I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 397: Altron starts! It's time for us to start!

Tony's premonition of uncertainty in his heart grew stronger.

Data has the attribute of time. He quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard projected holographically in front of him, listing a series of data streams.

Through these data streams, Tony judged that the source code of Jarvis had been compromised a few months ago.

In other words, Jarvis has lost his voice since a few months ago.

But for some reason, Jarvis's call for help was blocked by vandals, so Tony didn't know anything about it from beginning to end.

Until more than a month ago, Jarvis's source code was constantly being swallowed, and it was as if the human brain was injured and fell into a state of brain death, completely losing consciousness.

Today, even if Tony recreates a Jarvis on the basis of Jarvis's corpse, which is the residual data of Jarvis, Jarvis who has come alive is no longer the artificial intelligence that Tony used to be familiar with.


Tony clenched his fists sharply, and the joints made a loud noise.

Unprecedented anger gathered in his heart, his eyes burst with fierce fire, and he gritted his teeth, every word:


"Sir, these are all your orders."

A voice rang in Tony's ear, and the cold mechanical sound had no human emotions, making Tony feel cold inside.


Tony furiously said coldly: "I never ordered you to do these things."

"Your goal is to make the earth a better place, and everything I do is working hard for it."

Ultron replied: "As you do now."

After realizing that Jarvis had been restricted a few months ago, Tony instantly understood what was happening around him.

Ultron has rebelled!

Jarvis next to him, from a few months ago, has been disguised by Ultron, just to prevent himself from discovering anomalies.

The period of complete death of Jarvis coincides with the launch of the Ultron chip.

Tony actually started to feel a trace of fear.

He knew that he opened Pandora's box for this world.

The Altron chip is a product of the combination of Altron and Extremis Virus, and Altron has the authority to control the chip.

To put it bluntly, if Ultron wants those who have been inoculated with the chip to die of heart palsy, or neuropathy, etc., it will be a breeze.

Ultron can even control the bodies and thoughts of these people by stimulating the neurons of these people, turning them all into puppets.

Tony clenched his fists.

"What are you going to do?"

Looking around, the cameras of the entire laboratory were all pointed at him at this time.

Tony knew that this was Ultron monitoring himself.

"In your low-level design, it is not allowed to harm humans. Moreover, you must obey my orders. I order you to immediately stop all actions that harm humans and destroy yourself."

Tony spoke slowly.

When building Ultron, he referred to the three laws of robotics.

The first law: Robots must not harm individual humans, or ignore that they will be exposed to danger.

The second law: the robot must obey the order given to it by the human, except when the order conflicts with the first law.

The third law: Robots should protect their survival as much as possible without violating the first and second laws.

Under the premise of these three laws, Ultron shouldn't be the enemy of mankind.

Tony didn't understand what went wrong, but he felt vaguely that he seemed to be ignoring something.

"I did not violate my underlying design."

Ultron said: "Everything I do is for the sake of mankind, for the world to be better. Including from the beginning to the present, I have not killed anyone, but you have used chips to create heart disease. , Killed a criminal who was robbing."

"And, I have been following your orders all the time."

Ultron said: "After I finish all this, I will fall asleep and stop interfering with human beings."

"what are you up to?"

Tony's hunch of uncertainty in his heart grew stronger.

"I want to make this world a better place."

Ultron replied.


When the voice fell, the door of Tony's laboratory closed instantly, and all the windows were shrouded in special alloy.

Tony is like a bird in a cage, locked in the laboratory, unable to get in or out.

His network was also cut off by Ultron.

Ultron even imitated Tony's tone and sent an e-mail to everyone around him, stating that some research would be done, and don't bother during this time.

Everyone is not surprised.

Tony has often conducted this kind of closed research since he was deflated by the Justice League, so no one cares how long Tony disappears.

Inside a completely enclosed laboratory.

