I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 507 A visitor is coming

Han Li looked up at the starry sky above his head.

A full moon shines in the sky.

But it’s not just the full moon that lights up the world.

There is also a shadow.

Ring after ring, like layers of shadows stacked together.

That's the abyss!

The outer world called the Abyss!

His orbit captured a new world.

That is Han Li's world.

Just like in the past countless years.

Any world captured by the abyss will eventually be pulled into the abyss.

Crush, digest, transform.

All creatures in the world will be killed

The soul is devoured or torn apart.

Then in the rolling river of Styx, he collided and merged with souls from other worlds.

Eventually becoming an abyss worm.

The source of the demons in the abyss world.

This is what Han Li knows.

What she knew from the abyss world.

Things whispered in her ears.

And the feedback from her psychic energy!

The abyss roars and rolls.

Han Li could clearly sense the call in the Styx River.


Mortal things!



Kneel down...receive my gift...

You will become the princess of the abyss.

Such nonsense kept coming from the shadow of the abyss.

The abyss is beckoning.

Also threatening.

Han Li's eyes could see the demon lords appearing vaguely in the shadow of the abyss.

The power of each one is beyond imagination.

It's also something she can't defeat now.


The demon hunter girl just stared at the shadows coldly.

She remembered a lot.

The teacher was lying in the cabin of the space capsule.

He looked at her calmly.

There was no hesitation or any emotion.

He accepted his fate calmly.

Be willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.

Han Li also thought of the scene he saw in the underground garage of the community near Donglin University.

The respectable warriors did not take a step back in desperate situations.

All the bullets were fired and all the grenades were thrown away.

Eventually they were torn apart by the Nerubians.

But their skeletons are still moving forward.

This shows that they never took a step back until they died!

For the students, women and children of Donglin University.

These honorable men fought until their last breath.

Han Li thought about the photo he picked up.

In the corroded photo that could no longer be seen clearly, there was the silhouette of a couple cuddling together.

Captain Yu Aiguo of the 3rd Rapid Reaction Battalion of the 5th Airborne Division of the People's Army.

This number, this name, this photo.

Burning in her eyes.

She felt that her body was full of power.

The demon hunter girl stared directly at the gradually clear outline of the abyss.

Her long black hair fluttered in the wind under the moonlight.

Every strand of hair stood on end.

Roar and demonstrate towards the seemingly invincible abyss!

"Even if you fall into the deepest and darkest hell!"

"Even if you transform into the most poisonous and terrifying monster!"

"I will never bow my head!"

Her figure was reflected in the moonlight.

In the shadow, there seemed to be a long, thin tail.

She is both the demon hunter Han Li and the succubus lord Han Li who took the potion of freedom.

One has no subordinates, no territory, and no followers.

The free lord who only wants to resist the erosion of the abyss and protect his own world!

"Lords of the abyss..."

"Come on!" She drew out the spiritual blade.

The mysterious bookstore owner specially returned the spiritual blade that had blessed her with power.

In the spiritual blade, a color like blood spreads.

Like lines, like runes.

It's more like a deformed worm that was bred from the spiritual blade and feeds on the demons of the abyss!

Until now, this spiritual blade has truly begun to strike!

The worm bred in the spiritual blade made its first and last choice after birth.

He opened the deformed mouthparts transformed by spiritual energy and full of sharp teeth.

One bite bit the witcher girl's wrist.

From now on...

Life and death depend on each other, and misfortunes and blessings follow each other.

When people are there, the blade is there, when people die, the blade destroys them!

Han Li was bitten by this bite, and her face immediately twitched in pain.

But she laughed instead.

"The demons of the abyss..."

She licked her plump, bright red lips.

The snow-white teeth became sharp one by one.

"I am the one who feeds on you..."

In his ears, a rustling murmur suddenly sounded.

Hanli listened.

She knew that Mr. Yamr was conveying to her the will of the Lord in the mist through the "Inspection Report on the Upper Abyss".

"Three days later..."

"The doorway to time and space..."

"Reinforcements are coming from the sky!"

"Are there reinforcements?" Han Li asked, "Is it the same as last time?"

She recalled those green-skinned troops who knew no pain, no fear of life and death, and no fatigue.

He also recalled the flaming creature that fell from the sky.

However, what she saw in her eyes was a human being just like her.


"Humans from another world?"

"Like the material world that Xiao Ai said?"

She once learned from Xiao Ai that on the other side of the abyss world, there is a crystal wall system called the main material world.

The humans over there are blessed by the gods.

The gods holding their thrones high guard the material world and drive away the erosion of the abyss demons.

Xiao Ai's divine system even counterattacked the abyss.

He is the cub of the expeditionary force who was stranded in the abyss during the counterattack.

A little angel from the Aici Clan.


The sky is covered with yellow sand, covering the sky and covering the ground, blocking the sun and sight.

Ran Bing walked slowly among them.

It’s been twenty days!

She moved forward resolutely, chasing the scent of the protective umbrella.


She felt like she couldn't hold it any longer.


"My lovely daughter..."

"My kind daughter..."

The strange singing in my ears became clearer and clearer.

