I Like This Dream!


(Ninety four)

There is no doubt that this should be an exciting Hongmen Banquet for everyone involved.

Ronald's remnant party, who thought they were sure of victory, encountered a series of accidents, and multiple insurances were completely reimbursed: the barbarians who pretended to be crazy while drinking did not succeed in attacking, the help from the Holy See in exchange for many benefits did not work, and many troops who went to the outsider camp fell into There was a stalemate, and the most serious thing was that the new commander, who was supposed to be the turtle in the urn, not only failed to sit down and discuss, but also began to kill everyone regardless of his own safety - and he succeeded.

King Richard II wanted a loyal servant who relied on the royal court, and also wanted an excuse to send troops to die on the defensive line. Both were good for him, so he did not send an army to Count Anna, but turned a blind eye to the behavior of the prime minister sending a guard.

The prime minister, Duke Roland, was more inclined to stable development. He knew the position of the king, the pope and the current situation on the border. However, he did not expect that the bishop of the Wengalu Monastery had hidden agendas and actually participated in it on his own initiative. He was willing to be Ronald The pawn of the remaining party.

Bishop Susanna, who is accustomed to being the mastermind behind the scenes, rarely surfaced. She tried to take advantage of other people's wrong thinking to catch all parties off guard and completely disrupt the situation. Then she relied on killing people to silence her and continued to retreat behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, she was overthrown by a pawn in the game. checkerboard.

The muscle-bound and insulated ice and snow people are as greedy as wild beasts. They have almost no knowledge of the overall situation and are indifferent to it. They are like the best example of "out of poverty comes the unruly people". No matter who the leader of Wenjialuo is, they will try to defend their privilege of continuing to be domineering until they kick the iron plate.

There are countless tacit unspoken rules, countless shadowy exchanges of interests, the guessed enemy's pace, and unforeseen crises caused by information asymmetry. Even the final winner is still surrounded by dangers: without the protective shield raised at the critical moment, Count Anna would have turned into a corpse long before she showed her power; if the chief medical officer Alva had not taught and Giving the students the exact opposite of saving lives and healing the wounded, the camp would certainly not survive until their leader returned with the head of the enemy leader.

However, all these thrills failed to leave any trace in An Xu's heart.

She never feared Alva, but instead unceremoniously included him in her own strength. Alva is evil, and he protects his students (especially omegas) more carefully than an old hen. This time An Xu brought so many medical students out, it would be strange if their teacher didn't give them some advice. Lydia and Chris carry it with them and certainly don't have to worry. As for An Xu herself, she never regarded herself as someone to worry about from the beginning.

What is she afraid of? In a banquet dungeon, if it is agreed(?) that there will be no poison, then at most Derek will appear and rush into the scene with three thousand swords and axe. Haha, An Xu has never been afraid of anyone in a head-on battle.

This simple and rude girl has no sense of being a king at all. She naturally regards herself as a small weapon of destruction, and she also feels that it is a bad idea to concentrate the enemy's leaders in front of her. Anxu believes so much in her protagonist's aura that the longer she goes smoothly in the "dream", the more she loses the concept of life and death, whether it is other people's or her own.

Of course Anxu did not notice this invisible danger.

"When are you going to let us go back?" Susanna said.

It was already the morning of the next day, and the chaotic night had passed, and the dust had finally settled.

The army that besieged the camp retreated under the shock of the head of the branch leader Derek. Charlotte, the former alderman, commanded all the people who could be mobilized to deal with the funeral affairs and control the important people. With the help of Count Anna's residual power and a little bluff, they, the embattled foreigners, were finally able to temporarily settle down. Anxu was able to take a hot bath, sleep in a clean and comfortable new bed, and went to see what happened yesterday near noon. Prisoners of the night.

The first person he met was the bishop of Wenjialuo. The first thing the bishop said when he saw Anxu was the above sentence.

Susanna spoke very calmly. After one night, the person who looked shaken last night had calmed down. Before Anxu could answer, the bishop said, "You can't keep me locked up."

An Xu was amused by her confidence that she didn't know where it came from, and he was a little curious for a moment. She asked: "Why?"