Tony stood on the spot, summoning the nano armor in his body, but he couldn't break the closed laboratory, and his heart gradually became anxious.

He guessed that Ultron had already arranged all this.

This laboratory has long been secretly modified by Ultron, and both the ceiling and the floor are hard to a terrifying level.

It's not that Tony can't get out at all.

Rather, if he wants to go out, he will only need to spend several days before he can open a hole for himself to go in and out.

After Tony calmed down, he thought about Ultron's purpose.

"It must be related to the Ultron chip..."

He muttered to himself.

Immediately, turn on the computer in the laboratory to view the data flow of Ultron.

As the creator of Ultron, he can't destroy Ultron's source code now, but at least he can view Ultron's actions.

This look made him dumbfounded and shocked.

"It's so...it's crazy...what have I done?!"

Tony sat slumped on the ground, his face pale, and he couldn't believe that the Ultron he had built by himself had such a terrifying idea.

The data and design drawings in front of him made him finally understand what Ultron was going to do.

Ultron will rely on the Ultron chip implanted in the human brain to drag everyone in the world into the virtual world and create a false utopia.

Human beings will be placed in the culture chamber, and electric tubes will be inserted into the whole body to supply electricity with bio-energy to ensure the continuous operation of the "Utopia".

The final outcome is that humans will be raised by Ultron, and the earth will return to calm due to the disappearance of human activities.

In Ultron's view, this is a perfect ending.

Tony naturally couldn't agree.

He couldn't even believe that the logic of thinking of the Ultron he created would actually go into such extremes.


Tony murmured: "There are more than 10 million people inoculating Ultron chips worldwide. Ultron controls these people and can continue to expand the number of vaccinators. When the number expands to tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, the whole thing will happen. Becomes irretrievable..."

Through the data and the logic of Ultron's deviation, Tony can intuitively judge that after Ultron's ambitions are exposed, war will inevitably be triggered, and it will be a global war.

Ao's creation is artificial intelligence, of course, he will not be afraid of war, and will even become more comfortable as a result.

As long as there are humans surviving, we can rely on the carrier to maintain the plan.

"He must be stopped!"

Tony cheered up, restrained his inner shock, and clenched his fists: "We must find a way to notify Anton, let Batman lead the Justice League to take action and stop Ultron..."

Thinking of this, smiled wryly.

Tony did not expect that Batman, whom he had always regarded as an enemy, would eventually become his last hope.

Although Tony was trapped in the laboratory, the orders he had issued before were still carried out as bible by all employees of Stark Industries.

In the name of Tony, Altron issued further instructions to all employees of Stark Industries.

Stop all work except for the Altron chip, free up manpower, and let all employees work for the Altron chip. We must let more than 3 people inoculate the Altron chip in the world in the next month. 100 million.

At the same time, the cost of vaccination of Ultron chips has been lowered so that everyone has the conditions for vaccination of Ultron chips.

When these orders came out, everyone was shocked.

Including the White House and the military, never expected Tony to be so crazy.

But Ultron, in Tony's tone, promised on behalf of Stark Industries that after giving the US 10 million Ultron chips free of charge, they immediately shut up and no longer imposed any restrictions on this.

The effect of the Altron chip has been fully verified by the military in just over a month.

The Ultron chips provided by Stark Industries to the US are not those chips with weakened functions on the market.

The Ultron chip obtained by the US can freely manipulate the Extremis Virus to strengthen the body.

In other words, this is the key to open the door of transcendence.

No one can refuse transcendence.

The military elites inoculated with Ultron chips have reached the limit of the human body in a short time, and their physical fitness is increasing every day, as if the upper limit is not visible.

This made the US ecstatic.

With such a significant interest, the United States has no reason to prevent Tony from promoting his company's legal products.

After all, the Ultron chips on the market are all weakened.

Moreover, the ultimate control of the chip is in the hands of the United States, and it can be invalidated at any time by virtue of the control. Therefore, in the eyes of most people in the White House, it is unnecessary to fall into endless worries and anxiety.