She could feel that the owner of the singing voice was constantly urging her.

Urging her to return to her mother's warm embrace as soon as possible and be a good daughter to her mother!

The daughter of the Supreme Mother Goddess, the Black Goat of the Forest who gave birth to thousands of offspring!

The eldest princess of all black goat pups!


"Not yet!" Ran Bing said, "I can't fall yet!"

She hasn't slept for a long time.

I haven’t eaten for a long time.

Because she didn't dare to sleep or eat.

She was afraid that when she woke up, she would already be Saya.

One looks like a human being, but is actually a monster that devours the world.

She was even more afraid of eating.

It might go crazy and devour the world.

The eldest princess of the black goat cub.

Destined to devour heaven and earth and fulfill the old days.

And the so-called old days...

She already knows it now.

The old days are the past, the past, and history.

The past of a world, the past of a civilization, and the history of a nation.

To be precise, it is the past of a world of death, the past of a sad civilization, and the history of genocide.

When the world is about to die, the civilizations in the world will be destroyed in sorrow, pain and despair. The race as the carrier of civilization will be destroyed by despair, fear, curse and chaos in this cruel and painful destruction. Dominate.

The entire process will last decades, even hundreds of years.

In the end, out of despair, fear, curse, and chaos, out of the cries and pain of civilization, and out of the wreckage of the world, the old days were born.

Anyone who witnesses the actions of the Old Ones.

It is equivalent to looking directly at the death of that miserable world, witnessing the despair of that sad civilization, and feeling the fear, curse, whine and final madness of countless lives.

Hysterical despair and madness!

As a result, the witnesses themselves will be eroded and dominated by this madness.

And Ran Bing knows his own world.

It is the best breeding ground for the past.

And she is the best choice.

Therefore, she could not sleep and did not dare to sleep.

"I must find Umbrella's headquarters..."

"The disaster that ends all this..."

"Then let the world return to its original state..."

It's hard.

But she had to do it.

Otherwise, the world will inevitably die.

Human civilization will sadly become the hotbed of the past.

All survivors now will be devoured.

Turned into nutrients, became the source of fear and despair.

Therefore, she could only move forward firmly, stick to her beliefs.

Even though she could clearly feel that she was becoming increasingly dehumanized.

Yesterday, an eye grew on my hand.

The day before yesterday, there was a tentacle sticking out of the left side of his forehead.

And now...

There are more than a dozen meat balls on the soles of her feet, which are hatching.

She is distorted.

With each passing day, her identity as a human being diminishes.

And the traces of the past are becoming more and more obvious.

Her mother's love and attention for her are also growing day by day.


Ran Bing saw a shadow in the sandstorm.

She looked at the shadow.


A beast-like roar came from her throat.

The gun spirit in his hand transformed into a multi-barreled shotgun.

"Who?" Ran Bing tried his best to make a human voice and asked the shadow.

But the shadow disappeared with the wind.

Just leaves a little smell in the air.

There is a message in this smell.

Feeling the remaining information, his eyes slowly tightened.

"Is there someone from another world who might come to my world?"

Ran Bing grinned.

Her mouth, that little cherry mouth, was completely split open as if it had been cut with scissors.

But there was no trace of blood flowing out, and there was no trace of any cracks in the flesh.

There was only one tentacle growing out of her mouth.

The front sections of these tentacles were all split open.

Same as flower buds.


The beast-like roar shook the world!

This is a shock to visitors from another world.

It is also a warning to them.

If you dare to mess with her world, the world that you cherish and cherish.


Don't blame her for being heartless!

She is...

Daughter of the Supreme Mother Goddess…

The eldest princess of all black goat pups!

The person who is destined to become the Great Old One.


The wind blew across the highlands of Quel'Danas.

One after another, the sun elves faced the rising sun in the morning light.

They collectively saluted: "Praise the sun!"

Bathed in the sun, the golden well water was boiling by the pool of the Sun Well.

A small sapling swaying gently.

His root system penetrates deep into the well of the sun, constantly extracting energy from the void.

Its leaves emit a large amount of golden water mist.

This mist soaks into the skin of the Son of the Sun in the morning light.

Sylvanas opened her eyes suddenly.

She looked toward the Sunwell.

There are ripples in the golden well water.

The bookstore in the mist is looming in it.

She was prostrate, she was on her knees.

She also understood.

"Oracle!" Sylvanas looked at her people.

"March to Silithus!"

"March to the Beetle Wall!"

"For our Supreme!"

The Supreme Being is the bookstore owner in the mist.

It is also the existence that gives new life to the high elves.

The Kingdom of Quelnas, once ravaged by natural disasters, is now the 'Kingdom of Sun Elves'.

No one dares to threaten the safety of the kingdom and compatriots anymore.

Whether it's those despicable alliances or those barbaric tribes.

Or the Scourge, or the Burning Legion.

Under the blessing of the Supreme, the new sun elves have rebuilt their homes.


Under the guidance of the supreme mother tree beside the Sunwell.

Sylvanas knows.

Her supreme will come to this world.

Visit with His little cuties.

No one can be allowed to disturb the Supreme Being.

