I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 403: change! The new guardian of the New York Temple, Shazam!

The Ultron incident has finally come to an end.

Although Ultron has not been completely wiped out, the fugitive Tony Stark and the three people in the sewer experiment team have launched a new round of tracking Ultron. I believe that with Tony’s ingenuity, solving Ultron is not a big deal. problem.

After Tony was listed as a fugitive, Stark Industries fell into a brief chaos. However, Pepper Poz took the share transfer agreement signed by Tony before, lined up in the faces of a group of shareholders, and once again became a director of Stark Industries. For a long time, a turmoil disappeared.

Wayne Company.

Under the direction of the newly appointed president, Rodriguez, he has become an indestructible member of the military.

The former Secretary of Defense, John Koehler, also saw who was the ultimate beneficiary in this incident.

Justice League.

John Koehler put away his original careful thoughts, and after thinking about it for several days, he didn't dare to call Anton. He just chatted with his old friend Jonah Jameson. He knew in his heart that Jonah Jameson would definitely pass the content of this conversation to Anton.

In other words, Anton will definitely receive his favor.

After all, to some extent, Wayne has become one of the most powerful consortia in the United States.

Although the scale is slightly inferior to that of Stark Industries and Osborne, both the armed forces that are secretly controlled or the political allies have far exceeded the previous two.

The previous wish of old friend Jonah Jameson, the dream of building a huge consortium, has become a reality.

Anton knew this well, but didn't care much.

With the power he mastered, a superman alone could push the entire earth horizontally.

His eyes have long been placed outside the earth, not just on this planet.

Of course, the earth is the base camp after all.

In Marvel’s story line, the site of the old beauty is the center of the base camp, so it is better to be in your own hands.

At this time.

Sewer laboratory.

Anton is communicating with Tony.

"On the bodies of the biochemical humans left behind by Ultron, we have obtained a lot of interesting information."

Andong said: "For example, the skeletons of these bodies are all made of vibrating gold. Secondly, the flesh and blood parts of these bodies are made by a technology called the cradle of regeneration, or you can call it the cradle of life. That’s the research result of Dr. Hailun Zhao from a high-tech research institute in South Korea."

"Zhao Hailun..."

Tony frowned, he was familiar with the name.

"The cradle of regeneration..."

However, he has a lot of knowledge about this technology.

"It can heal wounds quickly, build molecular bridges instantly, and integrate artificial biological tissues with the human body..."

Tony murmured a few times, and had a specific understanding of the origin of Ultron's biochemical human body.

Although the regenerative cradle he knew before cannot directly create a human body, for Ultron, he just needs an outer shell. The skeleton and nerves inside are driven by its own programs. Therefore, this is naturally related to the needs of artificial intelligence. The coincidence.

"So, Dr. Hailun Zhao is also the inoculator of Ultron Chips?"

Tony asked.


Anton nodded: "But we learned afterwards that when Ultron started the rebellion, Dr. Zhao Hailun had already left South Korea by plane, and the exact location is still unknown."

"Can't lock by chip?"

Tony asked again.

"Dr. Hailun Zhao is a special existence for Ultron. With the help of Dr. Hailun Zhao, he can be reborn indefinitely. Although we cut off his networking mechanism, this does not mean that he cannot copy his own program. It's just that the process will become more complicated."

Andong said: "So, if you want to find Ultron, you must first find Dr. Zhao Hailun. By the way, the vibrating just now is also the key. If Ultron wants to build a body that satisfies him, he must have enough vibrating. ."


Tony nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, it was a correct decision to find your cooperation."

Join if you can't beat.

He gradually accepted the fact that he was cooperating with the Justice League.

Although he became a fugitive on the bright side, the White House and the military obviously guessed that he was hiding in the Justice League and would not say much.

After all, he became a fugitive because of public opinion.

Just wait for the right time to come forward and revoke your status as a fugitive.

Tony still understands his situation and is not panicked.

"Dr. Zhao Hailun, and Zhenjin..."