"The people of Wengaro need me." She said with a detached look. "Great Lent is coming. You have imprisoned the bishop and four auxiliary priests. Who will you want to preside over the worship?"

"Hey, why should I do it?" An Xu said, "Take off your clothes and let others put them on. I am also a favored person after all, so giving people emergency training is not a problem."

Susanna gave her a mocking look, shook her head, and said nothing.

The temporary prison was the same tent as yesterday. The monks were trapped in the middle by the large chains of divine punishment they had built themselves, and their hands and feet were tied several times with hemp ropes. An Xu squatted down, looked at the bishop who was in a meditative posture, and asked, "Do you have a problem with me? A personal grudge?"

"It's just a pity." The bishop said slowly, raising his eyelids and looking at An Xu, "In my heart, there are not more than two people who deserve the title of God's Favorite."

"Oh, you think I'm not worthy of being a God's Favorite." An Xu gave a high-five, "Then who do you think is suitable? I remember seeing another God's Favorite, and he seemed... tsk, strange, not impressive. You and Can I tell you about it?"

Susanna ignored her, closed her eyes, and clasped her hands together in meditation.

An Xu nodded, indicating that he understood.

She extended her hand to the bishop who was meditating with his eyes closed.

Chris grabbed An Xu's shoulder and pulled her back, so hard that she staggered. Anxu stood up unsteadily and took Chris's hand, turned to look at him, and asked inexplicably: "What's wrong?"

The earl was as innocent as if he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder while walking on the road, rather than a murder that had just been interrupted. Mr. Knight was covered in cold sweat. As someone who was lucky enough to have witnessed many touch-based massacres at close range, even without mind-reading powers, he could more or less detect the precursors of An's attack.

Like just now.

"Please don't..." he lowered his voice and urged, "There are so many believers on the Wenjia Luo defense line. Executing the bishop hastily will lead to a rebound in xenophobic sentiments."

"Oh." Ann said.

She didn't express her position, nor did she break away from Chris's hands. She just tilted her head back and looked at him, blinking her eyes. Rather than saying that Count Anna thought the content of Chris's persuasion was worth listening to, it was more that she was interested in the fact that he took the initiative to touch her for the first time in a non-emergency situation.

"Even if you really hate them, you can put these things aside first." Chris continued to try to persuade: "Winter is coming soon, the transportation thoroughfares will be blocked by ice and snow, and the Wengaro Defense Line is almost isolated from the world. It is inconvenient to do anything. In this case, conflicts with local residents and defenders..."

"We have already had conflicts, as you can see." An said, "It can be seen from this that it is more difficult to pretend to be peaceful than before. It is better to let the conflicts break out and solve them easily."

“Solving” all the opponents is not the way to solve the problem! Chris thought with a headache.

"But you can't watch everyone all the time and solve everything." He changed his way of persuasion, "Rather than exhausting yourself, just letting some people live can prevent you from worrying about it. Isn't that better? ?"

Ann leaned against his chest, blinked slowly, and nodded. "That makes sense," she said, patting Chris on the shoulder.

Chris stiffened at the first touch of the hand on his body, then relaxed. An patted his relaxed shoulder and asked, amused, "Aren't you worried about yourself?"

"When you want to 'solve' me, there's no point worrying." Chris answered honestly.

Count Anna frowned, wondering why this sentence made her unhappy again. Chris wanted to "read" her, but the frown disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Ann crouched back, facing the sit-in demonstrator.

Even if the mind-reading ability had just been turned on, Mr. Knight would not get any results, because Anxu herself didn't know what she was minding.

A Chris who can be treated as he wants is like an evil spring dream. No, it's not like that. The part about him was originally a spring dream. No one will know, no need to worry about hurting anyone, no need to be afraid of bad consequences, you will disappear when you open your eyes, and in your own dream, facing a realistic phantom that is tailor-made for you, at this time, you can still What's the point of looking forward and looking back? It’s destined to not have a happy ending anyway, so just enjoy the bad ideas that are absolutely impossible to happen in reality.

