There is food in a tin bag.

The young people surrounding Zhang Cheng were ready to make a move.

They were all so hungry that their faces were yellow and their muscles were thin.

Looking at Zhang Cheng again, he is tall and looks good, and he doesn't look like he has been hungry at all.

The middle-aged man said: "The resources are shared among the team, and our food will be shared with you."

Zhang Cheng asked: "What if I refuse to join? Will you rob me by force? Or have you already robbed me several times?"

The middle-aged man's face darkened and he said: "Now is the end of the world. Everyone is in difficulty. It is natural to form a group and help each other. Do you want to live alone?"

These words are righteous and full of positive energy!

Since it sounds so nice, why do you still ask people to put down their knives and sticks?

Zhang Cheng said: "How about this, you give me the woman, and I will give you food."

I heard Zhang Cheng wanted a woman.

Some women shrank back, and some even pointed at Zhang Cheng and scolded him for being shameless.

This team is completely different from Yang Qinghu’s team.

This group of people is just a bunch of rabble.

However, they did snatch it.

In other words, he threatened other survivors with violence to get them to join.

It should be similar to the survivors in the Sycamore Garden.

However, the survivors in front of me had a worse life.

They should escape from the neighborhood and hide in Forget Tonight.

However, forget about the food tonight, it should be almost consumed.

The middle-aged man's face was ugly: "Young man, your request is too much."

"I don't think so." Zhang Cheng shrugged. From the conversation just now and the reactions of the women, he already knew this team.

This team gathered these people in the name of 'unity' and also used coercion.

To maintain team harmony.

The men are quite restrained towards the women, and so far, no rape has occurred.

However, it is not difficult to understand.

Only when you are well fed and clothed can you think about lust.

They starve every day and survive under the threat of zombies.

I have no intention of engaging in male-female affairs.

At this time, a round-faced man couldn't wait to say: "Director Zhang, what are you talking about with him? Just take action and snatch his bag."

This is the end of the world.

Even within the team, men's daily food quota is twice as much as that of women and children.

But the men also have emaciated limbs.

Looking at Zhang Cheng again, he is definitely a fat sheep.

Zhang Cheng sighed and said: "Hey, indeed, in the apocalypse, reasoning is useless. It can only waste bullets."

Just when the men were about to take action, Director Zhang quickly stopped the round-faced man: "Xiao Chen, don't be impulsive."

Xiao Chen was Director Zhang's driver.

I saw Zhang Cheng pull out the Glock 18 from his waist.

Pulling the slide open easily, the sound of the bullet being loaded is so clear.

This guy has a gun!

The men surrounding Zhang Cheng all began to retreat.

They are ordinary people, and they get scared when they see guns.

Zhang Cheng raised his gun and aimed at Xiao Chen.

Although Director Zhang was also scared, he hurriedly came to persuade Zhang Cheng: "Young man, don't shoot, it's all a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Zhang Cheng frowned slightly, then stepped forward, put the gun between Director Zhang's eyebrows, and pulled the trigger.

Director Zhang was killed with one shot.

He doesn't care what Director Zhang did before the end of the world.

Now is the end of the world, Zhang Cheng has a gun in his hand, Zhang Cheng is the biggest.


The woman let out a shrill scream.

At this time, Zhang Cheng fired two more shots in succession.

Hit Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen fell to the ground, not directly dead, but the wound kept bleeding.

"627 I don't kill women, and I don't kill children!"

"Women, and children, please go upstairs."

Zhang Cheng said as he shot the man in the yard.

Although he is alone, he is as calm as a killer.

Every time he pulled the trigger, he took it easy.

In the last days, he has killed quite a few people.

Although he did not burst out with 'murderous intent', what is the difference between him and the God of Death now?

Those men didn't even have the courage to face him.

boom! boom! boom!

The bullet casing flew away and landed on the floor with a crisp clanking sound.

Empty the Glock's bullets.

Zhang Cheng directly replaced it with a stick.

Caught up with the guy who was trying to run out.


Cleansing zombie muscle memory.

Let Zhang Cheng swing the stick without hesitation.

The stick hit the men directly on the head.

The brain blossoms.

After being knocked down with a stick.

Zhang Cheng added another stick.

Must be dead!

Moreover, based on the experience last time, he closed the door first this time.

So many bullets were wasted, and if not a single woman was caught, it would be all in vain.

Chapter 148 Women and children are trophies!

Outside the gate, many zombies heard the gunshots and the woman's screams, and had already gathered.

However, Zhang Cheng had already tied the door in advance.

After the door is tied, zombies cannot enter temporarily.

And those survivors who wanted to escape Forget Tonight couldn't escape either.

The baseball bat in Zhang Cheng's hand was bright red.

This baseball bat belongs to Chen Tianhu, and Zhang Cheng has always kept it.

Although he still has a metal one, it is not as handy as wood.

Now, there are three men alive.

Behind these men, there are seven women and a child.

However, judging from the positions of men and women, these people are not from the same family.

"Brother, let us go."

"Yes, it was Director Zhang who wanted to snatch your bag. I was also coerced by him."

"Brother, we will all follow you from now on, don't kill us."

The three men had already lost their sticks and knives. You and I tried to persuade Zhang Cheng to let them go.

Moreover, their attitude has shown that they are willing to surrender.

As for resistance? They didn't think about it.

Zhang Cheng had a gun in his hand, and he looked like he had just killed someone, neatly!

It was too cruel!

Two companions were directly hit on the head by him with a stick.

My brain went crazy.

Moreover, after one stick, another stick was immediately added.

It's obviously not the first time he kills someone.

Zhang Cheng pointed at the three men with a stick and asked: "Are they your women?"

The three men immediately shook their heads, and one of them, a taller one, said directly: "I experienced the same thing as you just now. I was forced to join later."

Zhang Cheng asked again: "Are any of them related to those men? Tell them and I will let you go."

The three men who were still alive thought that Zhang Cheng wanted to eradicate the problem.

At this time, in order to survive, they did not dare to hide it, so they pointed at a woman with black curly hair and said, "That woman named Wu Meiling has a good relationship with Director Zhang."

Another man added: "Yes, yes, she not only has a good relationship with Director Zhang, but also sleeps with Chen Yunping."

The woman who was named was extremely anxious.

Immediately explain to Zhang Cheng: "Brother, Director Zhang and I don't have that kind of relationship, and it was Chen Yunping who forced me to sleep with him. I didn't do it voluntarily, you believe me."

Zhang Cheng looked at the other women and asked, "Is what she said true? Or are they true?"

The women looked at me and I looked at you, some nodded, some hesitated.

Zhang Cheng looked at the short and thin man again: "Who else here is family, relative, or friend to those men just now? Tell them and I will let you go."

The short and thin man shook his head and said decisively: "There is only that Wu Meiling."

"Yeah." Zhang Cheng looked at the others and pointed at them with the baseball bat in his hand: "There is only one chance. Report each other. Whoever has anything to do with the dead man, I will let him go."

I heard Zhang Cheng say this.

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

Zhang Cheng said to the short and thin man: "Who is that?"

The short and thin man hurriedly replied: "Brother, my name is Zhou Zhikuan."

Zhang Cheng said: "Wait at your door for a while."

Zhou Zhikuan thought Zhang Cheng had let him go, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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