I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 346: Get into the trap! Hope comes!


Jane Foster’s research team is missing?

Anton frowned slightly.

This is somewhat different from what he imagined.

He originally thought that after Jane Foster and others had made progress in their research, they would report the situation first. He didn't expect that these people would go into different time and space exploration on their own terms. Isn't this a death?

Looking at the Nine Realms, mankind is definitely the last to rise.

Thousands of years ago, the technology was not developed and humans were still in the age of drinking blood and furrying hair. In the eyes of other members of the Nine Realms, in addition to having the wisdom to communicate with them is considered an advantage, humans and monkeys no difference.

Even in this era, the level of human technology has not reached the level of Dark Elves or Asgard.

If it weren't for opening up, or fate, mankind would have been annihilated early in the long river of history.

Any ordinary natural disaster may annihilate the entire human race.

Of course, this is all gossip.

In short, the actions of Jane Foster and others caught him off guard.

"How long have they been missing?"

Anton asked John.

"From the time they stepped into the space channel, it has been more than 24 hours."

John shrugged: "If it weren't for this, maybe I have good news now."

The good news in his mouth is naturally that the research team has returned from the opposite side of the space channel.

"Is the space channel still stable?"

Anton asked again.

"of course."

John nodded: "Although I think their behavior is stupid, I have to admit that they are rare and smart people in scientific research."

"Get ready, I'm going in and find them."

Anton did not hesitate.

"and many more."

John's face changed slightly: "You want to go by yourself?"

He asked Anton to discuss countermeasures, and find someone to find someone. The attitude that Anton now expresses is that he wants to enter the other world opposite the space channel by himself, which is far beyond John's expectation.

"From the situation that the research team has not returned so far, the opposite is very dangerous, Anton, I don't agree to let you go."

John said sternly: "You don't have to pay for their stupid behavior."

"John, it's most suitable for me to go."

Andong Road.

"Anyway, I am safe."

While talking, he raised his wrist and gestured to the teleportation bracelet: "Look, I have a teleportation bracelet, and the bracelet is bound to the coordinates of the earth. Once in danger, I can teleport to the earth at any time, even if the space channel is small. Nor will you be trapped in another world."

Teleportation technology!

John has worked for Wayne for so long, coupled with the identity of the Jameson family, and has a lot of knowledge about the many technologies that the Justice League has mastered.

"are you sure?"

John finally asked: "Even if you have a teleportation bracelet, if you encounter a dangerous situation, you will die at any time if it is too late to activate the teleportation function."

"No, I said it, it's most appropriate for me to go."

Anton smiled and said, "You know, I am not the only one who owns the teleportation bracelet."


John's heart moved, looking at Anton's confident face, he suddenly understood why Anton would say this.

Indeed, all members of the Justice League have a teleportation bracelet.

After passing through the space channel, Anton can completely rely on the bracelet to obtain a position in another world and gather all the members of the Justice League.


John was helpless: "However, you must be careful. Under any circumstances, you must ensure your own safety."

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Anton nodded.


John took him to the laboratory where Jane Foster and others were.

An ordinary warehouse located in New York City.

Covering an area of ​​nearly one thousand square meters, it was transformed into a laboratory by Jane Foster and others. It was filled with various experimental equipment. On a computer, a huge stream of data emerged. This is some calculation of the space channel by the computer. .

The space channel is located in the center of the warehouse.

The air here is distorted, there is light flashing from time to time, and there are even projections of different time and space.

It was a dark desert, flying sand and rocks, without any signs of life, and it looked very dangerous.

At the same time, a huge semicircular instrument continues to operate directly facing the space channel to provide energy and ensure the stability of the space channel.

"From the data point of view, the current space channel is very stable. As long as the energy can be continuously supplied, there will be no change in this channel within 72 hours... Judging from the projection of the space channel, the opposite is a planet similar to the surface of Mars. desert…"

After John and Anton arrived, the Wayne researcher who was arranged by John early to report to them.

