I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 422: Brother feeds you bananas

Early the next morning, Liang Ruoxu got up first than Lin Yi.

But Liang Ruoxu didn't have the habit of eating breakfast, so he simply didn't do it.

"It's really a waste to wear pants every day with such beautiful legs."

"What's wrong, you still want me to show you my thighs?"

"How do you say look? We are all cultural people. This is called appreciation." Lin Yi said seriously:

"The most perfect thing about my whole body is this face. Have you seen me wearing a mask?"

Liang Ruoxu:......

"Don't be poor. Last night, I contacted several experts. In addition, there was also an expert from Yanjing who came here, mainly about the clinical trials of ibuprofen. Then you can go and get an appointment with me. Yes." Liang Ruoxu said:

"Originally I didn't want to trouble you, but you are a research and development staff member, so you can't go without me, so you have to come with me."

"Is China Food and Drug Administration qualified to do this? This matter should be under the central government's control."

"Of course not, but I want the qualification. For such a big matter, the policy must give a green light and strive to pass clinical trials as soon as possible."

"But is it necessary to prescribe it? Whether the drug is effective or not depends on experimental data. Just talking about it can produce a hammer."

"I also know it's useless. It's just a formality. This is the process." Liang Ruoxu looked at Lin Yi,

"Stop complaining, just think of it as doing me a favor."


"Then I'll leave first. Let's call."


After talking about business, the two drove to work separately.

Lin Yi was looking forward to the new day.

Because this is the seventh day to start the career of a doctor. One week is up. At 12 o'clock tonight, the new career will come.

Although it won’t be opened in advance, it’s always good to see what it is.

Arriving at the hospital, Lin Yi parked the car.

Since I didn't have to go to the emergency room for duty, I went to the eighth inpatient department.

In the department, in addition to the new young doctors, there are also two deputy directors, Liu Yongsheng and Fan Shufang.

But as soon as he entered, Lin Yi felt an ominous aura hanging over the entire office.

"Brother Lin, you're here." Qiao Xin said, "Have you eaten? I brought two bananas."

"I bought some pancakes on the way."

Sitting in front of Qiao Xin, Lin Yi whispered: "What's wrong with these people? I killed their whole family? Why are they all looking at me like this?"

Qiao Xin glanced at the others quietly, "Brother Lin, do you still remember that a few days ago you were in the emergency center and you met a middle-aged brother, the one whose mother didn't want to buy medicine? Give him a prescription."

"Remember, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you say that day that in the future, all patients should call Director Li's number when seeing a doctor? Now all the patients have collectively called Director Li's number. Except for Director Cao's number, there is no one like Director Liu and Director Fan. If you die, they will all go to Director Li. I guess they look at you like an enemy now."

"So that's what happened." Lin Yi said: "Then it's their problem. How come you don't know it? Are you blaming others?"

"But this has touched their interests invisibly, so they seem to dislike you."

"I'm afraid." Lin Yi said, "Come on, let me feed you bananas."

"Brother Lin, I'm so embarrassed that there are so many people here." Qiao Xin said with a blushing face.

"You are Director Li's subordinate. Why do you care so much? Come and eat bananas."

Qiao Xin was a little embarrassed, but this was given by Lin Yi. The opportunity was rare, and others did not receive such good treatment.

"Is it yummy?"


"If it's delicious, eat it all."


After feeding Qiao Xin and finishing the banana, Lin Yi stretched his waist and said, "You just stay here and keep an eye on me. I'll go out and get some fresh air."

"Brother Lin, the atmosphere here is a bit weird, I'll go with you."

"Then let's go together."

After coming out of the department, the two went to the outpatient clinic to find Li Chuhan.

Instead of staying in the office, it is better to go to Li Chuhan to help and learn something.

As soon as they left, Cao Jiawang and Zhou Ziqiang returned to the office angrily.

"Director Cao, are you back so early?" Liu Yongsheng asked.

