It's just looking at each other! Well, I don't care that he puts you in his eyes!

"I'm angry, really angry, do you know I'm angry?"

"That's it, it doesn't matter, really! Whether you like to be angry or not, believe me, I don’t care whether you are angry or not is the same thing, hahaha!"

"You, you really pissed me off, you know?"

"I know, I just want to piss you off, what's the problem!"

"You, you wait, really!"

"Okay! I'm waiting!"

Chen Xuan nodded!

The other party's hands were clasped together.

How could the mood suddenly change?

What is this situation?

What kind of problem occurred in which link? I don't understand!

It's impossible. Absolutely impossible!

"Like a psycho!"

"I'm not crazy!"

The other party pointed at Chen Xuan. At this moment, he snapped his fingers with his right hand.

The rest of the power hidden in the dark was instantly exposed!

Do you feel it?

These pairs of eyes are staring at you eagerly. Look!

Once these people show their power, they will definitely bring you such terrible harm, which is very terrible.

Once you continue like this, hum. You are destined to die!

There is no doubt that you will die without suspense.

Then, does Chen Xuan just look at the other party?

Behind Chen Xuan, warships are arriving one by one.

No, The coalition warships from this headquarters have already arrived.

This is a good time to attack, so the coalition warships directly launched the attack.

Then you are not allowed to succeed here!

If you are willing to be exposed, others will definitely beat you. This There is no suspense.



As soon as the attack of this beam cannon comes, it makes people feel like they are stunned for a while and never come back to their senses!

This is really very confusing after being beaten. It looked like a circle.

Then, with such heavy casualties, it immediately shrank back, and it simply didn't show up easily.

Think about it, think about it clearly, then there won't be any This is the change that the other party feels at this moment.

This feeling is not very pleasant. This is true.

Forget it, don’t care about it.

That’s it, let it go!

If this continues If your Xiangqiang makes people angry, they will fight you desperately.

Once people fight you, it will indeed be a troublesome thing.

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