I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 315: A heart-to-heart talk with Shen Tianzhuo

Just after washing up, there was a knock on the door.

After opening the door, Ji Qingyan walked in from the outside and asked Lin Yi to have dinner.

In the next two days, the three people's life patterns and trajectories were very simple.

Ji Qingyan and Guan Ya were busy with work.

Lin Yi went back and forth between Microsoft and hotels.

But in Ji Qingyan's opinion, Lin Yi might have become moldy because he stayed in the hotel every day, feeling extremely guilty.

In the past two days, Lin Yi did not take any further offensive.

In addition to typing codes, I just chatted with Shen Tianzhuo about the plants and trees in his hometown, which felt like a year-end friendship.

Lin Yi felt extremely grateful, and the system gave him a reward of sage wisdom.

In addition to computer-related things, knowledge in other fields is also readily available, making it effortless to brag.

On the other hand, Shen Tianzhuo was beyond amazed at Lin Yi's knowledge reserve.

Judging from his appearance, he is only in his twenties. In addition to having extremely high attainments in chips, he is also involved in many other aspects.

After careful comparison, I really can't compare to Lin Yi.

If he settles down for a few years, he may go further than himself in Microsoft's future.

In the office, the printer was buzzing. Lin Yi typed out some documents, but they were not handed over to Shen Tianzhuo.

And Shen Tianzhuo didn't ask any questions. This was his personal matter and he couldn't control it.

"nailed it!"

That afternoon, Lin Yi stretched himself. The string of dizzying codes on the screen looked like infinite treasures to Shen Tianzhuo, more attractive than roses and diamonds.

"I really have you." Shen Tianzhuo sighed:

"If it were my R\u0026D team, it would have taken at least three months to complete it. I didn't expect you to complete it in three days. It's really an honor to be my colleague."

Shen Tianzhuo was excited. He stayed here just to meet better colleagues and conduct technology research and development.

Meeting Lin Yi now was also a kind of luck for him.

Moreover, the two of them are from the same hometown, so they hit it off immediately.

"You're too polite, that's okay." Lin Yi said, "It's not as powerful as you think."

"You are so humble," Shen Tianzhuo said:

"I'm going to make a report soon to see if I can solve the position problem. With your ability, I feel that being an executive vice president is a bit of a loss.

"As for the position, you don't need to apply for it for me." Lin Yi said deeply, "I'm ready to leave."

"Leaving?" Shen Tianzhuo panicked. He didn't expect that Lin Yi would say such a thing.

I get along quite well with him, but why are we leaving after only a few days?

"I plan to return to China."

This was Lin Yi's plan from the beginning.

Although Shen Tianzhuo is crucial, we can't waste all our time on him.

After so many days, I have done my best on my side, and the rest is up to God.

So Lin Yi planned to show off his cards.

"Why did you return to China? Is it because there is better development?"

Lin Yi did not answer directly, but looked at Shen Tianzhuo with burning eyes.

"Boss Shen, if someone is willing to spend all their money to provide you with funding and give you unlimited freedom of research and development, would you be willing to return to China?"

In fact, Lin Yi could have asked this question at the beginning.

But that would be too risky.

After so many days, the two have become friends who talk about everything. With such a relationship, Lin Yi believes that the chance of success will be greater.

"How is that possible? Stop joking." Shen Tianzhuo waved his hand, "Capitalists are not fools. If they cannot see the benefits, they will not end up."

"But don't forget, this is the United States. Do you think the capitalist system will be better?" Lin Yi said: "Money flows in their bones."

Shen Tianzhuo stopped talking. After living in the United States for so many years, he naturally understood the horror of capitalism.

Although he is an executive of this financial unicorn, he is only a relatively high-level tool man.

The so-called freedom is only a relative term.

Lin Yi stood by the window, picked up a cigarette, and lit one in a pretentious and lonely manner, his expression desolate and filled with emotion.

"We are kindred spirits, Boss Shen. If there is no suitable opportunity, do you think I would choose to return to China at this time?"

After saying that, Lin Yi turned back with a pure and deep look, "Although we have only been together for a few days, the two of us have already formed a deep friendship, and I can't bear to let you go!"

"Did the other party really promise this?"

This time, Lin Yi still did not answer directly, looking at Shen Tianzhuo hopefully.

"Boss Shen, if there is such an opportunity, would you be willing to leave?"


Shen Tianzhuo laughed and also took a cigarette, "If there is such a good thing, of course I am willing to leave."


"Of course." Shen Tianzhuo said with a smile: "As long as I can be given enough scientific research funding and academic freedom, why should I stay here."

"Hey hey hey..."

Lin Yi smiled extremely obscenely and held Shen Tianzhuo's hand excitedly, "Boss Shen, on behalf of the Loongson Research Institute, I welcome you to join."


Shen Tianzhuo was confused.

It was as if I was watching a warm and healing cartoon, and then the style of the movie changed without any warning, becoming Jurassic Park.

What is this?

"Didn't you hear me clearly?" Lin Yi said with a smile: "I would like to introduce myself. I am Lin Yi, the director of China Overseas Loongson Research Institute. You are welcome to join."

"You, are you from Loongson?" Shen Tianzhuo stared and said, "Two people came to see me before, and they also said that they were from Loongson. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "

"Yes, they were my men, but they failed, so I took action myself."

Shen Tianzhuo reacted for a long time, feeling that he had been tricked.

"You joined Microsoft just to get close to me?"

"It's more or less the same. If you can't do it from the front, you have to choose the corner to overtake."

Lin Yi straightened his expression, and then took out an encrypted USB flash drive from his pocket.

"This is the source code of Chip 2.0, which is completely comparable to Intel's latest technology. However, when we purchased the lithography machine, we were secretly hindered. We did not buy Asmail's lithography machine. I made the decision myself.”

"Are you kidding? Make your own photolithography machine!"

Shen Tianzhuo suddenly became excited, "It took Asmail so many years to achieve global rise. If we want to build a photolithography machine in China, we don't know how many years it will take."

"That's true." Lin Yi said, "But someone has to do this, right?"

Lin Yi sighed, "Why do China's housing prices remain so high? Isn't it because these are needed to boost GDP? When one day, China's high-end manufacturing industry leads the world, these problems will be easily solved."

"And Huawei is a good example. Don't you think the US's face is disgusting?"

"I believe that one day, when the results of your project come out, your hometown will only be a place you look at from a distance, and it is also a distant place you can never go back to."

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