I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 532 The Immortal Darius and the Origin Bullet

Being able to foresee the end of the world thousands of years ago shows that Ainsworth's ancestors were by no means ordinary existences.

Hearing the speculations of Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin, everyone present couldn't help thinking.

After a moment of silence, Angelica, who was sitting quietly listening, suddenly opened her mouth and said, "The ancestor of Ainsworth was named Darius."


Hearing Angelica's words, Tohsaka Rin and others present couldn't help but exclaimed.


Pressing his hand on the table, Tohsaka Rin's body couldn't help but lean forward.

"Darius is not Julian. Does your father's name still exist? And Julian was also pretending to be Darius before. What's going on!"

Long before Emiya Shiro returned, Rin Tohsaka and others began to explore the secrets of this world.

So they learned a lot from Miyu.

"Darius was the father of all the Anzworths."

Tanaka, who was sitting quietly listening, said suddenly.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Seeing this, everyone present turned their attention to Tanaka, obviously the information she spoke of made everyone very interested.

But facing everyone's questioning eyes, Tanaka's face was full of doubts.

"Oh? Yes! What does that mean?"

Seeing that Tanaka himself was also looking puzzled, Ilya on the side complained loudly: "I actually lost my memory at this time."

In this regard, everyone could only shake their heads helplessly.

Obviously, they are very aware of Tanaka's unreliability.

"That's not just pretending to be Darius!"

It was Angelica who spoke.

It's just that it's different from the emotionless voice just now, her voice is full of tremors at this time.

"There is no doubt that it was Darius himself."

"No matter which heir to the Ainsworth family, he will eventually be replaced by Darius Ainsworth."

"This is not the inheritance through blood, but the eternal existence of the individual. This is the continuous history from the first generation of the Ainsworth family."

"Using the continuation of the family to achieve eternal life?"

Rin Tohsaka said in surprise.

Although know that the world of magicians is full of all kinds of cruel and unsensible behavior.

But this kind of guy who achieves immortality through blood sacrifices to relatives is indeed very frightening.

After all, according to common sense, every heir of Ainsworth replaced by Darius should be his own son or daughter.

But he didn't hesitate at all, and just kept replacing them like this.

"It's cruel! The Audsworth family."

Elijah couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Although it appears that the purpose of the Ainsworth family is to save the world, Darius has lived for thousands of years, and no one knows what he is thinking."

"That's why Master Julian wants to complete the Holy Grail ceremony before he still has self-awareness."

"It wasn't for Darius, it was for the boy."

The so-called child was Erika Ainsworth.

On the surface, she is Julian's sister.

But Emiya Shiro knew that she was actually Pandora, the witch bestowed on mankind by the gods in the Age of Gods.

Although this name is the same as one of Emiya Shirou's step-mothers in the Godslayer world, they are actually completely different existences.

Pandora in Godslayer is the real goddess.

After all, the history of the Godslayer world is always so surprising.

For example, Athena, Metis and Medusa are the same person or something.

"Iliasviel, if you said that the world and mankind must be saved, then I beg you, save my brother!"

While saying the words of request, Angelica had tears of sorrow in her eyes.

"Really? I didn't expect Illya to be so bold!"

"Yeah! We were all stunned at the time, 'this world and Meiyu must be saved' or something, it really made my blood boil."

In Emiya Shirou's bedroom, Sakura made a bed for Emiya Shirou while explaining with a smile.

At this point, the table meeting is over.

Rin Tohsaka and the others have already returned to their rooms, thinking about themselves.

Sakura, who followed Emiya Shiro to the bedroom, continued to explain to Emiya Shiro their experiences during this time, which made Emiya Shirou's understanding of the current situation clearer.

Emiya Shirou, who was dual-purpose, listened to Sakura's explanation, while taking out the box he had brought back from the warehouse.

Opening the box, what Emiya Shirou saw was a yellow bullet.

This is the relic of Emiya Shirou's adoptive father, Emiya Kiritsugu.

Its name is Origin Bullet.

This is Emiya Kiritsugu's strongest weapon, and his bone powder is contained in the bullet.

Emiya Kiritsugu has a special origin attribute, which is the composite attribute of 'cutting' and 'joining'.

Therefore, this bullet will materialize Kiritsugu's "origin" to the "hit" object.

If the origin bomb hits the body of a living being, the hit person will find that there is neither wound nor bleeding in the hit part, but the hit part becomes like a necrotic old wound.

The surface seems to be healed, but the nerves and capillaries have lost their original functions due to inaccurate regeneration.

Moreover, this bullet with the function of concept arming will pose a more serious threat to the magician.

If the magician uses magic to change the trajectory of the origin bullet (including resisting), it will cut off the magician's magic circuit, and then simply connect it roughly, causing the opponent's whole body magic circuit to short-circuit and run away, thus achieving the goal of destroying the opponent.

In Fate/Zero, Emiya Kiritsugu defeated the genius monarch Kenneth of the clock tower by virtue of the origin bullet, making Weber inherit the name of El-Melloi II in the future.

And the reason why Wei Gong Shirou took it out was for the subsequent battle.

If you want to save Julian, you need to strip Darius from him first.

But Angelica once said before that even Medea's Talisman of Destroying All Laws could not destroy Darius' concept of replacement.

It can be seen from this that in the past history of Ainsworth, it is not that no one has raised the idea of ​​​​resistance.

However, Shirou Emiya is not surprised by this, he can roughly guess it by looking at the masterpiece rank card of the Ainsworth family.

After all, it can be seen how thorough Darius' research on heroic spirits is.

In this case, a targeted treasure like the Talisman of Breaking All Laws may not be able to harm Darius.

If you want to defeat him with the power of the heroic spirit, I am afraid that you can only crush him with pure violence.

But Emiya Shiro didn't believe that Darius didn't tamper with these class cards.

I'm afraid he can easily destroy these class cards.

After all, as the producer of these dangerous weapons, Shiro Emiya does not believe that he has no countermeasures.

Wanting to defeat Darius with a class card is simply whimsical.

But no matter what, Darius is a magician after all.

In this way, the bullet that is not the origin of the Noble Phantasm can exert unexpected effects.

"I didn't expect Kiritsugu to leave the weapon to save the world in the end!"

Looking at the origin bomb in his hand, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but raise a slight smile.

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