Tony pondered for a moment, and said, "I will investigate immediately."

After speaking, he paused, looked at Anton, and finally asked: "Does the Justice League know the whereabouts of Rogers?"

"The American team?"

Anton was taken aback and looked at Tony.

"After Rogers disappeared, I looked for him for a while, but there was no result."

Tony explained: "In this world, there are very few people who are able to help him. I originally suspected that you did it, but later I learned that it was wrong."

"have no idea."

Anton said bluntly: "This is indeed an unsolved mystery. In fact, we haven't found out who took Rogers away."


Tony didn't think Anton was lying, so he nodded, bid farewell to Anton, went inside the laboratory and fiddled with his own things.

Anton glanced curiously and found that he couldn't understand.

"He is programming."

After leaving get off work early to communicate with the sewer experiment team about the technology house turtle about the Ultron incident, Donatello suddenly appeared, saw Anton’s doubts, and took the initiative to explain.


Anton was taken aback.

"It seems that he is going to make another artificial intelligence come out..."

Donatello spread out his hands: "I hope this time, he won't play with it anymore."

"I don't think so."

Anton laughed.

Manhattan, Blick Street, 177A.

While Anton was communicating with Tony, Shazam appeared in this room and met Daniel Drum.

"What's up?"

Shazan was quite curious, turned his head to look at the decorations in this room, and saw the equipment related to Doctor Strange placed in the glass showcase.

The most conspicuous is the red magic floating cloak.

The cloak was scurrying up and down in the glass showcase, banging the glass, as if communicating with Shazan.

"You seem to want to come out..."

Shazan knocked on the glass and responded to the cloak.

"It actually doesn't want to come out of the glass, it's just that no one has spoken to it for a long time, and it feels boring."

Daniel walked down the ladder on the second floor and met Shazan.

Then he waved his hand sharply.

The picture in front of Shazam suddenly changed, and together with Daniel, he came to a tea room with twice as hot tea in front of him.


Daniel raised his hand, and saw Shazan showing a surprised expression. He couldn't help but smile: "This is my tea room. Very few guests can drink the tea I make by myself."

"My pleasure."

Shazan nodded and repeated it again: "Daniel, you asked me to come here, surely not just for tea?"

"It's like I did you a favor a few days ago, so I hope you can do me a favor too." Daniel said.

"Say it."

Shazan nodded: "As long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

He has a good relationship with Daniel, plus the existence of the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, and establishing a good relationship with Kama Taj is also beneficial to his side.

"You should know that Taj Kama has established New York, London, and Hong Kong, three temples in this world."

Daniel said: "These three temples each have their own guardians, and I am the guardian of the New York temple."

"and many more."

Shazam was curious: "What are you going to say has something to do with the New York Temple?"


Daniel nodded, spoke bluntly, and uttered a request that stunned Shazam.

"I hope you can replace me and take over as the guardian of the New York Temple."

After saying this, Shazam stayed for a while and did not answer for a long while.

Daniel smiled and drank a sip of tea, staring at Shazan, his eyes kept smiling, as if quietly waiting for the answer from the other party.


Shazan frowned: "Why are you leaving office?"

"Because this work began to exceed my abilities. According to the prediction, this is the best result so far. You can do better than me."

Daniel said.

"Can I do better?"

Shazam looked at Daniel in amazement, not saying that he was questioning his abilities, but that he felt that the other party was like the Gu Yi mage in the original plot, predicting the future.

According to the original plot, Daniel Drum is not far from his death.

He would die in the hand of Kama Taj’s traitor, and take refuge in the Lord of the Dark Dimension, the Domam believer, and Casillas.

After Shazam and Daniel established a friendship, they planned to take action when the plot arrived to help Daniel get rid of the solution of death, but unexpectedly, Daniel took the initiative to come to the door to change his destiny, and it seemed that he had received some kind of revelation. , Which made Shazam quite unexpected.

"Is it the prediction of the ancient master?"

Shazam couldn't help asking.

"Do not."

