I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 494: Crown Assassin First Generation Hassan

Speaking of the situation where the old man in black robe was called out just now, Emiya Shirou's face turned red involuntarily.

He did feel a little ashamed.

Before, he thought that the other party would ask him why he could see through his breath blocking after he came out.

Unexpectedly, the other party ignored him.

After thinking about this situation, Emiya Shirou came up with the answer.

That is, there is a clear difference between the direction you shout and the direction the other party is standing in.

And the other party, knowing that Emiya Shirou was talking nonsense, stepped out of the shadows and cut off the contract between Ereshkigal and the Three Goddess Alliance.

Thinking of what would have happened if the other party hadn't come out just now, Emiya Shirou would have used his feet to dig out three rooms and one living room in embarrassment.

"What? You mean breath blocking is at its peak?"

Thinking that even Chaldea's detection device could not detect the opponent's level of breath blocking, a shocking answer appeared in Roman's heart instantly.

Emiya Shirou's answer confirmed his thoughts even more.

"That's right, just as you imagined, Roman. It's the big man who came."

"Is it really him?"

Roman's voice was full of excitement.

"Hey, what kind of charades are you two playing! If you have something to say, please speak up, and the riddlers get out of here!"

Ishtar, who was very interested in the identity of the black-robed old man, shouted loudly behind Emiya Shirou with his arms akimbo.

Regarding this, Fujimaru Tachika and the others on the side kept nodding their heads.

Seeing this, Emiya Shirou didn't try to keep his mouth shut, but said directly: "He is the same level as Tatsuka and your last opponent, Crowned Caster Magic King Solomon."

"The first generation of Assassin, Hassan."

"Crown Assassin!?"

"The original Hassan!?"

Sure enough, after hearing Emiya Shirou's introduction, whether it was Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Fujimaru Tachika, and Mash all screamed.

Even Gilgamesh on the side couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly, but it didn't show on his expression.

After all, the appearance of the Crown Servant is indeed shocking.

Although both Gilgamesh and Merlin are candidates for the crown position.

But candidates are candidates after all, as long as they have not become true crown servants, their spiritual foundations are no different from those of ordinary servants.

While being shocked, the corners of Gilgamesh's mouth raised slightly.

The appearance of the first generation of Hassan will greatly increase their chances of successfully defeating Tiamat.

It was a variable he hadn't seen before.

Before Fujimaru Tachika and others arrived, Gilgamesh had already seen the future.

And made sufficient preparations for this battle, but even this still could not defeat Tiamat.

What he needs are variables.

Now, this variable has appeared with the arrival of Fujimaru Tachika and others, how can this not make Gilgamesh excited!

"Is it the original Hassan?"

For this first-generation Hassan, both Fujimaru Tachika and Mash had heard of his name at the last singularity.

That is the existence that everyone in Hassan fears.

"Yes, he is the original Hassan!"

"And he appeared here precisely because of his fate with you, Lixiang! He was attracted by you and came to this singularity."

"At the same time, it is also our greatest help in this singularity."

Shirou Emiya knew very well that Tiamat would have been impossible to defeat without the first blow of Hassan giving up his crown.

After explaining to them, Emiya Shirou walked up to Ereshkigal and extended his palm to her.

"Come on Ellie, let's sign a contract!"


Ereshkigal, who was meditating, was taken aback. He looked at Emiya Shirou's palm, and hesitated to reach out.

"What? As a goddess, do you want to renege on your debt?"

Emiya Shirou said excitedly.

"Who would renege on that!"

Being perfectly stimulated, Ereshkigal stretched out his palm and placed it on Emiya Shirou's palm.

The next moment, her palm was tightly held by Emiya Shirou.

Her face was also flushed again, she shyly turned her face to one side, not daring to look at Shirou Emiya.

As Emiya Shirou operated the contract, the magic power of the two began to connect.

Feeling the magic connection in his body, Emiya Shirou said with a smile: "From today onwards, we will be eternal companions, please give me your advice in the future!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words that sounded like a confession, Ai Lei Nuo Nuo responded: "Yes! Please give me your advice."

"Ah, perfect perfect!"

On the way back to the ground, Emiya Shiro and his party were in a particularly happy mood.

Their original purpose of going to the underworld this time was just to rescue Gilgamesh, but now they have overfulfilled the task.

Not only saved Gilgamesh, but also subdued Ereshkigal, completely disintegrating the alliance of the three goddesses.

Such achievements are not insignificant.

"It's a pity that Miss Ereshkigal did not go to the ground with us. I really want her to see the scene on the ground with her own eyes!"

Matthew said regretfully.

"No way, as the hostess of the underworld, she is destined to be busy in this era where people are constantly dying, and she will also release the souls that she has collected."

"Besides that, the most important thing is that she can't exert much strength on the ground. In this case, she might as well stay in the underworld to support us at any time."

"As for appreciating this world? After we have defeated all the enemies and repaired this singularity, we have plenty of time to take her to experience this world."

Walking at the front of the line, Shirou Emiya said lightly.


Fujimaru Tachika nodded.

She agrees with Emiya Shirou's statement, after all, the outside world is facing a decisive battle with Gorgon, and no one has time to accompany her to enjoy and play.

Moreover, the current world is full of death and struggle. In such an atmosphere, even Ereshkigal will not be happy!

"Speaking of which, Ishtar, you have been to the underworld in the myth. You should have known that Ereshkigal hated you, so why did you challenge the underworld?"

Hearing Gilgamesh's question, everyone looked at Ishtar with curious eyes.

Regarding this, Ishtar said with some embarrassment: "There is no reason, of course it is because I don't like it!"

"Being ordered by the gods to not leave the underworld or something, once I hear about such hateful things, I can't sit idly by. It's just a mere underworld, why don't you just leave it alone and come out?"

"I went to the Underworld to meet Ereshkigal just to say that."


After some silence, everyone burst into laughter.

"It really fits your style! Ishtar."

"That's right, that's right!"

"It is indeed Miss Ishtar's style!"

The one who laughed the most was Gilgamesh.

"Ahahahahaha! In the end, he was stripped naked and brutally killed. It's really hopeless!"

"This way of finding faults is indeed your style. No wonder Ereshkigal is irritated by you. If it can be done, who would work so hard!"

"But judging from the results, you have succeeded!"

After a big laugh, Emiya Shirou said with emotion.

"Right, so I won in the end. No matter what the form is, she still left the underworld after all."

Ishtar said happily with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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