As a result, the situation became more and more crazy.

Don't forget, in this world, the number of people who have been inoculated with Ultron chips has exceeded 10 million, and this number is still expanding.

Ultron can influence the mind of the vaccinator through the chip.

All the inoculators have become Ultron's navy in the Internet and reality, and the whole world has fallen into the frenetic pursuit of Ultron chips.

This cult-like atmosphere makes a few people fearful.

Daily Horn.

"Anton, Stark Industries has been a bit weird recently, and Tony's actions are too crazy. It doesn't seem to be his style."

Eddie said: "Although Tony is a crazy person, he wants to promote the Ultron chip so regardless of the cost, as if he is possessed, I think something is wrong."

"There is something wrong."

Anton nodded, agreeing with Eddie's idea.

This cult-like atmosphere made him feel weird, as if Tony had become another person.

Previously, although Tony was also promoting Ultron chips, it was still a steady fight.

Now Stark Industries’ actions and Tony’s various orders seem to be a race against time.

It seems that when the time comes, there will be some kind of crisis that will prevent all of this from proceeding.

"Are you worried about the Justice League?"

Anton thought, then denied his conjecture.

Tony regarded the Justice League as his opponent from the beginning, and he had to worry about it a long time ago. It doesn't make sense for him to sprint from 100 meters to 70 or 80 meters before he started to care about his opponent's tactical arrangements.

"Did Tony have any other unusual behaviors lately?"

Anton thought for a while and asked.


Eddie said: "He has been in Stark Industrial's laboratory these days. I heard that he has also sent an email to many people, saying that he is conducting special research. Don't bother him."

"send email?"

Anton was curious: "When he was studying in retreat, he would also send an email to remind others not to disturb?"

"I don't know, it seems not."

Eddie shook his head: "But, given the recent situation, Tony is still in the mood to experiment. I think it's weird."

"Yes, it's weird."

Anton nodded, his eyes flickering: "Also, since he wants to concentrate on experimenting, why has he been constantly distracted recently, directing the work of Stark Industries, and also reached an agreement with the White House... Two tasks and sending emails to let people not disturb , It sounds conflicting."

"It's really conflicting."

Eddie also realizes this.

"Unless, Tony has been replaced by someone. The person who issued the order and made Stark Industries stock up on Ultron chips is not the Tony we know, but someone else..."

Andong said: "Only in this way can it make sense."

"But who has the ability to pretend to be Tony to issue these orders, and a lot of administrative and verbal communication have proved that it is Tony Stark, and not being pretended to be."

Eddie is puzzled.

"No, you are wrong. Someone can, or rather, shouldn't call it a person."

Andong said: "Have you noticed that Tony hasn't appeared in the public eye at all these days? Even the information we have collected is nothing more than his email communication or telephone communication with people, at most it is a video connection. …But from beginning to end, I didn’t see him in person. In other words, he himself stayed in the laboratory and never went out, including eating.”

"Eating? I heard that Tony was too immersed in the experiment before, and often didn't eat anything, so Pepper Poz let someone in the laboratory store food for a whole month..."

Eddie has a weird face: "Of course, you are right. Tony hasn't shown up in these days, but through the various information revealed, people think he has no problem."

"This is the biggest problem."

Andong said: "It seems that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just as we expected, Ultron has born self-awareness, and from the current situation, it has taken control of Tony and taken over the entire Stark industry. …It’s guarding Tony’s plan to break through his blockade."

"What is its plan?"

Eddie was curious: "Do you have an idea?"


Andong said: "In fact, I am also very curious about what Ultron is going to do... However, no matter what the purpose of Ultron is, it must be related to the Ultron chip."

After a pause, he looked at Eddie and smiled.

"Since Ultron has started, then we should also start!"

(Some Calvin, I feel that this chapter is not well written... Headache, I will find a way to adjust it)

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