As soon as the other party turned around, he ran away immediately.

This small team was already on the run.

Then, the large forces began to approach steadily from all directions and moved forward slowly. They wanted to shrink the encirclement completely and control Chen Xuan within it. They mistakenly thought that Chen Xuan was a member of the Federation, so they wanted to kill him..

Now, at this moment, no matter which direction Chen Xuan is preparing to leave, I'm sorry, but at this moment, there is this warrior in every direction!

At this moment, Chen Xuan was dealing with a legion while moving.

The legion attacked Chen Xuan from this distance.

This attack, tsk tsk tsk, completed the coverage in a split second!

In such a situation where the coverage is completed, it really gives people a feeling that it is not very good.

This, this is not a pleasant situation.

With Chen Xuan's hands clasped together, such a cover completes the coverage!

With the cover completed, all attacks were blocked!

Come again!

Do it again countless times, it doesn’t matter!

It doesn’t matter how the other party launches the attack, well, if you don’t look at them, you won’t treat them as the same thing! It's such an irritating way. It's simply impossible not to make the other party crazy. It's just such a situation!

I don't care about this for you, I'm afraid you are thinking too much.

The attacks of these people were all blocked by the cover, which shows that Chen Xuan is indeed not a simple person who can easily deal with it. If he does not deal with it properly, there is no telling how this matter will develop. Average level.

It’s really not that easy to do! brush!

Not willing to give in!

A soldier rushed towards Chen Xuan without any hesitation.

After rushing over, Chen Xuan must be drowned in it. With such a simple setting, Chen Xuan must be killed.

Looking at Chen Xuan again, his expression was indifferent and he didn't care. He never thought about taking the charging general seriously.

Remote attacks and coverage attacks have failed! Therefore, the other party can only come in person. When it comes to close combat, of course the leader of a legion is the strongest, right? Therefore, at this moment, only if the legion commander comes in person can we have some confidence.

Then, several attacks were directed towards Chen Xuan's body.

Tsk tsk tsk, this posture, this feeling, it is impossible not to drown you in it!

Isn't that the same feeling as attacking in groups?

Yes, the group rises up to attack, here it comes! A group of people came like this!

Here it comes, failure!

Failure, come again!

Again, still failed!

Like this, I'm afraid it will continue to fail like this.




The other party doesn't give up, so Chen Xuan is resisting for now!

At any time, at any time, this covering attack will be launched towards the opponent, submerging the opponent in it.

I don’t know how long it’s been since I felt like this.

Chen Xuan's figure stopped!

After they stopped, they looked at each other indifferently. The feeling of looking at each other was like provocation!

Come again!

The opponent's attack comes again!

Once again, it was covering Chen Xuan's body!

That was once again about to drown Chen Xuan in it. As long as people think about it, they will kill you sooner or later. That's the idea.

But, judging from the current situation, well, whether you want it or not, the final result will be the same, there will not be any changes, this is 100%.

"As for me, this is how I think about it, why don’t we talk about it!"

"I don't talk to losers!"

Chen Xuan shook his head

"Yes, I failed. I failed to hit you, so you succeeded in hitting me?"

The other party shouted.


A palm hit the other party. It hit.

One second you were still doubting that he failed to hit you, and the next second he hit you.

No matter whether this attack brought you Despite this terrible injury, at least it hit you, right? There's no problem, right?

Well, it just hit you.

This is a bit irritating!

It's just a slap like this , how could such a slap threaten someone? It is absolutely impossible to threaten the other person, right?

But what can it do?

Ah, ah, this is a feeling of helplessness. , the mood is a bit heavy!


Another palm! It was just one hit, and then it was just like you were having fun, several attacks, the same attack, and so on endlessly. It's! It doesn't matter if it can kill you when it hits you like this. If it hits, that's it! It's such a simple situation, such a simple setting!


Look, it's another one!

It's just like having fun with you!


No, it's another time, this, this is simply driving people crazy.

The other party is thinking of countermeasures, it's always like this, That won't work!

If it doesn't work, you have to find a way to make things develop in the direction you want. It's such a simple situation.


"Ah, ah, I'm really angry. You did it on purpose, right? This is what you wanted to do, right? If you keep doing this and irritating me in such a general way, I swear you won't get anything good from me, I swear!"

"Isn't swearing a little more awesome?"

Speaking like this, this is a feeling that I have never thought about having a good communication, right?

Okay, okay!

It can happen!

It really can happen!

Ah, ah, this is driving you crazy. Ah.

Calm down!

You must calm down.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan's figure accelerated and rushed out.

It felt like he didn't even think about talking to you.

That's it. Such an infuriating feeling.

It really takes me just a minute to escape from your defense line.

Your defense line, you have already protected it, but what’s the result? You can’t even resist one person. This thing Once word spreads, don't mention how embarrassing it will be!

So, really, at this moment, the general is very angry but there is nothing he can do about it, what the heck, this is chasing If you can’t fall in love with the other person, what should you do?

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