"I only have about 20 numbers today, and I'll finish reading them in a while."

"Much better than us." Liu Yongsheng said: "Director Fan and I are only a dozen or so, and we finished it in less than an hour."

"When I left the outpatient clinic, I found that Director Li's number had been on hold for seven days."

"Isn't that right? After I prescribed medicine to the patients today, I see that they have no intention of buying it. It seems that they have to re-register Director Li's number before going to see him again."

After speaking, Liu Yongsheng glanced at the other newcomers in the department and said, "You guys go to the ward rounds first to check on the patient's condition."

"I understand, Doctor Liu."

Several new doctors walked out one after another, but Zhou Ziqiang was still here.

Both Liu Yongsheng and Fan Shufang knew about his relationship with Cao Jiawang and considered him one of their own.

"Director Cao, this morning, the boss of Tianze Pharmacy called me and asked why there haven't been many patients coming to buy medicine in the past few days. I don't know how to answer."

"When he calls again, just tell him the truth and tell him exactly what happened." Cao Jiawang said, "We are just doctors and can't control that much. Let him handle it."

"What should we do now? All the patients have gone to Li Chuhan. We have no patients to see. Soon, the whole hospital will know about this, and the three of us will become the laughing stock."

"I'm all fucking blaming Lin Yi. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be like this." Zhou Ziqiang cursed.

"You two follow me and go find the dean now." Cao Jiawang said:

"Lin Yi is nothing but rat turds. As long as he is still in the cardiac surgery department, he will make a mess in the future!"

"Yes, let's go find Dean Zhao and let him handle this matter!"

Zhao Jianwei is the vice president in charge of administration, and he is in charge of all personnel deployment. It is appropriate to ask him to handle this matter.

"Go, go now!"

The reason why the three of them were so excited was not just because they couldn't get rebates for the medicines.

What's more, many of the hospital's assessment indicators are based on performance, which is the so-called market economy.

If patients don't go to your hospital for medical treatment, it means that your technology is not good enough, and at the same time, you cannot create higher benefits for the hospital.

Then the paths for promotion in the hospital become very limited.

This is what the three of them are really worried about.


Cao Jiawang walked forward and knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

The three of them pushed open the door and entered.

"Old Cao, why are you three here?"

Zhao Jianwei and Cao Jiawei graduated from the same school and were his senior brothers. They had a very good relationship in private.

"Dean Zhao, do you know about our cardiac surgery department?"

"What do you know?" Zhao Jianwei asked.

In the next ten minutes, Cao Jiawang listed Lin Yi's crimes one by one, looking like he would kill him quickly.

"I know what happened at the emergency door that day. Many people called to complain. I have just suppressed the matter in the past few days."

When Lin Yi was mentioned, Zhao Jianwei didn't look very good. He still remembered clearly what happened when he contradicted him that day.

"I'm studying this matter, and I'm going to transfer him to the emergency room, and then slowly marginalize him." Zhao Jianwei said:

"Thinking that he is great just because he had an operation, he dares to point fingers in front of me. I have to let him know that in front of me, Zhao Jianwei, he is nothing but shit!"

"Dean Zhao, what you said makes me feel relieved. Transfer him quickly. I don't want to see him for a minute anymore."

"Don't worry, I know this well."

After receiving a positive answer, the three of them left.

But at this time, Cao Jiawang's cell phone rang.

"Director Cao, what's going on? Can the medicine still be sold? I've spent millions on it."

"Boss Wang, you have nothing to do with me."

The caller was none other than Wang Guanghong, the owner of Tianze Pharmacy.

"There is a new doctor in our department, which has made the department very messy. Now no one comes to see us."

"What the hell is going on? You are the head of the department. If I don't go to your place, who will I go to?"

"They all went to Li Chuhan's place."

"Fuck!" Wang Guanghong cursed, "That bitch is mentally ill!"

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