Ever since Tatsuka Fujimaru and his group of five went to the dense forest, Emiya Shirou took on the role of general guarding Uruk and stationed in the royal city.

After a few days of silence, the monsters born from Gorgon's power reappeared outside the north wall, making the north wall busy.

However, compared with the original trajectory, the north wall at this time is as solid as gold.

Because of Emiya Shirou's previous struggle, Leonidas, Ushiwakamaru, and Benkei are still alive at this time, and they are stationed there to guard the north wall.

Facing the three of them, as well as Zhucai and Limuru, as long as the person who came was not Enkidu or Gorgon himself, the north wall would never be breached.

And they should not attack until Gorgon's ten-day agreement arrives.

"In this way, it can be regarded as a few days of leisure!"

Walking on the streets of Uruk, Emiya Shirou kept looking around in all directions.

Now he is under the orders of Gilgamesh to investigate strange deaths in the city.

During this period of time, a large-scale death incident is taking place in Uruk.

After a day's work, those ordinary residents could never wake up once they fell asleep.

This kind of debilitating lethal event is really impossible to start with.

As the investigator sent by Gilgamesh, Emiya Shirou understood the whole story at a glance.

This is obviously Ereshkigal's ability.

Only she, as the hostess of the underworld, has this ability.

"Take away their lives silently in sleep, so that they don't have to feel pain? Is this your tenderness?"

Emiya Shirou was well aware of Ereshkigal's plan.

She wants these human beings on the ground to enter the underworld in the form of souls, so as to avoid this catastrophe.

After all, she knows very well that the ultimate enemy of this world cannot be defeated.

"This kind of direct divine power is powerless even for me!"

Feeling the evening breeze, just as Shiro Emiya was about to return to the Chaldean embassy, ​​the witch from the tower suddenly ran over and asked Shirou Emiya to rush to the tower quickly.

"Ha, King Gilgamesh is dead?"

Hearing this news, Emiya Shiro immediately rushed to the tower, where he saw soldiers, ministers and witches in a mess.

Looking at Gilgamesh placed on the stone platform, Emiya Shirou stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Calm down, now is not the time to panic."

"Lord Emiya!"

Seeing Shirou Emiya, the chief priest Siduri, who was in a panic, stepped forward and said, "Shirou Emiya, the king is dead, what should we do!"

Seeing the flustered and helpless expression of the usually calm and gentle chief priest, Emiya Shirou held her arms and said seriously: "Sidori, you are the person with the most authority here now that the king is dead."

"In this precarious moment, anyone can panic, but you can't!"

"You need to calm down as soon as possible."

Hearing Emiya Shirou's comfort, Siduri was shocked, and then gradually calmed down.

After wiping the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, she quickly returned to a calm state.

"Listen everyone, the news that the king is dead is not allowed to be told to anyone, otherwise it will be charged with treason! Did you hear that?"

"Yes, Siduri-sama!"

Hearing Siduri's order, the soldiers and ministers present quickly responded.

In this world with gods, theocracy and kingship have always been entangled.

The two compete with each other, and the winner has the right to decide.

As the representative of theocratic power within Uruk, Siduri, the chief priest, is the legitimate ruler here in the absence of Gilgamesh, who represents the royal power.

Moreover, the city god of Uruk is still active on the land at this time, and has joined Uruk's camp before.

In this case, if it weren't for Siduri's reverence for Gilgamesh, and it was Gilgamesh who represented the royal power, Uruk at this time would have been the situation where theocracy was supreme.

Seeing that the news was blocked, Siduri looked at Emiya Shirou and asked what to do next.

"Gilgamesh shouldn't have died normally. Although his work intensity is indeed very high, the same is true for a guy in Chaldea."

"As a human, he is not dead, let alone Gilgamesh as a demigod!"

Emiya Shiro gave the example of Romani Archman, also known as Roman, in Chaldea.

Although Roman's predecessor was the magic king Solomon, he is just an ordinary human being at this time.

After learning that human beings will usher in extinction, he began to study endlessly and was in a state of fatigue every day.

And after the human rescue started, he was working overloaded all the time.

Compared with him, Gilgamesh's workload is also worse.

In this case, Roman as a human is not dead, but Gilgamesh as a demigod is dead?

This is simply an insult to divinity.

Seeing that Siduri nodded, knowing that she understood, Hougong Shirou continued: "So the cause of the king's death should be the debilitating and fatal incident that happened in the whole city at this time."

"Debilitating and fatal event!?"

Siduri suddenly realized.

In fact, if it weren't for the panic caused by Gilgamesh's sudden death, Siduri should have seen the situation clearly.

But unfortunately, it was Gilgamesh who was the pillar of Uruk who died.

In this case, Siduri couldn't think at all.

After all, at this time, Gilgamesh was carrying the wishes of many people.

As in the original trajectory, after Merlin learned of Gilgamesh's death, he was usually calm and panicked.

Because in Merlin's heart, Gilgamesh is absolutely an existence that cannot die.

"That's right, it was the death caused by debilitation and death. I already have an idea of ​​this matter. This should be the work of Ereshkigal in the underworld."

"Through her Hades powers, she is constantly reaping the life of the infirm on the ground, allowing them to die peacefully in their sleep."

"And that's how King Gilgamesh should have died."

"Is there still a turning point?"

Seeing that it was done by the goddess, Siduri asked quickly.

"Of course there is a turning point. After all, King Gilgamesh is the center of the strategy, and he must not die before all necessary conditions are met."

"Now we can only wait for the return of Fujimaru Tachika and the others. Only the goddess Ishtar knows the way to the underworld."

"With her guidance, we should be able to organize people to go to the underworld to rescue King Gilgamesh's soul!"

"That's it! That's great!"

Seeing that Gilgamesh still had hope of coming back to life, Siduri was so excited that tears filled her eyes again.

"Don't get excited, there are still many things waiting for you to do now!"

"For example, protect the remains of King Gilgamesh and maintain the operation of Uruk during this time."

"These are inseparable from you!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's comfort, Siduri nodded excitedly with tears in her eyes: "Please leave it to me!"

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