Sun Xiaorang didn't just let the other party know and that would be the end of the matter. He wanted to tell the other party that at this moment, the other party was already surrounded by an unknown number of enemies. Since he was surrounded, he must stop yelling like this all the time. If it goes down, it will really kill people if it goes on like this.

Then what!

Just a look, then Chen Xuan will definitely not treat you as the same thing.

As for Chen Xuan, he looked at Sun Xiaorang so indifferently. Isn't this look very irritating?

Yes, that's right. If I deliberately make you angry like this, I have to make you mad. How can I care about you so much? I'm afraid it's true that you're thinking a little too much.

Sun Xiaorang told himself, calm down!

The more this situation is like this, the more important it is to calm down.

"You're blocking my way, I'm ready to leave"

"Well, you can leave. As long as you can leave alive, I won't say anything. I swear, I will definitely kill you. It's true that even if the King of Heaven comes, nothing will change. It's such a simple thing!"


Chen Xuan nodded and said

"So what kind of ordinary choice have you made now?"

"There is no choice, no choice at all!"

Chen Xuan shook his head.

It's such an indifferent feeling, what the hell!

This is simply crazy. It's not just a little bit like this, it's true.

Then, just give the order directly The battle order was given.

Sun Xiaorang's right hand stood up.

No, these figures are really ready to take action. Moment by moment, there is no ambiguity in whether the action is taken. There's no chance of that.

So, this is a promise to each other, so why should I care about you? I'm afraid you are thinking too much, really.

The sound of banging is endless.!

It’s obvious that he is just one person, it is obvious that he is surrounded by such old people, and it is obvious that these people are holding hands in such a way, what is the result?

He is alone in the circle, that is You look like you are having so much fun. No matter how crazy you people are, it's all your own business. Do they care? I don't care. That's for sure. Don't worry!

It's just a matter of ignorance. In your eyes, you are so irritating.

This, this is a feeling that makes people crazy.

Calm down! You must calm down!

The first thing is to calm down!

Everyone is

Is it useful to remind yourself like this ?

Does it mean that you won’t be beaten after reminding yourself?


Everyone is in such a state of being beaten.

Chen Xuan is like a thorn in the head, wherever he goes Where did the attack go? Really, these pairs of eyes stared at Chen Xuan with powerlessness. Looking at him, he felt very irritated and very powerless. I never expected that how could this happen? It will develop like this.

What, what is this?

How did it develop like this? This has seriously affected people's emotions. This is really making people crazy.

"Do you think I treat you as the same thing or something?"

"Do I care?"

"You should still care!"

"I don't care, well, that's what it is!"

"If you keep fooling around with me like this, I will kill you, I said so!"

"Oh okay, I know!"

Chen Xuan nodded.

Sun Xiaorang clenched his hands tightly and stamped his right foot on the ground again and again. What did he get in exchange for communicating with the other party so sincerely? In exchange for such an attitude from the other party, Right?

Okay, okay!

It can happen, really!

It is such a virtue to point at the other party, such a dog, it is absolutely impossible not to kill the other party.

Sun Xiaorang took it out from his body A box.

The box opened with a snap.

What lay in the box was not gold, silver, jewelry, or anything else, but a pill like this.

Using this box to hold pills like this is obviously to ensure the effectiveness of the medicine. Not to be volatilized.

At this moment, Sun Xiaorang had already swallowed the pill, and it felt like he was about to eat the pill. Do you think I was joking with you?

No, that's not the case!

Then, Chen Xuan He doesn’t care whether you are having fun with him or not. It doesn’t matter. This is his attitude at this moment. This attitude is very annoying, isn’t it? Gurgling!

This pill is already swallowed As the situation continued, the whole person felt really different in an instant.

Then, Chen Xuan took action. Anyway, this opponent's posture is to fight you to the death, which will happen sooner or later. It would be better to take the initiative in the unfolding dispute. It would be impossible not to beat you until you vomit blood! Do you think it's fun to make trouble with you?

No, that's not the case. , Absolutely not, that’s what it is.

The sound of banging is endless.

After eating this pill, it will of course take time, right? What ’s the result?

Chen Xuan doesn’t give you time at all, that’s all A kind of operation that takes action directly without giving time. This is to make people stunned for a while. In this stunned situation, they are completely confused and don't know what to do. , what if you keep getting beaten like this?

This is so fucking maddening, really.

The sound of banging, banging, is continuous, and it takes advantage of you not to fight back. It is a rhythm that is unswerving and will continue to attack you like this.

This is such a feeling of three times five divided by two. If it doesn’t drive you crazy, it is Impossible!

This is a situation like this.

No, such a continuous attack makes people go crazy.

Sun Xiaorang told himself, calm down!

You must be calm!

Such a thing is intentional , I must not regard the other party as the same thing too much. If this continues, it is really not a problem. Well, it is just such a situation.

"What are you trying to do? Let me ask you, what do you want to do? It’s really inappropriate for you to keep going like this!"

Sun Xiaorang shouted

"Oh, I see!"

No, once you know it, the attack will continue. This is Chen Xuan's style, driving you crazy and leaving you with nothing to do.

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