Daniel shook his head: "This is the future I see myself. I will die at the hands of Kama Taj's traitor, right in this temple."

"You used the Eye of Agomoto?"

Shazan understood, his eyes widened, and he became more and more surprised.


Daniel did not answer, but his silence already let Shazam know the answer.

Daniel used the eyes of Agomoto to see the future and saw his ending in the original plot, so he found himself and wanted to escape the tragic end of his life by transferring his identity as the guardian of the New York Temple.

"I didn't intend to deceive you, Shazam. I saw my own death in the future, which made me feel terrified. I couldn't accept that I would die in this room. The strong fear made me feel that I should take the initiative to do something. What." Daniel said calmly, "I don't want to escape death. But for now, I really don't want to die. I still have a lot of regrets that I haven't finished."


Shazan nodded: "You have said so, I will take this position."

"do not worry."

Daniel heard the words and smiled and said: "Although I will ask you to top the bag, I will never sit back and watch the danger come. The reason why I let you take over this position is to let you sit in New York for me, and I plan to look for the enemy's traces. , Strangle the danger in the cradle in advance."

"If I succeed, I will take this position back from you... If I fail, you will be my next guardian of the New York Temple."

Daniel's meaning is obvious.

He didn't intend to let Shazam take the blame for himself, but instead wanted to take the initiative to face the enemy and kill the crisis in the bud in advance.

"good luck."

Shazan had a strange face.

Today's plot development is somewhat out of his control, but this can be regarded as an idea that he had expected.

Throughout the journey, the plot has evolved, and it has been fanned and fanned by butterfly wings.

Some changes are normal.

If there is no change from beginning to end, then it is worth wondering.

After speaking, Daniel threw the key of the house to Shazam, and then drew out the portal, stepped out, went to the other side of the earth, and disappeared in front of Shazam.

Shazam looked at the background of the opposite space and guessed that it was where Taj Kama was.

Afterwards, the hair on his back stood up, and there seemed to be a pair of eyes looking at him.

Gu Yi!


Immediately afterwards, the portal disappeared, and the feeling of being stared at, also moved away.

Shazan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daniel actually used the Eye of Agomoto to see through the future... This will be interesting. If Daniel solves Casillas, Doctor Strange, and Stephen Strange in advance, he will inherit the Supreme Mage as in the original plot. Is it Gu Yi’s responsibility?"

This is a problem.

Just like Gu Yi's lines in the original plot, Strange is the most outstanding of all the Supreme Masters.

But if this most outstanding supreme mage breaks away from the original destiny, will he become the real, the best supreme mage in the ancient mouth?

In other words, he will just become an excellent mage?

Shazan stroked his chin.

In fact, whether Strange can become a Doctor Strange, Shazam and Anton still have a lot of influence.

The gem of time, the Eye of Agomoto, was placed in Kama Taj after all, and was a treasure in the hands of the Supreme Master.

If Doctor Strange and Strange did not appear, the current peak of the earth's combat power, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, would not easily choose to commit suicide.

Gu Yi is not dead, and with Anton’s current fear of Gu Yi, it is a big problem for him to get the Time Gem from Gu Yi.

Only in the short period of time when Gu Yi died and Strange had not inherited the great responsibilities, could Anton easily get the Eye of Agomoto, which is the gem of time.

As for the threat posed by Casillas, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, Domam, makes no sense that the Dark Justice League cannot do it. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Although the Lord of the Dark Dimension is powerful, Anton can copy the tricks of Doctor Strange against Domam.

Even, Anton has enough infinite gems in his hands, and he has many methods and methods to concoct the other party.

Anton’s current opponent is not a Domam for a long time.


Sha Zan sighed and decided to hand this trouble to the ontology. He is a clone, why waste brain cells.

"The Guardian of the New York Temple..."

Before leaving, he glanced at the room, the glass showcase, and the many magic items on the wall hangings, and smiled.

"I don't think about the troubles later, it's quite interesting to rely on this title alone."


The next moment, he disappeared.

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