"We launched the drones in the past and sent back some pictures and data... The air there is similar to the earth, and humans can breathe, but we did not find other creatures. However, I think there should be. Because, in order to test the other side. In this different world, we have also done experiments with animals. We tied a mouse and threw it away. When we pulled the rope back, the rope broke and the mouse was gone..."

He shook his head and said: "So, I think the world on the opposite side is very dangerous. On the one hand, we are not absolutely sure that we can save them. On the other hand, even if we enter another world and find their traces, we can stay away from their disappearance. , More than twenty-four hours have passed... they may not be alive."

Obviously, this researcher is pessimistic about the situation of Jane Foster and others.


John nodded: "Thanks for your hard work."

The researcher nodded, and when he saw John he didn't want to say more, he knew how to retire.

He left the space here to John and Anton.

"One final confirmation."

John looked at Anton: "You must go? And, are you alone, going to unknown places, facing unknown dangers? I can let Wick accompany you."

"Needless to say, I am very safe."

Anton shrugged: "Before you came over, you had asked the old man's opinion. I think he didn't let you stop me."


John has nothing to say.

Because what Anton said is the truth.

After the old man learned about the situation, he didn't mean to stop Anton, and instead asked John to assist Anton.

"Well, no more nonsense."

Anton nodded to John and came to the space channel.

"I am ready to act!"

After finishing speaking, before John could respond, he saw his legs bend, jumped into the space channel, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.


John spoke subconsciously, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the space channel that made Anton disappear instantly, his mouth opened and closed: "Shet, this is too sudden?!"

Opposite the space, another world.

Anton had expected John's reaction, but he didn't care about it at all.

He looked at the nearby scenes and found that he was in the desert, surrounded by endless desolation, full of rocks and clouds, and there was no sign of life.

far away.

A brilliant starry sky leaked from the sky that had never been covered by clouds.

The unfamiliar starry sky pattern made Anton unable to determine the direction.

The lack of iconic objects in this different world made Anton unable to recognize this place, which world within the Nine Realms...

However, from the analysis of the original plot, this place may be the hometown of the dark elves.

The dark world, Walter Alheim.

Judging from Anton's superficial understanding of the dark world, that is, Wat Alheim, it is indeed somewhat similar.

This desert-like terrain, overcast sky, and lifeless environment, apart from the hometown that has long been abandoned by the dark elves, there seems to be no other place in the Nine Realms, like this place.

"If it were here...Jane Foster, what danger would they face?"

Many thoughts flashed through Anton's mind.

Although he had just entered for less than a minute, he had already made a lot of judgments.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to find Jane Foster and others first, to see people in life, and corpses in death.

What's more, from the analysis of the original plot, Jane Foster is an important tool for him to find real gems...

"I don't know if Jane Foster will be able to find reality gems this time..."

While thinking.


With a thought in his mind, Superman's suit was possessed.

His whole person changed his face, his height and weight all changed, and what came from this was almost infinite power in his body.


Let go of all perception.

Anton moved his ears and opened his eyes, his gaze seemed to look through the entire planet, and instantly locked in a certain position on this desolate planet.

There, it's not far away from where you are currently.

"So that's it..."

He murmured: "A trap?"

The voice fell.

Anton disappeared instantly.


The ground is sunken and broken lines spreading tens of meters all the way.

the other side.

The research team, Jane Foster, Eric Shavig, and Daisy Louise, who have been on this desolate planet for more than twenty-four hours, are now completely desperate.

They were trapped and unable to get out.

Why did it fall to this point, I have to talk about it soon after I first arrived on this planet.

Twenty-four hours ago, they entered this other world, walked a short distance, and found a dilapidated palace.

The palace occupies a very large area, even if it is now dilapidated, you can still see the grandeur of the past.

The three-person research team was quite excited.

They could see that this place had been abandoned by people after the destruction of time, so they approached the palace with peace of mind.

And near the palace, a rock floating in the air attracted their attention.

