I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 181 One hundred and seventy-fifth one-armed swordsman, Wallenstein

"Akatsuki Academy—that's their name, they attacked Pojun Academy."

Just as the members of the bus were caught in a slight commotion, Arisuin's cold voice resounded throughout the bus.

At the same time, the shadows of all the members of the bus were pierced with the tip of the dark hermit's knife.

"Huh!? Ai, Alice!?"

"How is this going?"

Except for Emiya Shirou, everyone lost their freedom of movement and fell into a state of turmoil.

Arisuin glanced over everyone, and then said:

"People will explain everything one by one, you should calm down and listen to what they say."

So he began to explain.

Yusuin's true identity is the killer of \u003cRebellion\u003e.

A certain organization hired \u003cRebellion\u003e in an attempt to mess up the Seven Star Sword Festival.

For this purpose, they send the elite of the underground world to the seven existing schools.

Arisuin even mentioned the threats and schemes that will happen ten minutes later: he will attack Ikki and his party.

"In other words, their duty is to wait for you to arrive at Pojun, hide behind you, and wait for an opportunity to seize your ability to act. Once the surprise attack is successful, this operation will be sure to win. This is why they entered Pojun Academy and approached you of."

"So you've been lying to us all this time!?"

"If this is just a joke, I hope you withdraw it immediately."

The faces of Stella and Ikki were full of embarrassment and bitterness.

But Arisuin still shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I am not joking. Everything I just said is true."

He asserted so.

Arisuin's unconcerned tone made the expressions of Stella and Ikki even more painful.

But on the other hand--

"I can't understand it."

Shizuku was probably the person present who had the deepest communication with Arisuin, but her expression was like the surface of water on a sunny day, without any fluctuation, and she asked a question lightly.

"Why do you say it now? If you disclose all this, wouldn't this battle be completely wasted?"

Indeed, as she said.

Arisuin himself said that his duty was to wait for Ikki and the others to arrive at Pojun, and wait for an opportunity to seize the mobility of the group from behind.

That being the case, the time for his betrayal was too early.

Shizuku's doubts came from this.

And Arisuin faced Shizuku and spoke quietly.

In his heart, he had already decided on his answer.

"Yes, indeed. That is to say, they want to ruin this plan."

There was no trace of confusion in his tone.

There was a sense of determination in his words.

Because these words undoubtedly came from Yusuin's sincerity.

He has made up his mind.

He wanted to ruin the plan completely.

As for the reason, of course it was for Shizuku Kurogane,

During this relationship with Kurotsuzuku, he seemed to see his former sisters.

Therefore, he really couldn't bear to destroy the ideal of the girl's beloved.

"I have already understood the general process of the matter. To be honest, I believe in Alice, but my opinion is just for your reference."

Walking out from the side, patted Nagi Arisuin on the shoulder, Emiya Shirou said seriously: "Now, I seem to have more important things to do."

After saying that, Emiya Shirou looked to the side of the bus.

There, a murderous aura enveloped only Emiya Shiro himself.

"Is it just targeting me alone, turning the tiger away from the mountain?"

Seeing that no one was moving around, Emiya Shirou already had an idea in his mind.

Although Shirou Emiya's movements were very flat, Nagi Arisuin was still taken aback.

"Why are you still moving, Shirou? Obviously, I have already fixed everyone's shadows with my shadows?"

While wondering, Arisuin Nagi looked to the side where he shot, and saw that his dagger was stuck in the ground, but there was no shadow on it.

"Although Alice's shot was sudden, in my opinion, your speed is still too slow. Naturally, I won't be caught so easily by you."

Smiling and patted Arisuin on the shoulder, Emiya Shirou's expression suddenly became serious.

"It seems that the people of Xiao Academy are very afraid of my strength? They have prepared an opponent specially for me!"


"Is there an enemy?"


Ignoring the reactions of everyone around him, Emiya Shirou opened the car door easily.

"Don't worry about me, I will deal with the opponents here, you just need to go back to school to deal with other opponents!"

"Brother, wait!"

"Be careful, Shirou!"

"Be careful, Emiya-san!"

After waving his hands to the people behind him, Emiya Shirou's figure quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After crossing a section of road, Emiya Shiro saw an opponent who released murderous aura towards him.

This is an ordinary middle-aged man holding a giant sword.

Although he looks ordinary, the murderous aura around him is the real thing.

"Are you calling me with murderous intent?"

"That's right!"

The middle-aged man in front of him said flatly.

"Although I don't know what kind of impact your existence will have on our plan, as long as you are excluded from the plan!"

Before the operation started, Shinomiya Amane, who has the ability to predict the future, informed everyone of Arisuin Nagi's betrayal.

Also, someone named Emiya Shiro will influence their plans.

Because of Emiya Shirou's identity as a demon, the ability of the causal interference system that targets him has been affected, so that Shinomiya Tianyin can't see his future clearly at all.

Therefore, everyone in Akatsuki Academy only knew that Emiya Shiro would affect their plans, but did not know how it would affect them.

In the end, the senior management of Akatsuki Academy decided to order Wallenstein, the teacher of Akatsuki Academy, to stop Emiya Shirou from getting involved in their specific plans.

Among them, Zi Naomiya Tianyin contributed the most. After all, it was the devil who made his ability react in this way before, which made him a little worried.

But considering Emiya Shiro's ability to copy others' abilities by projecting their inherent spiritual equipment.

This made it difficult for him to judge whether it was caused by the influence of other abilities.

Therefore, under the interference of his ability, Wallenstein appeared on the stage.

If Wallenstein is responsible, even if the other party is a demon, it will be Wallenstein's responsibility.

And that's why Wallenstein is really here.

"I am Wallenstein, one of the twelve apostles of \u003cRebellion\u003e, and I will keep you here."

Looking at the middle-aged man holding the giant sword high in front of him, Emiya Shirou couldn't help being stunned.


Hearing this name, Emiya Shirou immediately recalled that golden girl.

Ace Wallenstein.

That innocent girl who called her brother and was doted on by herself.

That is the treasure of their Loki family.

"Wallenstein? It's indeed a good name, but isn't it a little bad to use it on you, Mr. Terrorist!"

Shirou Emiya, who squinted his eyes, stared at the middle-aged man in front of him.

He already knew the identity of the other party.

\u003cRebellion\u003e Twelve Apostles, one-armed sword saint Wallenstein.

He had heard Edelweiss talk about the other party.

"When I heard your name, I already hated you very much. I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of me like this now."

A murderous aura slowly spread from Emiya Shirou's body.

And it keeps rising, spreading, and covering.

In the end, it fills all the surrounding spaces.

"You are looking for your own death!"

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