Once upon a time, Emiya Shiro was just an ordinary high school student enjoying school and family.

But that sudden battle shattered his happiness.

In order to save Miyu, he broke into the ceremony called the Holy Grail War alone.

In the end, under the questioning of the enemy, he decided to save Miyu even if he became an 'evil'.

Just because she is his sister.

"It's really a sad memory. It has happened for a long time, but every memory seems to have just happened."

"It's really heavy!"

Looking at Fenn, who was charging towards the fallen fairy, and Grace, Burt, Tiona, Dione, Ais, Refia and others who were behind him.

Emiya Shirou clenched his fist tightly.

Hearing the beautiful voice of Riveria who had already started chanting magic beside him, Emiya Shirou couldn't help being slightly moved.

"—[The precursor of the end, the white snow]."

The beautiful melody echoed in Emiya Shirou's ears.

Looking at Riveria who was holding a magic wand and spreading out a huge magic circle at her feet, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but wonder what his own magic should be like.

With a smile, Shirou Emiya stretched out his palm, and with the surge of magic power, a white staff appeared in his hand.

Great elf, this is Riveria's staff.

This staff is the top existence in the entire Orario.

Emiya Shirou, who was using the staff for the first time, waved the weapon in his hand to familiarize himself with its feel.

Because he himself can project the experience of the weapon owner by projecting the weapon, so by projecting Rivilia's staff, he can quickly increase his magic experience, which is naturally what Shirou Emiya has to do.

Recalling Riveria's teachings, the magic power of all parts of the body began to condense, and Emiya Shirou, who was holding a staff, began to chant his own magic.

"【I used to be a messenger of justice, but I never persisted and abandoned my ideals.】"

The clear voice echoed in this space, and under Emiya Shirou's feet, the magic circle was slowly unfolding.

The magic that belongs to Shirou Emiya is starting.


"Follow me!"

"I'm here to open up the way for everyone!"

Charged right in front of the team, Finn, armed with two guns, kept charging. He knew very well that in his normal state, he couldn't break through the fallen fairy's attack instead of defense.

The endless tentacles are the biggest obstacle hindering their progress.

Therefore, he must go all out to break through the endless offensive of the enemy.

"Refia, start chanting in parallel, which kind of magic is up to you to decide!"


"For everyone else, we have to use offense instead of defense. Only when our offense is strong enough can he be powerless to interfere with Riveria and Shirou who are chanting behind him!"


"Ais, Bert, when the time comes, you two pay attention to the new species around you, don't let them disturb Shirou and the others."


After seeing that everything was arranged, Finn's smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he rushed towards the fallen fairy without hesitation.

Then, he started his own chant.

"[Magic Spear, accept my blood and pierce my forehead]."

Finn, who was running non-stop, chanted a super-short text as he advanced, and the blood-dyed magic light continuously gathered on his left hand.

He closed his eyes, turned his blood-red fingertips into sharp spear points, and pressed them against his forehead, and the light of magic power invaded his body immediately.

"[The Fierce Magic Spear]!"

The next moment, Finn's originally sharp green pupils were dyed a burst of red.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

The always calm leader of the little human race let out a violent roar like a berserker.

The ferocious magic spear, this is the magic that can guide the will to fight, the desire to fight, and greatly enhance the abilities of the warlock.

But as a price, the Warlock will lose his judgment.

In other words, Finn, as the leader of the Loki family, gave up his command at this moment and turned into a berserker just to open up the way for everyone.

Finn, who burst out with all his strength, rushed into the crowd of monsters unstoppably, waving his long spear non-stop.

Roland's Spear, an indestructible weapon specially made by Tsubaki, swept away thousands of troops.

In front of Finn, any new monster is vulnerable, and no existence can stop him.

Even with the tentacle attack of the fallen fairy, the berserk Finn is invincible.

Under the guidance of Finn, the tentacles that once blocked the progress of the Loki family can no longer stop their footsteps.

Beside Finn, blood and pieces of flesh were splashed everywhere, looking at the surrounding scene like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, Tiona and Tione who followed behind him couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

Although it was not the first time for them to see this kind of scene, no matter how many times, there would be a sense of fear every time.

Such a Finn is really terrible.

Finn, holding a spear, never stopped shouting along the way, with red eyes, he blindly pursued the monster's blood.

This ghostly appearance surprised even fallen fairies.

The tentacles she shot towards Finn and the others were continuously knocked away.

In the hands of Finn who holds two guns, one of the spears is Roland's gun forged by Tsubaki, and the other is his original weapon.

It was the first-level weapon with a golden tip and the name of courage, the Spear of Fortea.

This top-notch weapon of Orario kept preventing the fallen fairy from attacking.

This made the people of Loki's family get closer to the fallen fairy.

"But that's all for now!"

The fallen fairy who has completed the magic gathering announces the end of everyone.

"[Fire, come on—]"

Facing the advancing Loki family members, the fallen fairy began to chant again.

"[Burn, burn, burn, the vortex of flames, the wall of red lotus, the roar of karmic fire. Give me the power of a storm to block the world, burn up the sky, burn up the earth, burn up the ocean, burn up the lake, Burn up the mountain, burn up the life, turn everything into scorched earth, let out a roar of grief and anger, for the fallen hero (beloved)——]”

Under the high-speed chanting, the ultra-long text magic was quickly completed, and the huge magic circle included everything in it.

"Bombardment (magic) is coming!"

"This is really terrible!"

Although the crowd continued to move forward under the leadership of Finn, they were still about 100 meters away from the fallen fairy.

But at this distance of less than a hundred meters, there are still countless monsters forming a flesh wall, hindering everyone's progress.

Looking at the magic that was about to take shape, everyone's expressions twisted.

"[The concubine ordered in the name of the representative, and the concubine was named the elf of flame, the incarnation of flame, the queen of flame—]"

Seeing the huge magic power continuously expand with the chanting of the mantra, no matter whether it is the first-level adventurers charging ahead, or the supporters guarding behind.

Except Emiya Shirou and Riveria who were singing, everyone gasped.

But at this moment, Finn clenched the golden gun in his hand.

Without the ability to judge, he danced according to his intuition, gritted his teeth, turned his body into a ballista, and threw it with all his strength.


The golden radiance whizzed out, this is the throwing spear of the brave.

This shot broke through the air in an instant, turned into a flash of light and shot towards the fallen fairy.

This blow passed through the gap in the petal armor and inserted into the mouth of the fallen fairy who was singing.

Hitting, penetrating, the golden spear point pierces out from the medulla oblongata.

And at this moment, because the mouth was pierced, the fallen fairy's chant made a mistake, resulting in the accidental explosion of magic power.

In just an instant, a huge explosion exploded in the body of the fallen fairy.

The entire fallen fairy was burned in the flames.

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