The Luo family in the town of sloughing represented absolute authority, which was not caused by pure prestige, but by force.

In the eyes of other martial arts masters, Luo Shan, who was lying in the pit, represented absolute power, and he was also one of the champions in previous martial arts conferences.

The champions have all been knocked down, so these people will not have the courage to resist.

After being lined up, they headed to the port to be sent away.

Well, there are "send away" in various senses.

There are not a lot of people in the entertainment street. It is impossible to send so many people away at one time with the number of navies. However, they have a 'sea association army', and with the help of several thousand 'sea association army', they are also divided. Several times, the entertainment street was deserted.

And this wave has caused a sharp drop in the number of ships docked at the port.

After sweeping the entertainment street, the number of people who could resist the navy in the town of slough was greatly reduced. Although they had never been able to resist, if they cleaned up again, Cullo didn't even need to stand up or release murderous aura to deter the enemy.

It is enough to rely on this alone, which has expanded to several thousand 'Sea Alliance Army'.

"Line up, line up."

In the street, Crow inspected the people who had lined up, and said in a familiar way: "The sturdy, black-clothed, out-of-town businessmen, and pirates are all lined up."

"Hey, Navy, come with us, I have something to call you."

Suddenly, in the team, a man in black stood up and whispered to Crow.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, the nearby Marine Association immediately ran over and slapped the man in black on the back of the head.

"Which one made you leave the team, stand back quickly, when our 'Sea Alliance Army' doesn't exist!"

Because Cullo has been talking about 'Sea Alliance Army', these weak martial artists feel that this name seems to be a good name, and it is easier to unite their weaker groups, so that they can deal with people stronger than them, and strive to catch them all. Walk.

For the benefactor who caused all this, the Navy, of course they are flattering.


The man in black glared at the Haixie Army, clenched his fists, and finally took a deep breath and looked at Chloe, "I have something to look for you, come with me quickly."

"Yo, how dare you speak!"

Several navy troops surrounded him, dragged the man in black out, punched him in the face, hit the bridge of his nose, and hit him back for a while, and immediately felt a tinge of grief. Tears came down.

"I'll teach you the rules of the naval master!"

A few people surrounded the man in black, kicking and punching, forcing the man in black to curl up and hug him, not to mention how miserable it was. The people in line couldn't bear to look directly, and then they stood up straighter.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting! I really have something to call for the Navy! Navy, you will regret it!"

The man in black roared inside, and then was stomped on the mouth by someone.

"Dare to threaten the navy master, hit, hit me hard!"

The Martial Daoist who stepped on his mouth said fiercely, and his fists and feet greeted him more violently.

"Enough! I am the world..."


"You are the worst person in the world, and you can't disobey the orders of Lord Navy today. Lord Luoshan has been killed, so what are you!"

"No, I am the world..."


"Not even the richest person in the world. Besides, the richest person is obviously Tezzolo, you don't count!"

The man in black seized the opportunity, covered his mouth, turned over, endured the pain of being punched and kicked on his back, his head drilled out of the gap in the crowd, and shouted:

"I'm a World Government official!!"

At the time, there was no sound.

At this time, Cullo found a stool out of nowhere, sat there smoking a cigar, and glanced over there.

"Mr. Clow..."

Crow turned his head and said with some embarrassment: "World..."

Crow reached out his hand, stopped Crow's words, and looked over there expressionlessly.

The Navy Association understands.

"How dare you pretend to be a World Government official?!"

The Navy Association Army punched the World Government's head with a punch, hitting his head on the ground.

"Do you think the navy master doesn't know the people of the World Government?! You dare to pretend here, my friends, give me a hard beating and let this guy who is full of lies know the rules!"

The crowd fought more vigorously.

"I really am, I..."

The man in black wanted to say something else, but this time more navy troops came, surrounded him, and beat him again.

The man in black curled up even tighter. He gritted his teeth and resisted these blows. He took out something in his arms. Finally, he took out a certificate and shouted, "I'm really an official of the World Government, ouch!"

No one listened to his words. A Marine Association soldier kicked his hand, causing the document to fly away and landed directly in Cullo's position.


The certificate just landed at Cullo's feet. He turned his head and looked strange.

"Eh? Clow, that seems to be the symbol of the World Government." Lida leaned over curiously, glanced at the cover, and said.

"I know."

Cullo smacked his lips and laughed: "It's just right, now I'm 100% safe, he will definitely complain about me when he goes back, but it's so weak, at first glance, it's not a status, and the strength of the complaint is not strong, Isn't it perfect?"

"But, Mr. Clow..."

Crow came over, glanced at the documents on the ground, and said, "The world government is looking for us, maybe there is something really wrong."

"What good could that be?"

Cullo rolled his eyes and said: "Where they are, there is basically nothing good, so I don't get involved."

Saying that, he glared at the man in black who was beaten, "Mujian."

Immediately, the man in black was shocked and fainted.

Cullo stood up and patted his trouser legs, "Go, go back and call and ask the Luo family if they will give me face. If they don't, I will dismantle his ring."

The purpose of his coming here is almost completed, and it is impossible for no one to complain about him.

Next, it's about Lida.

Although Cullo felt that Lida's own ability had removed the bloodline ghost, but just in case, I still asked again.

What? Still not agree?

Then don't open this martial arts conference.

He wouldn't even leave these Marine Association troops Cullo stepped on the World Government's certificate and walked to the port with the navy.

Unsatisfactory things in life are very rare, don't be afraid of difficulties, as long as you pretend to be invisible, they will not threaten you. - Shuren Xun.

As soon as Cullo arrived at the port, he saw a group of men in black waiting there.

Seeing a group of navy coming over, one of the men in black flashed, quickly came to Cullo, and took out his credentials.

That shaved.

"Colonel Lucille Clow."

The man in black said; "We are the CP organization, and we are here to recruit you to capture the revolutionary army that appeared in the country of insects."

Cullo was stunned for a while, exhaled a mouthful of smoke, and said, "Clam?"

Revolutionary Army? !

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