An Xu felt that she had released her dark side on this Chris. She enjoyed the sense of power of controlling the other person and the sadism of causing a beautiful creature to suffer, but sometimes she would feel inexplicably uncomfortable because of him. She didn't like Chris sitting lifelessly, not talking to her, just getting through the day. She didn't like the fact that Chris was resigned and obedient, as if he was completely hopeless about his situation and the person who had him. An Xu originally thought he would enjoy this.

Maybe it was because there was so much in the way Chris looked at her that she subconsciously didn't want to delve into it further. Or maybe it was the way he unexpectedly stood in front of her and came forward to plead for someone he didn't know, which made An Xu feel that the setting of "noble knight" was more than just a sexual label to make him taste more delicious. Sometimes, Chris seems like a real person.

Anxu, as usual, put aside this strange discomfort and gave Bishop Susanna a shove. "Hey, go back." She said half-heartedly.

Susanna opened her eyes, and there was no catastrophe on her face, only the determination of "Sure enough,". She nodded reservedly, stood up, and shook out her robe. The priests behind her also stood up. Their moral conduct was not as high as that of the bishop, and they all looked happy. They stood there but did not leave directly.

"Does Count Anna have nothing else to say?" asked the abbot.

"What did you say?" An Xuqi said.

"As the new owner of the Wengaro Defense Line," Susanna raised her voice and raised her chin, as if announcing this sentence was a huge concession and reward, "shouldn't you show your sincerity to the Wengaro Monastery? ?”

"Sincerity?" Anxu repeated it like a parrot, looking at these people with a strange look.

Some priests have already shown obvious ridicule and dissatisfaction with the new commander. The immediate escape has made them forget the horror of last night, or in other words, they have regained the confidence that the great monastery has had for hundreds of years and has remained standing despite the constant turnover of commanders. The person who was frightened the most last night had the deepest hatred in his eyes, probably because he wanted to get back to where he was yesterday.

If there is another wise commander here, now that he has given in, he should understand what sincerity means. It's a pity that Count Anna has always ignored things and is too lazy to do as the Romans do. She just tilted her head and looked at them with no intention of starting a fight.

"I still apologize." Seeing that the other party was so ignorant, Bishop Susanna added rudely, "I was forced to stay here last night and witnessed the chaos caused by the chaos. Shouldn't you calm down the frightened brothers and sisters? ? If it comes to Lent and the priest is still in shock and something unexpected happens, it will not be a good thing for everyone."

"In your opinion, what should we do?" the earl answered with a smile.

"The remnants of the rebels are causing trouble, so it is natural to kill the remnants first." Susanna nodded with satisfaction for the other party's approach. "I know that the Earl has just come to the defense line and is short of manpower. The converts of Wengaro Monastery are willing to do it for you. , please also hand over the captured remnants to the monastery, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. The monastery needs to pray for the frightened brothers and sisters, and has no time to take care of secular affairs. Please give the earl double the offerings over the years. In addition, as a great 'god's family' "Please come to the Wenkara Monastery in person every day and fast until the end of the Great Lent in winter, which best reflects your sincerity and apology."

"That's it? Is it gone?" An Xu asked.

Susanna nodded and said reluctantly: "The Holy See has always been tolerant and kind."

An Xu laughed.

"Do you have any opinion on this?" Susanna frowned.

"No, it's not about what you just said." An Xu chuckled, "It's about everything you said to me today... To be honest, I was thinking just now, how can a person commit suicide like this? ?”

This time Chris didn't have time to catch her.

Charlotte was stunned when she heard the news and didn't know what to say for a moment. Her mouth opens, closes, opens, closes, like a fish thrown to the shore.

"You didn't tell me before that you must not kill me." Her immediate boss said.

"Three hundred years since the end of the Dark Ages, not even kings have had a precedent of executing a bishop..." Charlotte said weakly.

"Oh, it's too late to say anything now. What will happen to us next?" An Xu looked at the city official who was covering his stomach and almost sympathized with her. "By the way, do you want to go see a doctor?"

Charlotte shook her head in pain, and said with a pale face: "Hide it."

"It's not good to hide it, isn't it? If you are sick, you should start early..."

"I mean the news that the top brass of the army and the monastery are dead!" Charlotte shouted unbearably.

After she shouted, she pinched her eyebrows helplessly and said worriedly: "I'm afraid the days ahead will be even more difficult."

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