With Emiya Shirou doing his best, the storm began to spread from his body, and continued to expand.

This storm born from Emiya Shirou's body began to grow continuously after it came into contact with the outside wind.

All Rahmu who touched the storm were smashed to pieces.

Seeing this, it wasn't that there was no will, and the Rahmu, who saw the situation was not good, quickly flew out.

After all, Shirou Emiya's attack had already proved his strength. Even though Rahmu had an absolute advantage in numbers at this time, he was still unmatched in front of Shirou Emiya.

Storm, thunder, flame!

These three terrifying natural disasters continuously harvested Rahmu's life.

Finally, these Rahmu felt the fear from the bottom of their hearts, and dodged one after another.

As a result, the storm continued to expand without any hindrance, until it involved Emiya Shirou and Tiamat, it stopped expanding and remained there.

In this way, Emiya Shirou sealed Tiamat in the storm at his own expense.


It's someone else's idea.

But in reality, Emiya Shirou was sitting on Tiamat's shoulders, resting on her neck.


"What? You asked me what I want to do? Of course it's cooking! As a chef who loves to eat, I haven't eaten for several days."


"Ah!? You want to eat too? But the ingredients I prepared are not enough for you to stuff between your teeth!"


"Yes yes yes! I do it, can't I do it? Don't shake around!"


In this way, on the shoulders of Tiamat, Emiya Shiro once again put on the crown chef hat and started his career as a chef.

As for Tiamat, just watching Emiya Shirou's movements, his eyes were full of tenderness.

In this familiar silence, Tiamat felt an unprecedented feeling, and that joy made her extremely satisfied.

She understood that this was the happiness she had ever expected.

"According to what I saw with clairvoyance, Shirou created a storm at this time and surrounded himself and Tiamat in order to stop Tiamat's advance."

"At this moment, there is no aura of fighting in the storm, and it is very likely that there is a strike. In short, everything is developing in a good direction."

After telling everyone the information he saw with clairvoyance, Merlin began to think secretly.

In fact, when he first saw Emiya Shirou, Merlin felt Tiamat's aura from him. If it wasn't for the fact that Emiya Shirou was still holding Quezal and Leopard in his hands at that time, Merlin would have thought that Wei Gong Shirou was contracted by Tiamat!

But Merlin quickly saw through Emiya Shirou's current situation and speculated about his experience.

Therefore, regarding the situation inside the storm, Merlin guessed that there was no battle.

"Really? As expected of the king's hero, Shirou Emiya! Hahaha!"

Gilgamesh, sitting on the throne, laughed proudly.

Because of the appearance of Emiya Shirou, the situation here in Mesopotamia at this time happened so smoothly, which was something that Gilgamesh did not dare to think about before.

You know, even the best ending in the future he saw before was much worse than this.

But now, everything has changed.

Although Gilgamesh is not afraid of death, he is willing to sacrifice his life to defeat Tiamat.

But if she could defeat Tiamat alive, she would not refuse.

After all, if you can live, who would seek death for nothing?

"In this way, what we need to beware of now is Rahmu. Although Quetzal and Senior Shirou have cleaned up in a wide range, their number is still extremely large!"

Summarizing the status quo, Fujimaru Tatsuka reminded.

"However, our current personnel are also very abundant. Although we can't stop Tiamat's advance, the victory rate of defending Rahmu's attack is still extremely high in one day!"

"In this way, as long as Miss Ereshkigal moves to the underworld one day later, we will be able to successfully push Tiamat to a dead end."

Clapping excited hands together, Matthew said excitedly.

"But it's just the easiest step in the whole plan. After all, we still need to face Tiamat's attack and defeat her in the underworld!"

Shaking his head, Merlin, who was worried about the swelling of the crowd, struck.

"Okay, don't say such depressing words at this time!"

Patting the armrest on the throne, Gilgamesh said with a smile: "Celebrate when it's time to celebrate, don't think so much!"

"But let's put this celebration after the victory first, let's equip ourselves for defensive battles!"

"Our enemy has come again!"

Looking back, everyone saw the densely packed Rahmu group that was rapidly approaching.

At this time, the theocracy seal on the city wall of Uruk has been lit up under the operation of the soldiers, ready to launch at any time.

"Rahmu is here! Everyone, let's defend the city!"

Following Fujimaru Tachika's shout, everyone quickly ran out to the city wall to preside over the defense work.

Watching the disappearing backs of Fujimaru Tachika and the others, Gilgamesh smiled contemptuously and stood up from the throne.

"King, what are you going to do?"

Siduri, who was standing on the side of the throne, asked nervously.

Unlike usual, at this time Gilgamesh was showing a fighting spirit all over his body.

"I can't help it, Siduri!"

Gilgamesh spread his hands and smiled helplessly: "Because of Emiya Shirou, this battle went very smoothly, and this battle at this time is already the last battle on the ground."

"Originally, I planned to play again at the last moment and perform well, but now I don't have that chance."

"If I don't participate in this battle, I will sit here until the finale! This is not what I want!"

Holding the slate in his hand, Gilgamesh stood in front of the window and smiled back, "Let me make a big fuss at the end, Siduri!"

Seeing Wang's smile, Siduri was stunned for a moment, then said with the same smile: "I wish you prosperous martial arts, Wang!"

"Damn, this number is too much!"

Wearing the armor given by Shirou Emiya, Tatsuka Fujimaru followed Mash and fought in a team with her.

At this moment, although everyone is already working hard, the situation on the scene is still not very good.

After all, there are too many Rahmu in the sky, and there are more Rahmu rushing here.

Among the crowd, Quetzal and Ishtar, who are the strongest, are also having a hard time.

The former had almost exhausted its mana in the previous Noble Phantasm release.

The latter's magic power has already been accumulated, waiting to give Tiamat the final blow to break into the underworld, so it can't exert its full power.

In addition, what makes everyone even more uncomfortable is the lack of the seal of theocracy.

In the previous battles, most of the soldiers who could use the theocratic seals were killed, so that there were less than a hundred activated theocratic seals at this time.

This made Uruk's side lose a lot of firepower.

"Damn it, there is no way to go on like this! Merlin, think about it, is there any good way!"

"Even if you ask me that, there's nothing I can do!"

Merlin, who was already fully supporting everyone, shouted helplessly.

But at this moment, all the unmanned theocratic seals on the city wall suddenly moved, and then tilted their firepower towards Rahmu in the sky.

"This is!?"

"Of course it's my king!"

Amid high laughter, Gilgamesh holding a slate stood in everyone's eyes.

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