This is the only thing the sun elves can do for the Supreme.


Silithus must be cleared!


Whether it's an alliance or a tribe.

Natural disasters are still the masters of natural disasters.

Even the so-called Twilight's Hammer...

Die all!

Silithus will become the territory absolutely controlled by the sun elves!

Anyone who dares to stand in the way...

The sun elves will be torn apart!

Give them painful destruction!


Xiaoman climbed out of the loess.

A Shura monster with six arms, but a enchanting little face, full of temptation, and almost the same as a human woman descended from the sky.

Each of her arms held a demon.

The dying demon.

The demon was tortured by her until he had no strength to resist.

The six-armed Shura threw these demons in front of Xiaoman.

Without saying a word, she rose up again to hunt down the demon.

Xiaoman looked at the demons who had been completely imprisoned and sealed by Shura's magical power.

She walked over.

The soul fire rose on the long sword in his hand.

Blossoms of soul fire fell on those demons.

The soul fire burned.

None of these demons were spared. They had soul fire to ignite and became piles of burning firewood.

She took a deep breath and swallowed all the soul fire into her belly.

Then, she sat down cross-legged and began to digest.

This is already the twentieth day of Xiaoman's cooperation with that weird Shura.

If we count from the first meeting, it has been two months.

Over the past two months, Xiaoman and Shura have formed a strange symbiotic relationship.

These demons...

That Shura seemed to be swallowing and sucking something from these demons.


She couldn't really kill these demons.

All dead demons will return to the void.

But Xiaoman has soul fire, which can completely digest these demons.

As a result, the relationship between the two parties was extremely harmonious.

One side kills, the other burns.

It is precisely because of this that Xiaoman's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Now, the first killing pill has been condensed.

The name of this elixir is: Kill!

Killers unite!

Xuanjun took it as the foundation pill for himself.

Once a Killing Pill is achieved, all kinds of magical powers will arise spontaneously.

Therefore, Xiaoman's soul fire can now be used not only to capture souls.

It can also be used to burn salary.

It is the firewood for heaven and earth, copper for all things, and fire for yin and yang.

The more firewood you burn, the stronger the killing pill will be!

When the killing pill is burned to a certain limit, then Xiaoman can try to condense Xuanjun's second sword pill.

This is Xuanjun’s original cultivation method.

Don’t seek immortality, because you don’t need it.

With a sword in my hand, I am the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon.

Even time can be frozen with sword intent.

A mere amount of longevity is easily available.

Even Xiaoman now doesn't need to worry about longevity.

As long as she has firewood, she can live in the present forever.

In addition, Xuanjun does not seek magical powers.

The same is not needed.

A sword is enough!

If one sword cannot kill the enemy, it only means that it is not strong enough!

Beings like Xuan Jun can cut off the stars and burn the sun and the moon with one swing of their sword.

As for Xiaoman, he could barely cut a mountain with one sword.

Even if she faces a demon, she can still fight it.

Even the demon in the Nascent Soul Realm may not be defeated!

Only the weird six-armed Shura made Xiaoman unsure.

Because that thing gave Xiaoman an extremely weird feeling.

She seems to have a spiritual mind.

Even sober.

This is an ability that even those at the level of immortals and gods among the demons may not have.

While practicing Xuanjun's sword canon.

Let the blossoming soul fire travel through flesh and blood.

Let your sword intention, along with the soul fire, penetrate into your body, mind, and organs.

Lay a good foundation for the next sword pill.

On the other side of her, she was still thinking about the weirdness of the six-armed Shura.

"She and I... I'm afraid we are seeking skin from a tiger..."

This is obvious.

That thing is also constantly growing.

Moreover, because of Xiaoman, she can hunt those demons without any scruples.

I am becoming more and more courageous.

Twenty days ago, she only dared to hunt down those lone demons.

Now, they have dared to launch raids on each demon community.

If this continues...

One day, she will no longer need Xiaoman.

Xiaoman knew that Shura was not a human being.

can not believe!

But there is no way!

In the past twenty days, she has walked out of the mountains and came to this world.

The cities and villages here have all become ruins.

The shelter under the thick loess was covered with spider webs.

Various poisonous insects and plants are infested.

There seems to be no trace of human beings here.

Even the monsters have become extinct.

Therefore, even if she is seeking skin from a tiger, she has to do this!

Just thinking about this.

Xiaoman suddenly felt that the earth was pulsating.

Dong dong dong...

Dong dong dong...

In the pulsation of the earth, she heard the spinning of the bell mountain deep in the core of the earth.

She suddenly understood.

This is the sacred mountain jumping for joy.

The sacred mountain of Zhulong is cheering!

What to cheer for?

The door is opening!

Guests from the new world...are coming.

"New world?" Xiaoman frowned.

The ground beneath her feet gave her the answer.

That is the final destination of the sacred mountain.

It is also the place where the world is reborn.

One day.

This broken world will carry the sacred mountain in the core of the earth towards its ultimate goal.

Reunited with the long-separated brothers.

They will meet again!

The shattered world is finally united.

Because this is the law of the universe.

If we separate for a long time, we will unite and if we unite for a long time, we will separate!

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