Among them, the largest stone seems to grow blood streaks.

The red lines are complicated and still.

Jane Foster was wary of being inadequate and reached out to touch the dense lines on the stone.


Suddenly, these floating stones suddenly fell to the ground.

At the same time, the blood streaks on the largest stone flowed like liquid and poured into Jane Foster's body madly.

While Eric Shavig and Daisy Louise were worried about Jane Foster, they watched the stone fall towards them, feeling desperate, and realized that they and others were too relaxed, and looked down upon them. The degree of danger in another world.

At the critical moment, Jane Foster waved his hand fiercely.

An indescribable force spread, and the stones that fell towards them all turned into dust and did not harm them.

For a while, the three of them were stunned.

Jane Foster realized that her body had undergone an abnormal change, which was the transformation of her by the red liquid.

Immediately afterwards, the three exchanged for a while, before they had time to study carefully, they planned to leave the palace.

However, what they didn't expect was that even though the palace had been abandoned, the traps left in the palace to prevent invasion were intact and preserved to this day.

When they left, they accidentally touched the trap, fell into a closed area, and were locked up until now.

This is a closed stone room.

There are colorful murals on the walls in all directions.

The three of them saw that this was a message left by the palace owner, to the effect that intruders would be locked in here until they became bones.

It just so happened that inside the stone chamber where they were, the bones of various creatures were densely covered.

Jane Foster and others, who are all researchers and scientists without the power to bind chickens, could not have imagined that they would fall into this kind of trap.

Of course, Jane Foster thought of the ability she had just acquired.

However, when she was about to use her abilities, she felt extremely weak, collapsed like mud and could not move.

Upon seeing this, the other two members of the three-person research team were shocked.

Time passed gradually.

After a long period of rest, Jane Foster felt that although his body was still very weak, he had regained some energy.

"I can try again."

She gritted her teeth and said: "I don't believe that we will be trapped and die here."

After she regained her energy, she tried to stimulate the power of the red liquid in her body, but she couldn't do it.

Every time I tried, I felt a headache and dilapidated, as if I was over-consuming.

The three discussed for a while, believing that this force would consume Jane Foster's energy.

If the spirit is not replenished, Jane Foster will not only be unable to stimulate this power, but will be "exhausted" alive.

"Food and water are enough for us to eat for a few days."

Eric Shavig said: "The Wayne Company should have noticed that we are missing. They will definitely send someone to look for us..."

"They couldn't find ours."

Daisy Louise held a pessimistic attitude: "Who would have thought that we would be locked in a trap set by the owner of this palace... It was all we asked for."

"Anton, I don't think Anton will abandon us."

Eric Shavig said: "He is a member of the Justice League. Don’t forget, he made us study the overlap of the nine realms... It seems that he seems to have another purpose. Obviously, our research is useful to him. He will need our help."

As soon as this sentence was finished, before Jane Foster and Daisy Louise could reply, they heard a low voice ringing in their ears.

"Yes, you are very smart."

Voices rang in the ears of the three of them, and they instantly refreshed.

Although they don't know who the owner of this voice is, it is clear that, as Eric Shavig said, this should be the person Anton sent to save them.

"where are you?"

"God bless, I can actually go out alive."


The three of them almost burst into tears, realizing that there is hope in life.

"I was out."

The voice sounded again, but the content disappointed them.

"you are outside?"

"Can you think of a way to save us?"

"There are many traps in this palace, you must be careful."

Although the three were disappointed, they were not desperate.

Someone is better than no one.

While speaking, he heard the voice and said again: "You stand in the corner, don't stand in the middle to hinder me."

The three of them looked at each other when they heard the words.

The next moment, when they moved to the corner of the stone room.


The deafening sound exploded in the ear.

Above their heads, a gap broke in an instant, and a faint light shone in, giving them hope of life.

At the same time, the stone chamber began to shake as if it had encountered an earthquake.

In the interior space of the stone room where the three of them were located, smoke and dust also started to spread throughout the stone room.

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